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* upgrade to Xtext 2.29.0, require Java 11+ ([#193]( ([1447eb3](

* update version to 10.2.15 ([10fcae0](

* **deps:** bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.7 ([fb23b11](
* **deps:** bump npm from 8.5.2 to 8.19.3 ([2152258](
* **deps:** bump semantic-release from 19.0.2 to 19.0.5 ([2e248fb](
* **deps:** update dependency gradle to v7.5 ([f933cde](
* **deps:** update dependency gradle to v7.5.1 ([50acafe](
* **deps:** update dependency gradle to v7.6 ([623c048](
* **deps:** update dependency gradle to v8 ([61e3426](
* **deps:** update dependency gradle to v8.0.1 ([4124aad](
* **deps:** update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin to v3.4.1 ([c61a1ea](
* **deps:** update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin to v3.5.0 ([28613c2](
* **deps:** update dependency org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin to v3.1.0 ([5de21a4](
* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-annotations to v9.4.49.v20220914 ([3b2ea0b](
* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-annotations to v9.4.50.v20221201 ([82cfad9](
* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin to v11.0.12 ([59c3973](
* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin to v11.0.13 ([5cd1ed1](
* **deps:** update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-simple to v2 ([febbe35](
* **deps:** update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-simple to v2.0.1 ([de36416](
* **deps:** update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-simple to v2.0.2 ([cc7b41f](
* **deps:** update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-simple to v2.0.3 ([8492b3f](
* **deps:** update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-simple to v2.0.4 ([eaaf755](
* **deps:** update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-simple to v2.0.5 ([489dcde](
* **deps:** update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-simple to v2.0.6 ([656e75e](
* **deps:** update dependency org.webjars:ace to v4 ([eb44edb](
* **deps:** update dependency org.webjars:ace to v7 ([d48c0d5](
* **deps:** update dependency org.webjars:jquery to v3.6.1 ([27d6322](
* **deps:** update dependency org.webjars:jquery to v3.6.3 ([911d7a8](
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.10 ([7c5e63c](
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.11 ([22ca2e2](
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.12 ([c2782e2](
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.13 ([fff6ca4](
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.14 ([c786258](
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.15 ([1b8b92a](
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.16 ([045aad6](
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.9 ([e4bedab](
* **deps:** update node.js to 16.16 ([f83095e](
* **deps:** update node.js to 16.17 ([36d621d](
* **deps:** update node.js to 16.18 ([46cc8b8](
* **deps:** update node.js to 18.12 ([4da9f4f](
* **deps:** update node.js to 18.13 ([f9943b2](
* **deps:** update node.js to 18.14 ([b2327a7](
* **deps:** update node.js to v18 ([44b800b](

* **deps:** bump semver-regex from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 ([b52c2ee](
* **deps:** update actions/checkout action to v3.1.0 ([aab4498](
* **deps:** update actions/checkout action to v3.2.0 ([c0d5ce6](
* **deps:** update actions/checkout action to v3.3.0 ([e299a9c](
* **deps:** update danysk/action-checkout action to v0.2.2 ([a655f0d](
* **deps:** update danysk/action-checkout action to v0.2.3 ([6ae8533](
* **deps:** update danysk/action-checkout action to v0.2.4 ([c53544e](
* **deps:** update danysk/action-checkout action to v0.2.5 ([784f660](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.0.3 ([3c13410](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.0 ([d6bb8d9](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.1 ([69e88c8](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.10 ([06197dd](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.11 ([28f8ff8](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.12 ([be4a187](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.13 ([b29884f](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.14 ([4e2fd49](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.15 ([481e2e6](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.17 ([6f83910](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.18 ([1b489c4](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.19 ([abea16a](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.2 ([e2e90b8](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.20 ([3932f17](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.21 ([1034af7](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.22 ([cd01c4d](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.23 ([0c971f7](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.24 ([446fe94](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.25 ([a7b3a85](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.3 ([e08989c](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.4 ([77f96e2](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.5 ([e85f159](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.6 ([ced0ab7](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.7 ([129d370](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.8 ([0320321](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.9 ([5357fb7](
* refresh the CI structure ([#169]( ([15ca81d](
* retry multiple times to prevent network-related failures ([3a7bc2b](

* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-annotations to v9.4.48.v20220622 ([2941ade](

* update version to 10.2.14 ([689447e](

* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin to v11.0.11 ([1addefc](

* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-annotations to v9.4.47.v20220610 ([1d040da](

* update version to 10.2.13 ([4a7dc7a](

* **deps:** update actions/checkout action to v3.0.1 ([e460c28](
* **deps:** update actions/checkout action to v3.0.2 ([ce0b0e5](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v1.2.10 ([5d05361](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v1.2.11 ([ee0cfbe](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v1.2.12 ([23e9fba](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v1.2.13 ([5f255c3](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v1.2.14 ([5ed6f9a](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v1.2.15 ([42c1a80](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v1.2.16 ([ba68e0e](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2 ([f620cbc](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.0.1 ([7de8ec3](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.0.2 ([17c7775](

* **deps:** update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin to v3.2.0 ([c598466](
* **deps:** update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin to v3.4.0 ([d0ea008](
* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin to v11.0.10 ([69c0a19](
* **deps:** update dependency org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin to v1.6.13 ([53ac032](
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.6 ([d53ad0e](
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.7 ([0ae20dc](
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.8 ([0380dc5](
* **deps:** update node.js to 16.15 ([7e8b8ca](

* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-annotations to v9.4.46.v20220331 ([03591b7](

* update version to 10.2.12 ([7e24a32](

* **deps:** update actions/checkout action to v3 ([26c828f](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v1.2.6 ([0611ef6](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v1.2.7 ([7280f48](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v1.2.8 ([b062a9e](
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v1.2.9 ([7321c10](

* **deps:** update dependency gradle to v7.4.1 ([4e823ef](
* **deps:** update dependency gradle to v7.4.2 ([95dc749](
* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin to v11.0.9 ([4c12ac9](

* update version to 10.2.11 ([4e9ef2d](

* **core-deps:** update xtextversion to v2.26.0 ([735d22e](
* **deps:** update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-gpg-plugin to v3 ([c3c38d1](
* **deps:** update dependency org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin to v3.3.0 ([17ec169](
* **deps:** update dependency org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin to v3 ([caa300c](
* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin to v10 ([c6daa71](
* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin to v11 ([2a7d3d3](

* **deps:** update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-simple to v1.7.36 ([0b87351](

* update version to 10.2.10 ([6c5c679](

* **deps:** update dependency org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin to v1.6.12 ([e98bff6](

* **update-site:** point the site to the actual repository ([fed2381](

* make Maven quieter ([f5ef33c](

* **release:** provide a valid tag message ([9afd864](

* update version to 10.2.8 ([a14ac97](

* **release:** restore the maven configuration after release ([ff773b7](
* restore jvm config file ([55d8690](

* update version to 10.2.7 ([e4fa914](

* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-annotations to v9.4.45.v20220203 ([0c4f95a](
* **deps:** update dependency org.webjars:ace to v01.08.2014 ([8a44086](
* update version ([0eca3ee](

* **deps:** update dependency to v5.1.0 ([3e74d60](
* **deps:** update dependency gradle to v7.4 ([e280ab9](
* **deps:** update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin to v3.3.2 ([2b443cb](
* **deps:** update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin to v3.3.2 ([b59c946](

* generate a release ([f7cc1b5](

* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-maven-plugin to v9.4.45.v20220203 ([740c8d0](

* **release:** clean before deploy ([3af79bd](

* **release:** inject the version into feature.xml ([b04d5e4](

* **release:** push changes on GH after release on Central ([baf3824](

* **release:** inject versions to the MANIFEST.MF ([4e96e8d](

* **deps:** update dependency org.webjars:jquery to v3.6.0 ([37b8ce8](

* generate a release ([894bb9d](

* **deps:** update target platform and Xtext ([7beb772](

* reformat the poms ([212f114](

* add a fictional gradle wrapper ([b58a1fd](
* auto-cancel out of date builds ([beb5158](
* checkout with custom token ([2e7fcb6](
* create a version upgrade script ([4aefbc9](
* do not build tags ([e72d0f9](
* drop automerge ([256424a](
* drop the build cronjob ([6ba3459](
* enable renovate ([8c909bc](
* enable semantic release ([d64dcfc](
* enable workflow_dispatch ([f91d975](
* fix maven lifecycle phase name ([9bd64ee](
* ignore branch builds on renovate pulls ([93d6ead](
* implement the iterator correctly ([18ef57b](
* import the signing key on the fly ([c2080fd](
* initialize a gradle wrapper (even though it is not used) ([4d44360](
* only cancel non-started builds ([b86b77f](
* pinpoint the version of actions/setup-java ([664d814](
* provide the github token to the release bot ([3dfb13e](
* remove unused scripts ([57b8c87](
* reuse DanySK/build-check-deploy-gradle-action ([a9a0693](
* run on Java LTSs ([a59ee62](
* switch to the custom checkout action ([f460c08](
* update DanySK/build-check-deploy-gradle-action ([9274a1b](
* update DanySK/build-check-deploy-gradle-action ([e3e4e44](
* update DanySK/build-check-deploy-gradle-action ([d588ee2](


* Add initial support to Java 16. Using `--illegal-access=permit` may be needed for the parser to work un Java 16+
* In order to build on Java 8, the file in .mvn/jvm.config must be deleted
* Updated Xtext to 2.26.0.M1
* Updated MWE2 to 2.12.1
* Guice 5.0.1 is forced as explicit dependency, as it is required to work under Java 16
Assets 2