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Codes associated with Warne, Baker and Simpson (2018) Implementations of simulation and inference algorithms for stochastic reaction networks: from basic concepts to state-of-the-art


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MATLAB Code Examples of Simulation and Compuational Inference for Stochastic Biochemical Reaction Networks

This repository contains useful example MATLAB functions and scripts as an introduction to stochastic simulation and computational inference methods applied to stochastic models of biochemical reaction networks.


David J. Warne (, School of Mathematical Sciences, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland Univeristy of Technology

Google Scholar: (

Citation Information

This code is provided as supplementary information to the paper,

David J Warne, Ruth E Baker, and Matthew J Simpson. Simulation and inference algorithms for stochastic biochemical reaction networks: from basic concepts to state-of-the-art. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16(151):20180943 DOI:10.1098/rsif.2018.0943.


This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3. Copyright (C) 2018 David J. Warne

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.


This folder contains a number of instructive MATLAB implementations for Stochastic simulation and computational inference. Demonstration scripts showing typical usage are also provided

The directory structure is as follows
|-- init.m                                  Adds all functions to the MATLAB Path
|-- Functions
    |-- BCRN_Definition                     Creation of BCRN data structures
        |-- MichaelisMenten.m
        |-- MonoMolecularChain.m
    |-- Simulation                          ESSA and ASSA methods and Monte Carlo
        |-- GillespieDirectMethod.m
        |-- ModifiedNextReactionMethod.m
        |-- TauLeapingMethod.m
        |-- CorTauLeapingMethod.m
        |-- CMEsolMonoMol.m
        |-- MonteCarlo.m
        |-- MonteCarloTauLeap.m
        |-- MonteCarloBiasCorrection.m
        |-- MultilevelMonteCarlo.m
    |-- Inference                           Bayesian and ABC samplers
        |-- GenerateObservations.m
        |-- likelihoodCMEsolMOnoMol.m
        |-- ABCRejectionSampler.m
        |-- ABCRejectionSamplerV2.m
        |-- ABCMCMCSampler.m
        |-- ABCSMCSampler.m
        |-- ABCMLMC.m
|-- Demostrations
    |-- Simulation                          Demonstration of simulation algorithms
        |-- DemoGillespie.m
        |-- DemoMNRM.m
        |-- DemoTauLeap.m
        |-- DemoRealisationsMonoMol.m
        |-- DemoRealisationsMichMent.m
        |-- DemoCMEMeanVar.m
        |-- DemoStationaryDist.m
        |-- DemoCorTauLeap.m
        |-- DemoMonteCarlo.m
    |-- Inference                           Demonstration of inference algorithms
        |-- DemoDirectBayesCME.m
        |-- DemoABCConvergence.m
        |-- DemoABCProcess.m
        |-- DemoABCMethodsMonoMol.m
        |-- DemoABCMethodsMichMent.m


Follow these steps to run the demonstrations:

  1. Start MATLAB
  2. In MATLAB browse to the repository folder Warne2018
  3. In the MATLAB command prompt, run >> init to set up the paths of all the example implementations.
  4. Type in the name of any demo script in Demonstrations/Simulation or Demonstrations/Inference. For example, >> DemoGillespie generates Fig. 1A and 1B in the paper.

List of examples

The following list of examples shows how to reproduce the figures in the main paper. For more computationlly intensive examples approximate run times are given for an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5600U CPU (2.6 GHz).

Figure 1

For Fig. 1A and 1B >> DemoGillespie

For Fig. 1C and 1D >> DemoMNRM

For Fig. 1E and 1F >> DemoTauLeap

For Fig. 1G >> DemoRealisationsMichMent

For Fig. 1H >> DemoRealisationsMonoMol

To obtain Fig. 1I (resp. Fig. 1J), edit DemoRealisationsMichMent.m (resp. DemoRealisationsMonoMol.m) and change N to 100 (line 17) and alpha to 0.05 (line 24), and re-run the script.

Figure 2

For mean and variance plot in Fig. 2A >> DemoCMEMeanVar

To plot stationary distribution in F. 2B and the full CME solution in Fig. 2C--2F run (Warning! this will take about 10 minutes) >> DemoStationaryDist

Figure 3

For Fig. 1A >> DemoCorTauLeap

For Fig. 1B (Warning! takes about 24 hours) >> DemoMonteCarlo

Figure 4

For Fig. 4A--4C (Warning! takes about 2.5 hours) >> DemoABCConvergence

Figure 5

For Fig. 5A--5N (Warning! takes about 3.5 hours) >> DemoABCprocess

Figure 6 and tables 1 and 2

For Fig. 6A--6C and table 1 (Warning! takes about 5 hours) >> DemoABCMethodsMonoMol

For Fig. 6D--6F and table 2 (Warning! takes about 1.5 hours) >> DemoABCMethodsMichMent


Codes associated with Warne, Baker and Simpson (2018) Implementations of simulation and inference algorithms for stochastic reaction networks: from basic concepts to state-of-the-art







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