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This website is built using Docusaurus, a modern static website generator.



Local Development

yarn start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.

yarn start -- --locale es

This command makes the same than previous one, but opens the development for Spanish translation.

Mantain Translations

When an untranslated document is edited or a new feature is used that brings another button for example, it is our responsibility to maintain the respective translated files.

Markdown translations

New translations

mkdir -p i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current
cp -rn docs/** i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current

mkdir -p i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog
cp -rn blog/** i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog

mkdir -p i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-pages
cp -rn src/pages/**.md i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-pages
cp -rn src/pages/**.mdx i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-pages

This set of commands will copy your untranslated Markdown files to the Spanish folder.

Previous translations

Any change made into the files need to be updated manually, to keep your translated sites consistent, when the docs/introduction.mdx doc is edited, you need backport these edits to i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/introduction.mdx.

JSON translations

yarn write-translations -- --locale es

This command will run again the write-translations CLI command to maintain the JSON translation files (for buttons, sidebar, navbar, etc.).


yarn build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.

yarn build -- --locale es

This command makes the same than previous one, but generates static content for Spanish translation.


Using SSH:

USE_SSH=true yarn deploy

Not using SSH:

GIT_USER=<Your GitHub username> yarn deploy

If you are using GitHub pages for hosting, this command is a convenient way to build the website and push to the gh-pages branch.