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Print Spool

A bold new way to 3D print over WiFi.

Get started at

Warning: Print Spool is in active development and not yet production-ready. It may have substantial bugs.

If you find any please me know in the issues! Even if it is a known issue an upvote for the bug helps me prioritize what to work on next.

Dev Environment

Dev Environment Setup

For completeness this documentation lists all the dependencies to get a development environment running on a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 install. You may opt to skip the dependencies you have installed already.

  1. Install nvm
  2. Install Rust
  3. Install the development dependencies:
  sudo apt update
  sudo apt install
    build-essential \
    clang \
    libclang1 \
    cmake \
    pkg-config \
    python \
    tmux \
    qemu \
    qemu-user \
    qemu-user-static \
    binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf \
    gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf \
    fuse-overlayfs \
    g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf \
    libbsd-dev \
    protobuf-compiler \
    postgresql \
    postgresql-contrib \
    jq \
    `# Belt Engine Dependencies` \
    libgeos-dev \
    libblas-dev \
    liblapack-dev \
    gfortran \
    libxslt1-dev \
    libxml2-dev \
    libjpeg-dev \
  1. Allow serial port access via the dialout group and then restart your computer: sudo gpasswd --add ${USER} dialout
  2. Increase the max_user_watches: echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p
  3. Set up Postgres for passwordless local development:
  4. Install cargo-watch, sqlx, node 10 and yarn with: ./scripts/bootstrap

Running the Development Servers

Disable any other copies of teg and run ./scripts/start-tmux

It's recommended you do this in a dev environment with at least 16GB of ram.


  • starts all the services required for a hot reloading development 3D print using your /etc/teg-dev/ configs
  • starts a hot reloading instance of the web ui

Once you have start-tmux running you can create an invite code to access your dev instance by running:

cd ./crates/ && cargo run --bin teg-invite

Recommendation: Faster Incremental Builds

The start-tmux script also supports using mold and cg-clif. This can substantially improve build times (more then 10x faster in some cases) but you need to install a couple more dependencies to enable it:

  1. Install the mold linker
  2. Install cg_clif - the simplest way is to download their latest Github Actions build, all you need to do is untar it.
  3. Add an environment variable to your .bashrc pointing to the directory you untar'd cg_clif: export cg_clif_dir=/path/to/cg_clif
  4. reload your terminal or source ~/.bashrc) and re-run ./scripts/start-tmux

Building Releases

Releases are built through Github Actions CI

To update the changelog and create a release tag run: ./scripts/release

Test Releases

  • Alternatively, you can compile release builds locally using cargo build --release
  • Make sure to enable Github Actions in the repo settings for your fork
  • Then to build a test release via CI first fork this repo and then push an annotated tag to your fork:
      git tag -d tag-test; git tag -a tag-test -m "CI Testing / Do not Use" && git push fork -f tag-test
  • Once the build is complete you can install it by setting the PRINTSPOOL_GITHUB envirnoment variable too point to your fork. Eg:
      export PRINTSPOOL_GITHUB="D1plo1d/print-spool-release-test"
  • Then you can install PrintSpool from your fork just like a normal install:
      bash <(curl -s

Developer Rapsberry Pi Setup

Note: Print Spool is in Limited Closed Beta testing at the moment. These instructions are for my own personal use and will very likely not work on your computer.

Part 1: Setting up a Rapsberry Pi

Note: Pi Bakery may be an easier alternative to the steps bellow Windows and Mac users. See:

  1. Use the [](Raspberry Pi Imager) to install the latest Raspberry Pi OS
  2. Recommended Generate a password hash (openssl passwd -6) and replace the pi's password in /YOUR_SD_CARD/etc/shadow on your sd card
  3. Optional, if using Wifi Set up wifi:
  4. Optional Add a ssh file to the boot partition to enable SSH ( See: )
  5. Optional Set a host name:

Part 2: Installing Print Spool

  1. Start your Raspbery Pi
  2. On the Raspberry Pi (via SSH or with a monitor and keyboard) install Print Spool using: bash <(curl -s


Enabling the RaspberryPi Camera

To enable the PiCam on the Raspberry Pi run: sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2

You should not need to do this for a USB webcam.


Known Issues

  • The print button can take 40 seconds or more to start a print when teg is running in development. This is due to some optimizations Cargo and Rust disable in development that strongly effect the performance of Nom's parsers and async Streams. Running teg in release (eg. cargo run --release) solves this issue.