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The DECADES Compiler (DEC++)


Thid pacakge depends on the following packages:

  • CMake 3.20 or higher
  • CLANG V11.1.0
  • CLANG's developer package V11.1.0
  • LLVM V11.1.0

For example, on a Ubuntu platform, the following line:

sudo apt install cmake clang-11 libclang-11-dev

will install all the needed packages.

Once you have successfully installed/acquired the right versions of the dependecies, run the following:

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../

Alternatively, we provide a docker image for this package. It can be obtained by running:

docker pull sn3332/decades

Running DEC++

DEC++ can be invoked from the command line with the following possible arguments:


MODE must be one of the following:

  • Native ("n"): simply compiles the source files with no LLVM transformations or passes (useful for verification of correct program output and debugging, as well as application development outside of any DECADES features)
        DEC++ -m n $FILE [$ARGS]

No additional arguments are necessary.

  • DECADES Base ("db"): the default DEC++ mode that identifies the kernel function, performs function inlining and wraps the function invocation in the tile launcher
        DEC++ -m db [-t] [NUM_THREADS] [--target] [TARGET] $FILE [$ARGS]
where `NUM_THREADS` is the number of threads to utilize in parallel and `TARGET` can be either "x86" (default), "simulator" (, or "riscv64" (generate a RISC-V binary to run on the DECADES FPGA emulation and chip platform). If the target is "simulator", then the path to the simulator preprocessing script is necessary:
        DEC++ -m db [-t] [NUM_THREADS] [-spp] [SIMULATOR_PREPROCESSING_SCRIPT] [--target] [TARGET] $FILE [$ARGS]
  • Decoupled Implicit ("di"): the decoupling compilation mode that slices the kernel function into supply and compute programs completely automatically
        DEC++ -m di [-t] [NUM_THREADS] [--target] [TARGET] $FILE [$ARGS]
where `NUM_THREADS` is the number of threads to utilize in parallel and `TARGET` can be either "x86" (default) or "simulator".
  • Decoupled DeSC ("di"): the decoupling compilation mode that slices the kernel function into supply and compute programs semi-automatically, where the variable indirection operations should be annotated explicitely by the user using the compute_exclusive functions:
        DEC++ -m d [-t] [NUM_THREADS] [--target] [TARGET] $FILE [$ARGS]
where `NUM_THREADS` is the number of threads to utilize in parallel and `TARGET` can be either "x86" (default) or "simulator".


BSD License (BSD 2-Clause License)