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Spike Batching

Lukas Cone edited this page Jun 28, 2024 · 2 revisions

Some modules require different approach for conversions. Sometimes files are scattered around and there no or easy way to gather them together to form single output object.

This is most common for animations, where they sometimes don't have required skeletal data. Or just to effecively merge a lot of animations into single file.

For this reason, modules marked as such will only accept json files describing file groups.

Input json must end with batch.json in it's filename.

The data of json is just single double array separating file groups that are being processed.

For example:


This will process each group from char0 and char1 folders, loads glb file, merges provieded ani and produces output _out.glb in each folder.


All paths within json must be relative to where json file resides.

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