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ProfileCreator 0.3.1

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@erikberglund erikberglund released this 22 May 19:31
· 74 commits to master since this release

Please report any bugs, feature requests or suggestions as an issue to this repository.

Alternate Downloads

If the downloaded .dmg doesn't open correctly for you, please try one of the alternative downloads provided.

ProfileCreator Wiki

Remeber that the ProfileCreator wiki is continuously updated with information about the application and the included payloats.

New Features

Import Multiple Files

You can now select multiple files when importing to a file view that supports multiple payloads. Each file will then create a new payload.

Useful for adding multiple fonts or certificates.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where importing existing profile or paylosd on 10.14 would crash the app.
  • Fixed issue where exporting profiles in the XML content style, or with multiple payloads. The exported file would only include one payload.


If you wish to contribute to this project, the following things are a good starting point:

  • Test and report bugs or incorrect behavior both in the UI and in the exported profiles.
  • Language and spelling errors. (English is not my native language).
  • Missing payloads or payload keys. (Contribute to the ProfileManifests repository to improve the manifests used to define all payloads, keys and their interactions.)
  • Add feature requests or suggestions by opening an issue in this repository.