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AP Orlebeke edited this page Apr 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

Introduced in Manifest format version 5, the pfm_subdomain key adds the ability to create separate manifest files which all contribute to the same Payload domain.

An example of this is with the domain (macOS), which is used for several different purposes, including:

  1. Energy Settings
  2. Time Server settings
  3. Mobile Account settings

How to use pfm_subdomain

  1. Give the manifest file a unique name ex.
  2. Add pfm_subdomain into the manifest at the root level.
  1. Set the PayloadDisplayName to the domain (ex. to avoid confusion.
    • Otherwise, if the subdomain payload were added first along with, the first added payload's unique PayloadDisplayName would be displayed.
	<string>Name of the payload.</string>
	<string>A human-readable name for the profile payload. This name is displayed on the Detail screen. It does not have to be unique.</string>
	<string>Payload Display Name</string>

This will cause ProfileCreator to display your manifest file as a different payload in the GUI.