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Repository files navigation

1. Problems and findings


  • Adding data to array from another components
  • maintaining the state of the components when you add or delete new data
  • failed to build the project on Netlify due to some rendering and use effect issue [FixedNow]


  • React useEffect to handle data before data loads to the DOM and after it loads
  • using Json Server to hold data to be used while fetching them like an API
  • using Reach history to reload or push to a new route using the history prop
  • handling and mastering use of the state and conditional rendering
  • render by limits
  • concatinate script to watch json server and run app into single script
  • get data from api call and make a limit of data to retrieve

2. Time Taken to Complete

  • its been 2 to 3 hours working on the project

3. Your coding style and standards

  • the coding style is used was line coding and error control and the standard of using safe ,secure and portable codes

4. Your source code files plus the final

Link To Repository

Link To Deployed App

5. Documentation of your code where necessary

before running the project first initialize the project to get tailwindcss modules , using the steps below

steps to follow installing the project

npx install

to run the project

npm run prince

6. Used resources and documentation


  • Json Server
  • React Router Dom
  • Concurrently


To Run the app use

1. npm run prince


No description, website, or topics provided.






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