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I ❀️ init.vim and I cannot lie.

Favorite languages:
  • C / C++ (#1 liked, which I've already MASTERED)
  • C# (#2 liked, learning now)
  • Rust
  • Typescript & Javascript





Things I interested at:

πŸ‘€ Read ME πŸ‘€

Some... childhood experience

I just cannot believe that there's someone clicked in and seeing my personal profile.

Being just a 16-year-old boy, But I've been learning technology for 8 years, It was full of mistakes and failures, but finally, in my high school period, I became the best in our IT zone and started chasing my technological dream very early. Seeing back to my childhood and my middle-school-period, there's full of words to come out of my mouth (hand). Writing this long passage can help me to remember everything and everyone I met on my road to my technological dream.

I just wrote it, to express my emotions. sorry for my poor English.

My childhood is very lucky to have my chance to have a first impression of technology. I have my first class to learn robot, using LEGO Mindstorms RCX, what a old model. Teacher taught us to build things up, I built insects, animals, and many other "movable" things. But I always have a question of the way how these robots can be controlled by that controller block, so I ask teacher, and he tolds me that the only to let'em move is programming.

"What is programming?" I asked. He said when I was older I will understand. Come on! I'm a Chinese boy, I am tired of these words, Usseewa!

I loved playing Minecraft since I was 6 yrs old. I think Notch is the greatest person in the world, managed to make this fanstastic game. Boys of my age usually had a dream, for me, my dream is to create a game as great as Minecraft, or even better.

So I searched on Baidu, "how Minecraft was made?"

"It was programmed in Java."

What is "programming"? Why I felt so fimilar to this word just like someone told me a few days ago? Oh! My teacher told me. So I asked him again on the phone, and soon he let me joined the "Programming Master" class. It just a class and students "programming" the program, moving mouse cursors, dragging blocks and seeing these blocks in the software called RIS (Oh my god, I'm still remember it), which stands for "Robot Invention System", a software made by LEGO itself.

But wait a minute, what is Java?

I searched "Java", and a lot of things that I doesn't know at all jumped into my eyes. I searched it again in Baidu Baike (Baidu encyclopedia), I was deeply confused by many new words, but I still ckicked all the links in the passage. One link which is important to my while technology life is thr page whicb describes keyword "code", still confused by the passage, but being the only page that has picture, I clicked the picture to maximize it, there's a man wearing sunglasses in a dark room, seeing on a screen full of text in a special font, text reflected through his sunglasses into the camera. I think you have alrady guessed it out, just a hacker picture, but I thought that should people making programs, making games as great as Minecraft.

I was deeply impressed by this pic, and determined to learn programming, learn something called "code".

I cried to ask my mother to learn "code", my mother asked that teacher, but that teacher said thing taught is "code".

So I left that class only a few days later. Later in the summer holiday, my mother still found a "code" class.

And a few days later, I successfully stepped into the hole. I learnt my first programming language, which is the most proficient, most loved, and most familiar today: C++.

Junior high school 🏫

Learning coding is a headache, but not difficult, however, after a year, almost my graduation of primary school, my mom let me quit that class and joined to an another class which was taught by a junior high school IT teacher. The teacher, however, is the best of the group of IT teachers in that school. Comparing to other teachers, he has a lot of algorithm knowledges and programming expriences. When I joined them, I didn't know what is algorithm and I thought learning algorithm is still as eeasy as learning coding.

What the hell? How could this happen by just adding and subtracting number? What is "state transition equation"? How can I solve these problems using dynamic programming?

These questions are always suggested by me and however, the most desparing thing is that other classmates always seem clever than me (and they are), and they never asks these questions because they always can type that code and solve these impossible problems.

Why programming became very boring and annoying? Am I have some misunderstanding of programming? Can programming be fun and easy?

I tried to find the answer. When others are typing code to run algorithms, I opened website to learn more languages, comparing languages, using language features.

And slowly I became very master in programming languages, When others including the teacher still trying to solve some fundamental problems like modifying variables using wild pointers (because they just knew pointer can't be "unwild" using RAII and other abstractions like std::unique_ptr<> ), I used smart pointers and references to solve these problems. After things like these, I successfully cheating: I copied other's code, and modifying them in the format of best practices, to let teacher cannot find the cheatment. When others sleeping or playing games, I am looking the documentation of libraries, APIs, and articles written by famous and experienced programmers. I can create GUI application using wxWidgets, GTK and QT, I can create 3-D games and demos using graphics API like OpenGL and Direct3D (Vulkan is too hard for me at that time), whie others can only seeing console/terminal windows showing numbers. Look! Algorithms isn't the only thing we can code! Programming can be fun! Programming can be powerful!

And at that time I learnt a lesson: algorithms can be hard, but not the first thing you must mastered when learning programming. The fields of IT is so wide and, just try other parts when you are trapped in something.

In fact, I admit that learning algorithms is indeed very important, but at that time, I didn't do many applications, and I knew too little about the technical field, so I didn't realize it at that time.

Years passed, I just learn and learn, never stopped in learning new technological fields and skills.

Now, senior high school πŸ—»

Senior high school is a new period of my life, and also the period that I learnt IT fastest and most concentrate. I learnt countless technologies including Vulkan, Bazel, git with git-submodule, Boost library, .NET XAML and Blazor.

A new path made of solid are under my foot. I had a lot of time to run, to code, to test, to develop, and to learn.

I admit that I am a human and cannot learn 60% of technological fields, let alone learn it before my 20. But even if I haven't tried it much, I already have a plan on how to further my education in information technology and how to fully utilize it to improve my personal life.

Thank you for reading this. Thank you for reading me.

@Promesis πŸ“Έ

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