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Folders and files

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Record some Mac options

just record in case of something

App Store

  • wechat
  • QQ
  • battery monitor
  • movist
  • xcode - command line tools
  • evernote
  • you-daodict
  • NetEase Music


Flashlight The new version is not well compatible for the system, hope someday the spotlight can be hacked on Mac OS

Flashlight The old version only works on OS X

Google Chrome

Chrome If you dont need the plugins for chrome, i really recommend you to laern to use the safari, it's much well compatible for Mac

There is one single problem for chrome is the new tags' search engine

Solution: settings -> monitor search enging -> scoll it down -> add a search engine named 'google' -> set it to the default one

the url of the search engine is :

Do not forget to get vimium


  • Download and install iTerm2 (it has better color fidelity than the built in Terminal).

Get the iTerm color settings

Just save it somewhere and open the file(s). The color settings will be imported into iTerm2. Apply them in iTerm through iTerm -> preferences -> profiles -> colors -> load presets. You can create a different profile other than Default if you wish to do so.

Oh My Zsh

More info here:

Install with curl

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

When the installation is done, edit ~/.zshrc and set ZSH_THEME="agnoster"

Install a patched font

Open the downloaded font and press "Install Font".

Set this font in iTerm2 (14px is my personal preference) (iTerm -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Text -> Change Font).

Restart iTerm2 for all changes to take effect.

Further tweaking

Things like

  • auto suggestions
  • word jumping with arrow keys
  • shorter prompt style
  • syntax highlighting

can be found in the section below.

Auto suggestions (for Oh My Zsh)

Auto suggestions

Just follow these steps:

If the auto suggestions do not appear to show, it could be a problem with your color scheme. Under "iTerm -> Preferences -> Colors tab", check the value of Black Bright, that is the color your auto suggestions will have. It will be displayed on top of the Background color, so if there is not enough contrast between the two, you won't see the suggestions, even if they're actually there.. For Solarized Dark I changed the value of Black Bright to "586e75".

Shorter prompt style

By default, your prompt will now show "user@hostname" in the prompt. This will make your prompt rather bloated. Optionally set DEFAULT_USER in ~/.zshrc to your regular username (these must match) to hide the "user@hostname" info when you're logged in as yourself on your local machine. You can get your exact username value by executing whoami in the terminal.

Syntax highlighting

brew install zsh-syntax-highlighting

If you do not have or do not like homebrew, follow the installation instructions instead.

After installation through homebrew, add

source /usr/local/share/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh

to the end of your .zshrc file. After that, it's best to restart your terminal. Sourcing your ~/.zshrc does not seem to work well with this plugin.

Wall Paper

desktoppr A website for mac wall paper really good

Dropbox U need dropbox to download the papers


vimari A plugin for safari like vimium for chrome



Some Articles

ShortCut key

  • cmd-\ hide or show index tree
  • ctrl-0 concentrate on index tree
  • fn-F2 change the file name in index tree
  • ctrl-shift-M Markdown Preview
  • ctrl-alt-b atom-beautify format your code
  • ctrl-` terminal-panel call for CLI
  • ctrl-shift-U change encoding
  • cmd-tcmd-p search files

more shortcut just go to settings


Microsoft Ofiice & PhotoShop



Git is a very important part for programmer

  • Git Download
  • $ cd ~/.ssh
  • $ ls
  • $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" //press enter
  • $ vim
  • copy the content in
  • Account Setting -> GitHub Account Setting -> SSH Keys -> Add SSH key -> paste key
  • $ ssh -T
  • If shows "HiXXX! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access."" Congratulations!
  • $ git config --global "XXXX" //your Account
  • $ git config --global ""</span>


If there is no problem , the folder will be:

├── _config.yml
├── package.json
├── scaffolds
├── scripts
├── source
|   ├── _drafts
|   └── _posts
└── themes

The files which must be saved:

  ├── theme
  ├── scaffolds #文章模板
  ├── package.json #说明使用哪些包
  ├── .gitignore #限定在提交的时候哪些文件可以忽略
  └── source


Record some Mac options






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