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Node Hub API Adapter


Service that proxies certain resources from the Hub Core API (projects, analysis, nodes) and queries other node services (Results, Pod Orchestration, Kong) for the Node UI. Needs to check for authorization, e.g. analysis should only be allowed to see other nodes participating in the current analysis.


This module assumes there is a running Keycloak instance available. One can be quickly created with an appropriate test realm and user using the docker-compose file which will populate the keycloak instance using the instance export file.

Once started, the API can be found at with a GUI for the API available at Here, users must authorize themselves with the deployed keycloak instance (from the docker-compose file) to run protected endpoints:

  • Test User: flameuser
  • Test pwd: flamepwd


The following environment variables need to be set for operation:

IDP_URL="http://localhost:8080"  # e.g. Keycloak
IDP_REALM="flame"  # If different realm used in keycloak else defaults to master
PODORC_SERVICE_URL="http://localhost:18080"  # URL to Pod Orchestration service
RESULTS_SERVICE_URL="http://localhost:8000"  # URL to the Results service
KONG_ADMIN_SERVICE_URL="http://localhost:8000"  # URL to the Kong gateway service
HUB_AUTH_SERVICE_URL=""  # URL for auth EPs for the Hub
HUB_SERVICE_URL=""  # URL for project/analysis EPs for the Hub
HUB_REALM_UUID="some-valid-uuid"  # UUID of the realm you created at the hub for your institution
HUB_ROBOT_USER="hubusername"  # Need to get credentials from myself or hub team
HUB_ROBOT_SECRET="hubpassword"  # These will be removed later once users are registered in both node and hub IDP
API_CLIENT_ID="hub-adapter"  # Client name of this API as defined in keycloak
API_CLIENT_SECRET="someSecret"  # Client secret of this API as defined in keycloak