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ProjectGuerilla edited this page Mar 22, 2012 · 11 revisions

A Home For Sample Code and Other Interesting Examples for the Shotgun API

You can find out more about the Project Guerilla (Tom Stratton) on My Web Business Card

I've started dabbling in programming for Shotgun and am a little frustrated by a lack of code examples beyond what has been thoughtfully provided by the Shotgun Developers and decided to start my own collection of examples that may help other who are working to extend Shotgun.

I intend to put all the code I collect into the project and welcome input from other coders too... I also hope that the wiki can be a place where we can share code, ideas and problems.

Obligatory Links:

S*&t My Code Says

(a small exploration of things that drove me crazy when working with the Shotgun API)

This is a work in progress!

I am new to git and to GitHub so it may take me a while to find my way around. If you get here and you're interested in talking to me (or if you have Shotgun Admin or Programming work that you want to hire me for ;) contact me: tom at tomstratton dot net

If you've got code you want to share I'd love to get it added to this collection! Unlike an "official" open source Shotgun project I'm happy to have code that is sloppy, undocumented and which may not be fully fleshed out. Just make sure you remove your server details and script keys!

Code Sections