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72 lines (53 loc) · 2.95 KB

Applitrack UI Tests

UI automation tests for AppliTrack. This project uses Selenium and the Page Object Design Pattern.

Project Contents

This project is organized into several folders:

  • DataFiles/ - Contains text files listing all browsers available for testing. NOTE This has not been implemented yet.
  • DataGenerators/ - Contains classes that generate data for use in test cases, for example, UserData.cs generates data needed to create a user.
  • Helpers/ - Contains helper classes to perform some common tasks such as switching between IFrames, switching and closing windows, etc.
  • PageObjects/ - Classes that contain UI Maps and Methods for pages in AppliTrack.
  • TestCases/ - Contains all the current test cases.
  • WorkFlows/ - Contains common workflows, for example, LoginWorkflows.cs contains methods to login as different types of users.

Getting Started

Clone the project:

git clone

Set up visual studio to use the Frontline Artifactory server:

  1. Open Visual Studio NuGet / Library Package Manager.
  2. Select Highlight Online and Select Settings.
  3. Select the <+> button to add a new source:
  4. Install the Frontline Automation package.
    • This will install the required Selenium and Selenium Support Dependencies.
    • The Automation.dll should register as a reference in the projects.


This project uses SlowCheetah to create tranformations of App.config files.

The App.config contains all configuration options for the project. All other files inherit these values. - Modify the BrowserType value to choose the browser the tests will execute on, i.e. Chrome, Firefox, etc.

There is also an AppSettingsSecrets.config file in the same folder as ApplitrackUI_Automation.sln. This file contains sensitive configuration items such as license keys that we do not want persisted in GitHub. Please see a current team member for correct development values for this file.

The naming convention for transorms is as follows: <Server>-<Grid/Local>-<Environment>

  • <Server> - what server the test will run on, i.e. AWS QA, QA, Staging, or Production.
  • <Grid/Local> - whether the tests will run locally or on the grid.
  • <Environment> - if the tests run in a specific environment, e.g. Frontline Central integration, Jefferson.

Current Configs

Production -

  • Prod-Grid
  • Prod-Local
  • Prod-Grid-Integration
  • Prod-Local-Integration

AwsQA -

  • AwsQA-Grid
  • AwsQA-Local

QA -

  • QA-Grid
  • QA-Local
  • QA-Grid-Integration
  • QA-Local-Integration

Stage -

  • Stage-Grid
  • Stage-Local
  • Stage-Grid-Integration
  • Stage-Local-Integration
  • Stage-Grid-Jefferson
  • Stage-Local-Jefferson