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NodeJS Backend Assessment

NEON DB Connection

  • Initialization: The connectDB function initializes the database connection. It creates a connection pool utilizing the connection string retrieved from the environment variables.

  • Connection Pool: Utilizing a connection pool enables the reutilization of multiple connections, thereby enhancing efficiency and performance.

  • Error Handling: Error handling mechanisms are incorporated to log any connection errors to the console. If the connection fails, the process is terminated gracefully.

  • Export: The module exports the pool and connectDB functions, enabling other components of the application to access the database connection.

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Database Tables

  • Course Table

    • Stores information about courses available on the platform.
    • Columns:
      • id: Auto-incrementing unique identifier for each course.
      • title: Title of the course.
      • category: Category of the course.
      • level: Level of difficulty for the course.
      • description: Description of the course.
  • Enrollment Table

    • Tracks user enrollments in courses.
    • Columns:
      • id: Auto-incrementing unique identifier for each enrollment.
      • user_id: Foreign key referencing the user enrolled in the course.
      • course_id: Foreign key referencing the course the user is enrolled in.
      • enrollment_date: Timestamp indicating when the enrollment was made.
  • User Table

    • Stores information about users registered on the platform.
    • Columns:
      • id: Auto-incrementing unique identifier for each user.
      • name: Name of the user.
      • email: Email address of the user.
      • password: Encrypted password of the user.
      • refresh_token: Refresh token for JWT authentication.



    npm run dev

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  • Authentication Middleware
    • Handles user authentication using JWT tokens.
    • Verifies the JWT token provided in the request headers.
    • Fetches user details from the database based on the token.
    • Sets the req.user object for authenticated routes.


  • Course Controller

    • Manages CRUD operations for courses.
    • Implements logic for fetching, creating, updating, and deleting courses.
    • Handles requests related to courses from the client.
  • User Controller

    • Manages user-related operations such as registration and profile management.
    • Implements logic for user registration, fetching user profiles, and updating user profiles.
    • Handles requests related to user management.
  • Superadmin Controller

    • Manages operations accessible only to superadmin users.
    • Implements logic for promoting users to superadmin status and managing courses.
    • Handles requests for superadmin-specific actions.


  • User Routes

    • Define routes for user-related operations.
    • Includes endpoints for user registration, profile fetching, and profile updating.
    • Utilizes the authentication middleware for authentication.
  • Superadmin Routes

    • Define routes for superadmin-specific actions.
    • Includes endpoints for promoting users to superadmin status and managing courses.
    • Utilizes the authentication middleware for superadmin authorization.
  • Enrollment Routes

    • Define routes for managing course enrollments.
    • Includes endpoints for fetching enrolled courses for users and enrolling users in courses.


Complete Backend for the assessment.







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