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M357-Docker Quick Guide

Quick Installation

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Modbus TCP Simulator to MQTT

Please run the commands below to setup 4 docker containers for this example.

$ cd /data/M357-docker-user-guide/modbus-tcp-simulator-to-mqtt
$ ./

There are brief description for these 4 containers.

  1. modbus-server: Modbus TCP simulator
  2. mqtt-broker: MQTT broker
  3. modbus2mqtt: Modbus master which continuously poll slaves and published values via MQTT.
  4. mqtt-sub: MQTT subscriber which subscribe all MQTT messages.

If all containers working fine, it will continuously show the Modbus data from mqtt-sub logs.

2023-12-26T01:12:00+0000 modbus/connected True
2023-12-26T01:12:00+0000 modbus/simulator/state/val1 52225
2023-12-26T01:12:00+0000 modbus/simulator/state/val2 52226
2023-12-26T01:12:00+0000 modbus/simulator/state/val3 52227
2023-12-26T01:12:00+0000 modbus/simulator/state/val4 52228
2023-12-26T01:12:00+0000 modbus/simulator/connected True
2023-12-26T01:12:05+0000 modbus/simulator/state/val1 52225
2023-12-26T01:12:05+0000 modbus/simulator/state/val2 52226
2023-12-26T01:12:05+0000 modbus/simulator/state/val3 52227
2023-12-26T01:12:05+0000 modbus/simulator/state/val4 52228

Modbus RTU to MQTT

The system will run the modbus_gateway with the setting below by default.

  • Baud rate: 9600
  • Data bits: 8
  • Stop bits: 1
  • Parity bits: n
  • TCP port: 502

The modbus_gateway is responsible for the conversion between Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU. You can change the setting of modbus_gateway to meet your Modbus RTU slave device.

If the Modbus slave has been connected to the RS-485 of M357, please run the commands below to update the data mapping (modbus2mqtt.csv) for your Modbus RTU slave devices.

$ cd /data/M357-docker-user-guide/modbus-rtu-to-mqtt
# Edit/Overwirte the modbus2mqtt.csv

The folloing table shown the setting for two Modbus RTU slave devices.

Sensor H&T PM2.5
Baud Rate 9600 9600
Modbus ID 1 2
Modbus OP 3 3
Data Type Holding Register Holding Register
Address 0 0
Quantity 2 1
Regs#1 Tempeature PM2.5
Regs#2 Humidity N/A

Then, you should update the modbus2mqtt.csv for two Modbus RTU slave devices as following.

# Humidity and Temperature sensor with ID 1

# PM2.5 sensor with ID 2

You can run the ./ to start poll the Modbus data when the modbus2mqtt.csv has been updated properly. If everything working fine, it will continuously show the Modbus data from mqtt-sub logs.

2023-12-26T01:56:20+0000 modbus/PM2.5/state/PM2.5 2
2023-12-26T01:56:20+0000 modbus/PM2.5/connected True
2023-12-26T01:56:20+0000 modbus/HT/state/temperature 2184
2023-12-26T01:56:20+0000 modbus/HT/state/humidity 4744
2023-12-26T01:56:20+0000 modbus/HT/connected True
2023-12-26T01:56:22+0000 modbus/PM2.5/state/PM2.5 2


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