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“The best easy-to-use Canister Management Platform in IC ecosystem”

  • Personal development space

  • Comprehensive graphical centralized management

  • Webassemblies are saved uniformly and support reuse WebAssembly


Easy to use UI interface to deploy and manage your CANISTERS

  1. iCAN = “I” C + “Canister”

    It is an on-chain Canister management tool built on the ICP blockchain.

  2. iCAN helps developers manage the Canister they create by a graphical interface, to create contracts, download WebAssembly modules, manage Canister indicators, etc.


1.Detailed Management

  • Dynamic change of Canister’s Settings

  • More convenient Canister Management

  • Detailed description of Canister

2.Status Detection

  • Support ICP-Cycles exchange, and deposit Cycles to Canister directly

  • Timely feedback on the status of Canister, so that developers can understand the current status of Canister and manage it in time

3.Graphical Canister management Interface

  • The iCAN platform generates the user's private CAN (hub) for management, which provides the function of manage canisters and implements the logical collection of methods, making deployment more convenient and displaying details more clearly with a graphical interface.

4.Created Canister Import

  • By smart contracts, developers can safely host the Canisters they create to iCAN

5.WebAssembly Management

  • Save the lastest version of Canister's WebAssembly

  • Download the latest WebAssembly

iCAN Interface

Introduce the public interface of iCAN Canister and Hub Canister


        public type Error = {
            #Ledger_Transfer_Failed : Nat; // value : log id
            #Create_Canister_Failed : Nat;
        public type Canister = {
            name : Text;
            description : Text;
            canister_id : Principal;
            wasm : ?[Nat8];
        public type Status = {
            cycle_balance : Nat;
            memory : Nat;
        public type UpdateSettingsArgs = {
            canister_id : Principal;
            settings : canister_settings
        public type TransformArgs = {
            icp_amount : Nat64; // e8s
            to_canister_id : Principal
        public type DeployArgs = {
            name : Text;
            description : Text;
            settings : ?canister_settings;
            deploy_arguments : ?[Nat8];
            wasm : ?[Nat8];
            cycle_amount : Nat;
            preserve_wasm : Bool;
        public type canister_settings = {
            freezing_threshold : ?Nat;
            controllers : ?[Principal];
            memory_allocation : ?Nat;
            compute_allocation : ?Nat;

iCAN Interface

    // iCAN Canister Public Service Interface
    public type iCAN = actor{

        // get your own hubs' info (call this function use your identity)
        // @return array of (Hub Name, Hub Canister Id)
        getHub : query () -> async [(Text, Principal)];

        // get current hub wasm and cycle withdraw wasm in use
        // @return (hub wasm, cycle withdraw wasm)
        getWasms : query () -> async ([Nat8], [Nat8]);

        // get administrators of ican at present
        // @return array of administrators
        getAdministrators : query () -> async [Principal];

        // create canister management hub
        // @param name : hub name
        // @param amount : icp e8s amount
        createHub : (name : Text, amount : Nat64) -> async Result.Result<Principal, Error>;

        // add hub info to your hubs
        // @param name : hub name
        // @param hub_id : hub canister principal
        addHub : (name : Text, hub_id : Principal) -> async Text;

        // delete hub from your hub set
        deleteHub : (hub_id : Principal) -> async Result.Result<(), Error>;

        // transform icp to cycles and deposit the cycles to target cansiter
        transformIcp : (args : TransformArgs) -> async Result.Result<(), Error>;


Hub Interface

    public type Hub = actor{

        // get current version hub canister's wasm
        // @return Wasm Version
        getVersion : query() -> async Nat;

        // get owners of this hub canister
        // @return owners array
        getOwners : query() -> async [Principal];

        // get status of hub canister ( owner only )
        getStatus : query() -> async Result.Result<Status, Error>;

        // get canisters managed by this hub ( owner only )
        getCanisters : query() -> async Result.Result<[Canister], Error>;

        // get wasm of specified canister ( owner only )
        getWasm : query (canister_id : Principal) -> async Result.Result<[Nat8], Error>;

        // put canister into hub ( not matter if not controlled by hub canister ) ( owner only )
        // @param c : should be put into hub canister
        putCanister : (c : Canister) -> async Result.Result<(), Error>;

        // deploy canister by hub canister  ( owner only )
        // @return #ok(new canister's principal) or #err(Error)
        deployCanister : (args : DeployArgs) -> async Result.Result<Principal, Error>;

        // update canister settings  ( owner only )
        updateCanisterSettings : (args : UpdateSettingsArgs) -> async Result.Result<(), Error>;

        // start the specify canister, which should be controlled by hub canister  ( owner only )
        // @param principal : target canister's principal
        startCanister : (principal : Principal) -> async Result.Result<(), Error>;

        // stop canister ( owner only )
        // @param principal : target canister's principal
        stopCanister : (principal : Principal) -> async Result.Result<(), Error>;

        // deposit cycles to target canister ( equal to top up to target canister)
        // @param id : target canister principal, cycle amount : how much cycles should be top up
        depositCycles(id : Principal, cycle_amount : Nat, ) : async Result.Result<(), Error>;

        // delete canister from hub canister and withdraw cycles from it ( owner only )
        // @param canister's principal
        delCanister : ( id : Principal ) -> async Result.Result<(), Error>;

        // install cycle wasm to hub canister ( owner only )
        // @param wasm : cycle wasm blob (you can deploy your own cycle wasm to your hub canister)
        installCycleWasm : (wasm : [Nat8]) -> async Result.Result<(), Error>;

        // change hub owner ( owner only )
        // @param : new owners array
        changeOwner : (newOwners : [Principal]) -> async Result.Result<(), Error>;
