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Logging Functions

Pritesh Mhatre edited this page Nov 2, 2020 · 4 revisions

It is an open source logging library for AmiBroker. It has following features:

  • Print logs into files
  • Specify the log directory (via chart parameters)
  • Specify the file name (via chart parameters)
  • You also will get to save file with different formats (csv, log, txt)
  • Logs will be written in columns and you can specify column delimiters (helps to easily study the file in Excel)
  • Automatically creates a separate logging file for each symbol (in scanner mode)
  • Automatically creates a separate logging file for each day
  • Finally there is also a provision to enable/disable logs

AmiBroker Logging Library Parameters

The default logging path is: C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Logs.

Note: If the framework experiences any errors due to file permission issues, then it will stop logging.

These functions are available in To use these functions, add following line at the top of your afl:

#include <>



Logs a TRACE category statement. Trace category is mostly used for detailed logging.


logTrace("Order placed successfully.");
// Logs the given text to the file with TRACE category.


Parameter Type Description
logText string The text that you want to log to the file


Logs a DEBUG category statement. Debug is used for logging text that helps with debugging.


logDebug("Order placed successfully.");
// Logs the given text to the file with DEBUG category.


Parameter Type Description
logText string The text that you want to log to the file


Logs a INFO category statement. Info category is mostly used for logging informative messages.


logInfo("Order placed successfully.");
// Logs the given text to the file with INFO category.


Parameter Type Description
logText string The text that you want to log to the file


Logs an ERROR category statement. Error category is used for logging errors.


logError("Order placement failed.");
// Logs the given text to the file with ERROR category.


Parameter Type Description
logText string The text that you want to log to the file