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Calculations (Eaze)

Eaze formulas are used for executing cell calculations in data grids.

Comparison operators

Operator  Description 
Assignment operator. Assigns the value on the right hand side to the variable or cell on the left hand side.  Example  X = 10;  @Amount[ItemID == "A"] = 25.6; 
Greater than operator. Checks if the value on the left side is greater than the value on the right side.  Example  20 > 10 returns true.  10 > 20 returns false. 
>=  Greater than or equal. Checks if the value on the left side is greater than, or equal to the value on the right side. 
Less than operator. Checks if the value on the left side is less than the value on the right side.  Example  20 < 10 returns false.  10 < 20 returns true. 
<=  Less than or equal operator. Checks if the value on the left side is less than, or equal to the value on the right side. 
==  Equals operator. Checks if the value on the left side is equal to the value on the right side.  Example  1 == 1 returns true.  1 == 2 returns false. 
!=  Not equals operator. Checks if the value on the left side does not equal the value on the right side.  Example  1 != 1 returns false.  1 != 2 returns true. 

Logical operators

Operator  Description 
&&  Conditional AND operator. Performs a logical AND of its left and right operands.  The right operand is only evaluated if the left operand is true.  
||  Conditional OR operator. Performs a logical OR of its left and right operands.  The right operand is only evaluated if the left operand is false. 

Arithmetic operators

Operator  Description 
Binary operator + for numeric types sums the operands.  Binary operator + also concatenates strings if one of the operands is a string. You can also use the CONCAT function to concatenate strings.  Example  1 + 2 returns 3. 
Binary operator – subtract the second operand from the first.  Example  2 – 1 returns 1 
The multiplication operator computes the product of its operands.  Example  2 * 2 returns 4 
The division operator divides its first operand by its second operand  Example  2 / 2 returns 1. 
The modulus operator computes the remainder after dividing its first operand by its second operand.  Example  10 % 2 returns 0 

Primary Operators

Operator  Description 
. (x.y)  Member access.  Example  "xyx".substring(…) 
X?.y  Null conditional member access. Returns null if the left hand operand is null.  Example  X = null;  Y = X?.substring(…) 

Unary operators

Operator  Description 
+ (+x)  Returns the value of the operand 
- (-x)  Numeric negation  Example  Y = -X; 
! (!x)  Logical negation  Example  X = !true; (X becomes false) 

Other binary operators

Operator  Description 
??  Null coalescing operator.  The ?? operator checks whether the value provided on the left side of the expression is null, and if so it returns an alternate value indicated by the right side of the expression.  If the value provided on the left side of the expression isn't null, then it returns the original value  Example  null ?? "Hello" returns the string Hello  0 ?? "Hello" returns 0 

Logical functions

Function  Description 
TRUE()  Returns true 
FALSE()  Returns false 
COALESCE(…args)  Returns the first argument that is not null.  Example  COALESCE(null,"a",2) returns a 
ISNULL(<check-expression>,<replacement-expression>)  If check-expression is null, returns replacement-expression, otherwise check-expression is returned.   Example  ISNULL(null,1) returns 1  ISNULL(10 * 1, 100) returns 10 
ISNULL(<check-expression>)  If check-expression is null, returns true, otherwise false  Example  ISNULL(null) returns true 
ISNULLORZERO(<check-expression>,<replacement-expression>)  If check-expression is null or 0, returns replacement-expression, otherwise check-expression is returned. 
ISNULLORZERO(<check_expression>)  If check-expression is NULL or 0, returns true, otherwise false.  Example  ISNULLORZERO(null) returns true 
ISNUMBER(value)  Checks if the data type of value is a number data type  Example  ISNUMBER(1) returns true  ISNUMBER("2") returns false 
ISNUMERIC(value)  Checks whether value is a number or can be converted to a number  Example  ISNUMERIC(1) returns true  ISNUMERIC("2") returns true  ISNUMERIC("a") returns false 
ISERROR(<expression>)  Returns true if evaluation of expression results in an error 
IFERROR(<check-expression>,<replacement-expression>)  If check-expression results in an error, returns replacement-expression, otherwise check-expression is returned. 
ISNULLOREMPTYSTR(<expression>)  Returns true if expression is null or an empty string  Example  ISNULLOREMPTYSTR(null) returns true  ISNULLOREMPTYSTR(@ProductID[AccountID == "A100" && MarketID == "NO-V"]) 
NZ(<check-expression>)  If the check-expression is null or an empty string, returns 0, otherwise the check-expression is returned.  Example  NZ(null) returns 0  NZ(1) returns 1  NZ(" ") returns 0 

Financial functions

Function  Description 
AMORLINC(cost : number, date_purchased : Date, first_period : Date, salvage : number ,period : number ,rate : number [,basis : number]) 
AMORLINCMTH(cost : number, date_purchased : Date, first_period : Date, salvage : number, period : Date, rate : number [,basis : number]) 

Math / Trig functions

Function  Description 
ABS(x : number | <expression>)  Returns the absolute value of the argument.  Example  ABS(-1) returns 1 
ACOS(x : number | <expression>)  Returns the inverse consine of x  Example  ACOS(0.65) returns 0.863211… 
ASIN(x : number | <expression>)  Returns the inverse sine of x  Example  ASIN(0.65) returns 0.70758… 
ATAN(x : number | <expression>) 
ATAN2(x : number | <expression>, y : number | <expression>)  Returns the angle (in radians) from the x-axis to a point 
CEILING(x : number | <expression>)  Returns the x, rounded upwards to the nearest integer 
COS(x : number | <expression>) 
EXP(x : number | <expression>)  Returns E (the base of natural logarithms) to the power of x 
FLOOR(x : number | <expression>)  Returns x, rounded downward to the nearest integer 
LN(x : number | <expression>)  Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of x 
LOG(x : number | <expression>) 
LOG10(x : number | <expression>) 
MOD(x : number | <expression>, y : number | <expression>)  Returns x modulus y 
PI()  Returns PI 
POW(x : number | <expression>, y : number | <expression>)  Returns x to the power of y 
RAND()  Returns a pseudorandom number between 0 and 1 
ROUND(x : number | <expression>)  Returns x, rounded x to the nearest integer 
SIGN(x : number)  Returns the sign for the number xe.   -1 for negative values.   1 for positive values. 
SIN(x : number | <expression>)  Returns sine of x 
SQRT(x : number | <expression>)  Returns the square root of x 
SUM(…x : number | <expression>)  Returns the sum of the arguments  Example  SUM(1,2,3) returns 6 
TAN(x : number | <expression>)  Returns the tangent of an angle 
NUM_MIN()  Returns the minium value of the Number type 

Statistical functions

Function  Description 
AVERAGE(…x : number | <expression>)  Returns the average of the numbers passed to the function. Only numbers and arrays of numbers are processed. 
AVERAGEA(…x : number | <expression>)  Returns the average of the numbers passed to the function. Numbers, arrays of numbers and values representing numbers (such as true, false and string representation of numbers) are processed. 
COUNT(…x: number | <expression>)  Counts the number of numeric values passed to the function. Only numbers and arrays of numbers are processed.  Example  COUNT(1,2,"test") returns 2  COUNT(ARRAY(1,2,3)) returns 3 
COUNTA(…x : number | <expression>)  Counts the number of logical values passed to the function.  Numbers, arrays of numbers and values representing numbers (such as true, false and string representation of numbers) are processed.  Example  COUNTA(1,2,"3") returns 3  COUNTA(1,2,"x") returns 3  COUNTA(1,2,null) returns 2  COUNTA(ARRAY(1,2,3,4,true,"")) returns 6 
COUNTBLANK(…x:number | <expression>)  Counts the number of null-values passed to the function.  Example  COUNTBLANK(null) returns 1  COUNTBLANK(ARRAY(1,null,1,null)) returns 2 
MAX(…x : number | <expression>)  Returns the max value of the numeric values passed to the function. Only numbers and arrays of numbers are processed.  Example  MAX(1,4,3,true,null) returns 4 
MAXA(…x : number | <expression> | boolean | string)  Returns the max value of the numbers or numeric representations of the values passed to the function.  Example  MAXA(false,null) returns 0  MAXA(0,true) returns 1 
MIN(…x : number | <expression>)
MINA(…x : number | <expression> | boolean | string)
STDEV(…x : number | <expression>)
STDEVA(…x : number | <expression>)
STDEVP(…x : number | <expression>)
STDEVPA(…x : number | <expression>)
VAR(…x : number | <expression>)
VARA(…x : number | <expression>)
VARP(…x : number | <expression>)
VARPA(…x : number | <expression>)

Text functions

Function  Description 
CONCAT(…t:string)  Concatenates a comma separated list of strings  CONCAT("a","b","c") will return the string "abc" 
SUBSTRING(input : string, start : number[, length : number)  Returns a substring of the input string.  SUBSTRING("Hello", 1) returns the string "ello".  SUBSTRING("Hello", 1,2) returns the string "el". 
SPLIT(input : string, delimiter : string)  Returns an array of strings that contains the substrings of the input strings that are delimited by the delimiter argument.  SPLIT("Hi, everyone", ",") returns ["Hi", "everyone"] 
LOWER  Converts all characthers in a string to lower case 
TOSTRING(value)  Converts a value to a string, for example the number 100.123 is converted to the string "100.123" 
TOSTRING(value,formatString)  Similar to the Excel TEXT-function, converts a value to a string using the specified format.  When the value is a number, valid format strings are those supported by the numeraljs formatting library –  When the value is a Date, valid format strings are those supported by the momentjs formatting library –   Example  TOSTRING(DATE(2016,1,1), "YYYYMMDD") will returns "20160101" 
TRIM  Removes leading and trailing whitespace charachters from a string. 
UPPER  Converts all characthers in a string to upper case 
TONUMBER  Converts a string to a number. If the string cannot be converted to a number, null is returned. 
NEWLINE  Returns the newline character. 

Date functions

Function  Description 
DATE(year [,month,day,hours,min,sec, ms])  Creates a Date object from the specified arguments 
DATEVALUE(year [,month,day,hours,min,sec, ms])  Creates a Date object from the specified arguments 
DATE(expression)  Creates a Date object by evaluating expression 
TODATE(expression[,input format])  Converts a date string or number to a Date object. If you do not specify the input format, the date string must be an ISO 8601 date string.  Example  TODATE("2001-01-01") returns a Date object representing January 1st, 2001  Example  TODATE("20.12.2006", "DD.MM.YYYY") return a Date object representing Dec 20th 2006 
NOW()  Returns the current Date 
FORMATDATE(date : Date | string,format : string)  Returns a string representation of a date using the specified format and the current locale.  The formatting function supports momentjs formats.   If the date passed to the function is a string and not a date object, the format of the string is expected to be ISO 8601. 

System Functions

Function  Description 
ARRAY(…args)  Creates an array of values.  Example  ARRAY(1,4,"test") 
NEWID()  Creates a unique id with the length of 36 characters, on the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. 
ENVIRONMENT()  Returns the browser window object 
EVAL(expression : string)  Dynamically evaluates an expression and returns the value.  The argument passed to EVAL can be a string or an expression returning a string.  Example 2 
EVAL("1 + 2") returns 3  EVAL(CONCAT("1+", "2")) returns 3 
  Example 2  You can also use the EVAL function to execute formulas embedded in a data set. For example if the data set contains a Formula column with valid Eaze expressions, you can create dynamically executed expressions like this:  @Total[] = EVAL(@Formula[]);   
So if the Formula column contains the expression @P01[] + @P02[], the expression will be equivalent to @Total[] = @P01[] + @P02[]; 
JsonParse(value)  The JsonParse(...) function parses a JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by the string. 
JsonStringify(text)  The JsonStringify(...) function converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string. 

Row Collection Functions

Function  Description 
ADDROWFIRST(JSON object)  Adds a row at the beginning of the data set bound to the grid  Example  ADDROWFIRST({"ObjectId":-1, "AccountID":"F100", "ProductID":"P-001","Total":0,"P01":-3000}) 
ADDROWLAST(JSON object)  Adds a row at the end of the data set bound to the grid  Example  ADDROWLAST({"ObjectId":-1, "AccountID":"F100", "ProductID":"P-001", "Total":0, "P01":-3000}) 
ADDROWAFTER(address expression, JSON object)  Adds a row after the first row matching the address expression.  Example  This example shows how to add a row after the first row where AccountID equals A3000  ADDROWAFTER(AccountID == "A3000", {"ObjectId":-1,"AccountID":"F100", "ProductID":"P-001", "Total":0, "P01":-3000}) 
ADDROWBEFORE(address expression, JSON object)  Adds a row before the first row matching the address expression  Example  This example shows how to add a row before the first row where AccountID equals A3000 and Amount > 5000  ADDROWBEFORE(AccountID == "A3000" && Amount > 5000, {"ObjectId":-1,"AccountID":"F100","ProductID":"P-001","Total":0,"P01":-3000}) 
IsSummaryRow(…)  Returns true if the row in the current call context is a summary row  Example  IsSummaryRow(GetCallContextRow())   returns true if the row currently being evaluated by the Eaze runtime is a summary row. 
IsRowLocked(…)  Returns true if a row is locked  Example  IsRowLocked(GetCallContextRow()) 

Cell and Row Styling Functions

Function  Description 
SETROWSTYLE(row address expression, style name : string)  Sets the style of rows matching the row address expression.  Example 1  Applies a specific css class ("ProductGroup1") to all rows where ProductID equals XYZ.  SETROWSTYLE(ProductID == "XYZ", "ProductGroup1");  Example 2  Applies a specific css class ("StyleA") to all rows where ProductID starts with the letter 3.  SETROWSTYLE(STARTSWITH(ProductID, "3"), "StyleA"); 
SETCELLSTYLE(row address expression, column name : string, css class name : string)  Sets the style of cells in a specific column matching the row address expression.  Example 1  Applies a specific css class ("RedCell") to cells in the "Total" column if Total is less than 1000  SETCELLSTYLE(Total < 1000, "Total", "RedCell") 


Keyword  Description 
false  Boolean false value 
true  Boolean true value 
null  Represents a null reference 
this  Returns a reference to the current execution context with the following properties:  Rows: any[] (JavaScript array)