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Microservice solutions using Redis

Sample Ecommerce application built to demonstrate redis solutions to solve common problems in microservice architecture.

Following are the Microservice tutorials referring this application :

Tech stack

  • Front end : built using nextJs and Tailwind
  • Backend : built using express (nodejs)
  • Database : Prisma (MongoDB, Postgresql ..etc) , Redis

Manage application

Start application

# to start docker app
docker compose up -d


  • Can view MongoDB data in MongoDB compass at URI mongodb://localhost:27017/dbFashion?directConnection=true

    • If postgresql, connection url is postgresql://prisma:prisma@localhost:5432/dbFashion?schema=public
  • Can view Redis data in RedisInsight at localhost with port 6379

  • Can change above connection details or ports by the environment variables in .env file

Other commands

# to stop docker app
docker compose down

# to stop & also delete volumes (mongodb & redis data)
docker compose down -v

# to rebuild all images & start
docker compose  up -d --build

# to rebuild image of specific service (after any code changes)
docker-compose build --no-cache <service_name>
# example
docker-compose build --no-cache orders-service

To change Database

  1. Configure DATABASE_URL in root .env file
# OR
  1. Run specific db schema generation
npm run mongodb-schema
# OR
npm run relational-schema

Note : above command copies database prisma schema file to various services (orders, payments..etc) and generate prisma types

  1. Start docker
docker compose up -d --build

View database

-For MongoDB, download mongodb compass and connect with url mongodb://localhost:27017/dbFashion?directConnection=true

  • For postgresql, connection url is postgresql://prisma:prisma@localhost:5432/dbFashion?schema=public

    • Current application contains pg admin GUI (docker) for postgres, if you want to use same then perform following

      1. open http://localhost:5200/ in browser & enter below details
      password: password
      1. Add new db server -> connection details
      hostname: host.docker.internal
      port: 5432
      username: prisma
      password: prisma

Repo formatting

Run prettier on all the files with the following:

npm i

npm run format

API docs

All API docs are available at /docs/api folder

Database Product list

Smaller dataset of products is used for the demo, but refer database docs to add larger dataset easily

Main folder structure

  • cdn : Contains product images to be served to client (UI)
  • client : frontend of the application
  • database : To seed initial products data
  • docs : API documentation
  • server/ :
    • services : Some microservices of ecommerce app
    • api-gateway : Sample http proxy in-front of micro services
    • common : Shared files among microservices



  • Dashboard: Shows the list of products with search functionality

    redis microservices e-commerce app frontend products page

  • Chat bot: The chat bot is available on the bottom right corner of the page. It can be used to search for products and view the product details.

    redis microservices e-commerce app frontend chat bot

    Clicking on a product in the chat shows the product details on dashboard

    redis microservices e-commerce app frontend product details

  • Shopping Cart: Add products to the cart, then check out using the "Buy Now" button redis microservices e-commerce app frontend shopping cart

  • Order history: Once an order is placed, the Orders link in the top navigation bar shows the order status and history

    redis microservices e-commerce app frontend order history page

  • Admin: The admin link in the top navigation bar shows purchase stats and trending products.

    redis microservices e-commerce app frontend admin page redis microservices e-commerce app frontend admin page

  • Settings: To control UI features


and so on


  • products table


  • orders table


  • orderProducts table


  • payments table



  • products table


  • orders table


  • orderProducts table


  • payments table



  • order-with-products


  • transaction-stream
