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@danthorpe danthorpe released this 28 Apr 20:52
· 398 commits to development since this release


  1. [OPR-256]: When a GroupOperation is cancelled with errors, the child operations in the group are also cancelled with those errors wrapped inside an OperationError.ParentOperationCancelledWithErrors error. Thanks to @felix-dumit and @jshier for contributing.
  2. [OPR-257, OPR-259]: Improves the README to give much clearer documentation regarding the need for an OperationQueue instance, instead of just a regular NSOperationQueue. Thanks to @DavidNix for raising the initial issue.
  3. [OPR-265]: Defines Operation.UserIntent. This is a simple type which can be used express the intent of the operation. It allows for explicit user action (.Initiated), a side effect of user actions (.SideEffect), and .None for anything else, which is the default. Operation will use this value to set the quality of service (QoS) of the operation. The reason for separating UserIntent from the QoS, is that it is not possible to accurately determine the intent from the QoS because an NSOperation's QoS can be modified when it is added to a queue which has a different QoS, or even if it is already on a queue, which has another NSOperation with a different QoS added to the same queue. See the documentation on Quality of Service classes.
  4. [OPR-266]: Thanks for @estromlund for fixing this bug - now network errors are passed into the errors of the network operation.
  5. [OPR-273]: AlertOperation can now be customized to display action sheet style alerts. Thanks to @felix-dumit for writing this one!
  6. [OPR-281]: BlockOperation now supports blocks which throw errors. The errors are caught and processed by Operation correctly. Thanks to @ryanjm for reporting and contributing!
  7. [OPR-292]: Fixes a bug accessing PHPhotoLibrary. Thanks to @ffittschen for reporting this bug!
  8. [OPR-285]: Fixes the watchOS target which had CloudKit references in it. Thanks to @vibrazy and the ASOS team for this one!
  9. [OPR-290]: Fixes a typo - thanks @waywalker!
  10. [OPR-296]: Updates the .gitignore for Swift Package Manager. Thanks to @abizern for contributing.
  11. [OPR-269]: Fixes a bug with NSURLSessionTaskOperation where it could crash if it is not safely finished. Please report any bugs with this class, as at the moment it is not very well tested.

This is an interim release before some significant breaking changes get merged, for version 3.0.

Thanks a lot for everyone who has contributed!