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React Native Contacts

Rx support with react-native-contacts-rx

Callback-based API: require('react-native-contacts')

Promise-based API: require('react-native-contacts/async')


  • Preliminary iOS and Android support
  • API subject to revision, changelog in release notes
Feature iOS Android
get with options 😞 😞
groups 😞 😞


getAll (callback) - returns all contacts as an array of objects

getAllWithoutPhotos - same as getAll on Android, but on iOS it will not return uris for contact photos (because there's a significant overhead in creating the images)

getPhotoForId (contactId, callback) - returns a URI (or null) for a contacts photo

addContact (contact, callback) - adds a contact to the AddressBook.

updateContact (contact, callback) - where contact is an object with a valid recordID

deleteContact (contact, callback) - where contact is an object with a valid recordID

checkPermission (callback) - checks permission to access Contacts

requestPermission (callback) - request permission to access Contacts

getGroups (callback) - get a list of all contact groups and their IDs

contact object

The following contact fields are supported on iOS and Android. Where a field label is indicated, the Contact field populates the native field with as the label.

Key Name Value Type Description
recordID Integer (Read-only) Native contact manger record ID for this contact. Returned by getAll() and used to indicate contact record for updateContact(). Ignored by addContact(). Value is native platform dependent.
familyName String Family name or "last name"
givenName String Given name or "first name"
middleName String Middle name or names
nickName String Contact's nickname
phoneticFamilyName String Phonetic representation of familyName
phoneticMiddleName String Phonetic representation of middleName
phoneticGivenName String Phonetic representation of givenName
company String Where the Contact works
jobTitle String Contact's job title
phoneNumbers Array see phoneNumbers
emailAddresses Array see emailAddresses
websites Array see websites
postalAddresses Array see postalAddresses
note String Note about contact. Appears in "Notes" on native Contact Manager
birthday Object The contact's birthday, with or without year, as { year: int, month: int, day: int }[1]
thumbnailPath String A 'file://' URL pointing to the contact's thumbnail image on the native device filesystem. See Notes on adding and updating thumbnailPath
groupID Array Array of strings containing all the groups associated with this contact.

[1] Android: Not all contact managers show birthday, however value can be written, read, and synced


An array of Objects containing phone numbers with the following key names:

Key Name Value Type Description
label String One of: home, work, mobile, fax, other. An unrecognzied label will be added as 'other'
number String A String containing the phone number associated with label
primary boolean Default = false *(WIP) Indicates this number is the Contact's primary number. If more than one phone number is provided to addContact() in the array, and none or more than one have primary set to true, the number added as the primary contact number is undefined


An array of Objects containing email addresses with the following key names:

Key Name Value Type Description
label String One of: home, work, mobile, other. An unrecognzied label will be added as 'other'
email String A String containing the email address associated with label
primary boolean Default = false *(WIP) Indicates this email address is the Contact's primary email address. If more than one email address is provided to addContact() in the array, and none or more than one have primary set to true, the address added as the primary contact email address is undefined


An array of Objects containing phone numbers with the following key names:

Key Name Value Type Description
label String One of: home, work, homepage, profile, blog, other. An unrecognzied label will be added as 'other'
url String A String containing the URL associated with label


An array of Objects containing postal (physical) addresses with the following key names:

Key Name Value Type Description
label String One of: home, work, other. An unrecognzied label will be added as 'other'
street String The complete street address ("123 N. Main Street Suite 500") associated with label
city String The city in which the address resides.
region String A location designation between city and country, if customary or necessary. For addresses in the USA this is the "state", in Canada the "province", etc. Platform note: Maps to "REGION" on Android and "STATE" on iOS.
country String The ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 country code. (Multilingual JSON files can be found at
postcode String The postal code (zip code) for this address.
primary boolean Default = false *(WIP) Indicates this postal address is the Contact's primary postal address. If more than one postal address is provided to addContact() in the array, and none or more than one have primary set to true, the address added as the primary postal address is undefined



An array of Objects containing social media accounts for the contact with the following key names. All keys except "serviceId" are optional.

Android implementation notes: As of API 25, the native contact manager only supports IM services, not social media services.

Key Name Value Type Description
serviceId String A label indicating the social media service. iOS currently supports: "facebook", "flickr", linkedin", "myspace", sinaweibo", tencentweibo", "twitter", "yelp", and "gamecenter", and "custom".
serviceName String When serviceId is "custom", a string that represents the name of the service for use in user interfaces.
url String A URL associated with the social profile
uid String The user ID for this contact on this service
name String The name of this user on this service

Notes on Adding and Updating thumbnailPath

When calling addContact():

Should be the full size image for the contact in jpeg format. If the image is high-resoltuion, a low-resolution thumbnail will automatically be generated to be used in conjunction with the contact image.

When calling updateContact():

If you are updating a contact retrieved from getAll(), remove thumbnailPath from your contact object if the photo should not be updated. The API can not determine if the current profile photo and thumbnailPath are the same and will always copy the thumbnailPath image (which is slow)

Example Contact Record

  recordID: 1,

  familyName: "Jung",
  givenName: "Carl",
  middleName: "C.",
  nickName: "Carl-o",
  phoenticGivenName: "CAR-el",
  phoneticFamilyName: "YUH-ng",

  company: "Foomatics, Inc.",
  jobTitle: "Developer",

  phoneNumbers: [
      label: "mobile",
      number: "(555) 555-5555",
      primary: true,
      label: "work",
      number: "(555) 555-5556",

  emailAddresses: [{
    label: "work",
    email: "",

  websites: [{
    label: "homepage",
    url: "",

  postalAddresses: [{
    label: "work",
    street: "123 N Main Street",
    city: "Chicago",
    region: "IL", //Illinois in USA
    postcode: "12345-A234",
    country: "US",

  note: "This is a note",

  birthday: {
      month: 6,
      day: 12,

  thumbnailPath: "file:///device/path/to/image.jpg",


getAll is a database intensive process, and can take a long time to complete depending on the size of the contacts list. Because of this, it is recommended you access the getAll method before it is needed, and cache the results for future use.

Also there is a lot of room for performance enhancements in both iOS and android. PR's welcome!

var Contacts = require('react-native-contacts')

Contacts.getAll((err, contacts) => {
  if(err && err.type === 'permissionDenied'){
    // x.x
  } else {

postalAddresses: [ { postCode: 'Postcooode', city: 'City', neighborhood: 'neighborhood', street: 'Home Street', formattedAddress: 'Home Street\nneighborhood\nCity Postcooode', label: 'work' } ]

Adding Contacts

Currently all fields from the contact record except for thumbnailPath are supported for writing

var newPerson = {
  emailAddresses: [{
    label: "work",
    email: "",
  familyName: "Nietzsche",
  givenName: "Friedrich",

Contacts.addContact(newPerson, (err) => { /*...*/ })

Updating and Deleting Contacts

//contrived example
Contacts.getAll( (err, contacts) => {
  //update the first record
  let someRecord = contacts[0]
    label: "junk",
    email: "",
  Contacts.updateContact(someRecord, (err) => { /*...*/ })

  //delete the second record
  Contacts.deleteContact(contacts[1], (err) => { /*...*/ })

Update and delete reference contacts by their recordID (as returned by the OS in getContacts). Apple does not guarantee the recordID will not change, e.g. it may be reassigned during a phone migration. Consequently you should always grab a fresh contact list with getContacts before performing update and delete operations.

You can also delete a record using only it's recordID like follows: Contacts.deleteContact({recordID: 1}, (err) => {})}

Displaying Thumbnails

The thumbnailPath is the direct URI for the temp location of the contact's cropped thumbnail image.

<Image source={{uri: contact.thumbnailPath}} />

Getting started

run npm install react-native-contacts


  1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click LibrariesAdd Files to [your project's name]
  2. add ./node_modules/react-native-contacts/ios/RCTContacts.xcodeproj
  3. In the XCode project navigator, select your project, select the Build Phases tab and in the Link Binary With Libraries section add libRCTContacts.a


As of Xcode 8 and React Native 0.33 it is now necessary to add kit specific "permission" keys to your Xcode Info.plist file, in order to make requestPermission work. Otherwise your app crashes when requesting the specific permission. I discovered this after days of frustration.

Open Xcode > Info.plist > Add a key (starting with "Privacy - ...") with your kit specific permission. The value for the key is optional.

You have to add the key "Privacy - Contacts Usage Description".

screen shot 2016-09-21 at 13 13 21


  • In android/settings.gradle
include ':react-native-contacts'
project(':react-native-contacts').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/react-native-contacts/android')
  • In android/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
    compile project(':react-native-contacts')
  • register module (in android/app/src/main/java/com/[your-app-name]/

	import com.rt2zz.reactnativecontacts.ReactNativeContacts; 	// <--- import module!

	public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {

	    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
	      return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
	        new MainReactPackage(),
	        new ReactNativeContacts() 	// <--- and add package


If you are using an older version of RN (i.e. does not contain this method (or doesn't exist) and starts with public class MainActivity extends Activity) please see the old instructions

  • add Contacts permission (in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml) (only add the permissions you need)
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PROFILE" />

Permissions Methods (optional)

checkPermission (callback) - checks permission to access Contacts.
requestPermission (callback) - request permission to access Contacts.

Usage as follows:

Contacts.checkPermission( (err, permission) => {
  if(permission === 'undefined'){
    Contacts.requestPermission( (err, permission) => {
      // ...
  if(permission === 'authorized'){
    // yay!
  if(permission === 'denied'){
    // x.x

These methods do not re-request permission if permission has already been granted or denied. This is a limitation in iOS, the best you can do is prompt the user with instructions for how to enable contacts from the phone settings page Settings > [app name] > contacts.

On android permission request is done upon install so this function will only show if the permission has been granted.


  • android feature parity
  • migrate iOS from AddressBook to Contacts
  • implement get with options
  • groups support


MIT License


React Native Contacts







No packages published


  • Java 64.5%
  • Objective-C 31.8%
  • JavaScript 2.9%
  • Ruby 0.8%