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Utsav Chadha edited this page Nov 5, 2017 · 26 revisions


  1. Look through Corpora. What data sets interest you? Contribute a data set in the form of a pull request.
  2. Use something "external" (other than p5.js) in a browser-based text experiment. For example:
    • Use RiTa.js or NLP-Compromise to analyze and/or modify text.
    • Use a data source from Corpora or some other API (NY Times, Wikipedia, etc.)
    • Use Wordnik to lookup meta-data about a word.

I encourage you to think of creative interactions other than "submit text via a text box." For example, what happens if you alter a user's text as they type? What if you make DOM elements contenteditable? What other experimental interactions can you invent?


  • add your question here

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