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Deploy PrestaShop Via ansible

   ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐        ┌───────────┐
   │               LB-80/443                │        │    22     │
   └────────────────────────────────────────┘        ├───────────┤
   ┌───────────┐  ┌───────────┐  ┌───────────┐       │Control VM │
   │ Front #1  │  │ Front #2  │  │ Front #n  │       │  Ansible  │
   │  Apache   │  │  Apache   │  │  Apache   │       │           │
   │  PHP-FPM  │  │  PHP-FPM  │  │  PHP-FPM  │       └───────────┘
   ├─────┬─────┤  ├─────┬─────┤  ├─────┬─────┤                    
   │ dd1 │ dd2 │  │ dd1 │ dd2 │  │ dd1 │ dd2 │                    
   │raid │raid │  │raid │raid │  │raid │raid │                    
   │soft │soft │  │soft │soft │  │soft │soft │                    
   │              csync2/lsyncd              │                    
   ┌───────────┐  ┌───────────┐  ┌───────────┐                    
   │  Back #1  │  │  Back #2  │  │  Back #n  │                    
   │   MySQL   │  │MySQL Slave│  │MySQL Slave│                    
   │  Master   │  │           │  │           │                    
   ├─────┬─────┤  ├─────┬─────┤  ├─────┬─────┤                    
   │ dd1 │ dd2 │  │ dd1 │ dd2 │  │ dd1 │ dd2 │                    
   │raid │raid │  │raid │raid │  │raid │raid │                    
   │soft │soft │  │soft │soft │  │soft │soft │                    
   └─────┴─────┘  └─────┴─────┘  └─────┴─────┘                    

Microsoft Azure Marketplace Solution Templates - Validation Criteria for Virtual Machine based offers

Check list fot the project

####Templates Parameters

  1. [Template parameters MUST NOT include allowedValues for the following parameter types:]

    • Virtual Machine Size
    • Storage Account Type
    • Location
  2. [Templates MUST NOT define default values for the following parameters:]

    • Storage Account Name
    • Domain Name Label
  3. Templates authentication related parameters MUST set Default Values as following:

    • SSH Key needs a default value blank if the solution also support Passw authentication
    • Password needs a default value blank if the solution also support SSH Key
  4. [The apiVersion specified for a resource type MUST be either be the latest version or have a date within 12 months of publishing.]

  5. [All apiVersion references for a given resource type MUST use the same API.]

  6. All usage of the providers function MUST use an explicit apiVersion [v1.1]

  7. Templates MUST provide a templateBaseUrl variable for any base URL depend asset [v1.1]

  8. [Template solutions using virtualMachines/extensions MUST use protected settings when passing secrets such as passwords to those extensions]

  9. [Parameters passed into templates that represent secrets such as passwords MUST use the type securestring ]

  10. When using extensions (ex. CustomScriptForLinux) autoUpgradeMinorVersion MUST be set to true.[v1.1]

  11. When using a custom images MUST use production SingleVMs offers, no preview(staged) ones [v1.2]


  1. [All imageReferences for virtual machines or virtual machine scale sets MUST use images that are available in the Azure Marketplace or core platform images.]
  2. [All imageReferences for virtual machines or virtual machine scale sets that do not belong to the marketplace publisher MUST specify latest for the version property.]
  3. [All Linux VMs created that support the use of SSH MUST support using public key authentication for any provisioned user.]


  1. [Templates MUST take account of storageAccounts throughput constraints and deploy across multiple storageAccounts where necessary.]
  2. [Where storageAccounts are used for the purpose of backup or snapshotting of data Microsoft.Authorization/locks MUST be used to prevent accidental deletion of those accounts.]
  3. Templates creating new storageAccounts that creates storage names MUST generate unique name properties for each account created.[v1.1]


  1. [If a template creates any new publicIPAddresses then it MUST have an output section that provides details of the fully qualified domain created.]
  2. [publicIPAddresses assigned to a Virtual Machine Instance MUST only be used when these are required for application purposes, for connectivity to the resources for debug, management or administrative purposes either inboundNatRules, virtualNetworkGateways or a jumpbox should be used.]
  3. [Templates creating new publicIPAddresses that creates domain names label in the templates, MUST generate unique domainNameLabel properties for each address created.]

###Recommended — these are recommended requirements to deploy VM Based solution templates into the Azure marketplace, however they may be discounted where appropriate.

  1. Templates SHOULD offer multiple sizes of deployments to cover common customer scenarios.
  2. Multi-tier applications SHOULD deploy multiple Virtual Machines for each tier into Availability Sets and configure update and fault domains as appropriate.
  3. Templates SHOULD offer premium storage as an option for both OS and data disks.
  4. Applications using VMs local disk for durable data SHOULD be configured to take regular back-ups to durable storage to reduce the impact of data loss.
  5. Linux based solutions SHOULD offer the ability to provision password based authentication in addition to using an SSH Key.
  6. Templates SHOULD be optimized to minimize deployment times.
  7. If a template creates any publicIPAddresses then it SHOULD also support the use of pre-existing ones.
  8. Templates SHOULD include networkSecurityGroups to restrict traffic within virtualNetworks and to and from the Internet.
  9. Templates SHOULD include virtualMachines/diagnosticSettings for each virtual machine created.
  10. Where a provisioned application uses the virtual machines local disk for durable data it SHOULD replicate that data at least 3 times across at least 3 fault domains.
  11. Where a template solution creates resources that are optional then it SHOULD use the new or existing pattern