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This repository contains local Bonfire NoC with optional local fault management support


People involved in this project:

  • Karl Janson
  • René Pihlak
  • Siavoosh Payandeh Azad
  • Behrad Niazmand

Folder structure:

  • Baseline_Packages - RTL package files for the baseline router
  • Baseline_RTL - RTL files for the baseline router
  • RTL - RTL files for the router with local fault management mechanism
  • Packages - RTL package files for the router with local fault management mechanism
  • tmp - Used to store temporary simulation data
  • experiments - Contains experimental data for profiling the local fault management mechanism and also scripts used for running the experiments
    • FI - contains fault injection files
    • TB_vhdl - contains testbenches for different packages injection rates
    • experiment scripts - contains experiment scripts

Running the experiments:

Note: The experiments are tested on Linux Ubuntu LTS 16.04.

To run the experiments, you need to go to the experiment scripts folder: cd experiments/experiment_scipts/

And run the script python3

Note: You need to have Modelsim / Questasim in your path before you run the script

You can change between running the script on local fault management version and the baseline version of the router by replacing the RTL_PREFIX variable in

The fault injection run can be changed by pointing the FI_FOLDER variable to the desired directory.

The results of each experiment run are stored inside the experiment_scipts folder in a file called results_<unix_time>.csv

Interpreting the results

Interpreting the results depends on whether the experiments were run on baseline or on the local fault management version of the NoC

Each line contains one experiment run

  • Baseline: In case of baseline, the format of the csv file is the following:
    • <packet_injection_rate>,<fault_injection_rate>,<run_failed?>
      • <packet_injection_rate> - Packet injection rate in packets per clock cycle
      • <fault_injection_rate> - Fault injection rate in millions of faults per second
      • <run_failed> - Boolean value - true if fault injection caused some packets not to be received by the destination node; false if the destination node received all the faults
  • Local fault management: In case of the local fault management, the format of the result file is the following:
    • <packet_injection_rate>,<fault_injection_rate>,
      • <packet_injection_rate> - Packet injection rate in packets per clock cycle
      • <fault_injection_rate> - Fault injection rate in millions of faults per second
      • - Average packet transmission latency in clock cycles


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