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Pure Fusion is fully API-driven. Most APIs which change the system (POST, PATCH, DELETE) return an Operation in status "Pending" or "Running". You can poll (GET) the operation to check its status, waiting for it to change to "Succeeded" or "Failed".

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.2
  • Package version: 1.2.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.python.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import fusion 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import fusion

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import fusion
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth
configuration = fusion.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = fusion.ArraysApi(fusion.ApiClient(configuration))
body = fusion.ArrayPost() # ArrayPost | 
region_name = 'region_name_example' # str | The Region name
availability_zone_name = 'availability_zone_name_example' # str | The Availability Zone name
x_request_id = 'x_request_id_example' # str | The Request ID supplied with the request, used to perform operations idempotently. (optional)
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Access token (in JWT format) required to use any API endpoint. (optional)
x_correlation_id = 'x_correlation_id_example' # str | The Correlation ID provided will be added to log messages and can be used for support. The same Correlation ID may be used for separate requests, to track a higher level workflow. (optional)

    # (Provider) Registers an array into Pure Fusion.
    api_response = api_instance.create_array(body, region_name, availability_zone_name, x_request_id=x_request_id, authorization=authorization, x_correlation_id=x_correlation_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ArraysApi->create_array: %s\n" % e)

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth
configuration = fusion.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = fusion.ArraysApi(fusion.ApiClient(configuration))
region_name = 'region_name_example' # str | The Region name
availability_zone_name = 'availability_zone_name_example' # str | The Availability Zone name
array_name = 'array_name_example' # str | The Array name
x_request_id = 'x_request_id_example' # str | The Request ID supplied with the request, used to perform operations idempotently. (optional)
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Access token (in JWT format) required to use any API endpoint. (optional)
x_correlation_id = 'x_correlation_id_example' # str | The Correlation ID provided will be added to log messages and can be used for support. The same Correlation ID may be used for separate requests, to track a higher level workflow. (optional)

    # Deregister a specific array.
    api_response = api_instance.delete_array(region_name, availability_zone_name, array_name, x_request_id=x_request_id, authorization=authorization, x_correlation_id=x_correlation_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ArraysApi->delete_array: %s\n" % e)

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth
configuration = fusion.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = fusion.ArraysApi(fusion.ApiClient(configuration))
region_name = 'region_name_example' # str | The Region name
availability_zone_name = 'availability_zone_name_example' # str | The Availability Zone name
array_name = 'array_name_example' # str | The Array name
x_request_id = 'x_request_id_example' # str | The Request ID supplied with the request, used to perform operations idempotently. (optional)
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Access token (in JWT format) required to use any API endpoint. (optional)
x_correlation_id = 'x_correlation_id_example' # str | The Correlation ID provided will be added to log messages and can be used for support. The same Correlation ID may be used for separate requests, to track a higher level workflow. (optional)

    # (Provider) Gets a specific Array.
    api_response = api_instance.get_array(region_name, availability_zone_name, array_name, x_request_id=x_request_id, authorization=authorization, x_correlation_id=x_correlation_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ArraysApi->get_array: %s\n" % e)

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth
configuration = fusion.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = fusion.ArraysApi(fusion.ApiClient(configuration))
array_id = 'array_id_example' # str | The Array ID
x_request_id = 'x_request_id_example' # str | The Request ID supplied with the request, used to perform operations idempotently. (optional)
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Access token (in JWT format) required to use any API endpoint. (optional)
x_correlation_id = 'x_correlation_id_example' # str | The Correlation ID provided will be added to log messages and can be used for support. The same Correlation ID may be used for separate requests, to track a higher level workflow. (optional)

    # (Provider) Gets a specific Array.
    api_response = api_instance.get_array_by_id(array_id, x_request_id=x_request_id, authorization=authorization, x_correlation_id=x_correlation_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ArraysApi->get_array_by_id: %s\n" % e)

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth
configuration = fusion.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = fusion.ArraysApi(fusion.ApiClient(configuration))
region_name = 'region_name_example' # str | The Region name
availability_zone_name = 'availability_zone_name_example' # str | The Availability Zone name
array_name = 'array_name_example' # str | The Array name
x_request_id = 'x_request_id_example' # str | The Request ID supplied with the request, used to perform operations idempotently. (optional)
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Access token (in JWT format) required to use any API endpoint. (optional)
x_correlation_id = 'x_correlation_id_example' # str | The Correlation ID provided will be added to log messages and can be used for support. The same Correlation ID may be used for separate requests, to track a higher level workflow. (optional)

    # (Provider) Gets performance metrics of a specific Array.
    api_response = api_instance.get_array_performance(region_name, availability_zone_name, array_name, x_request_id=x_request_id, authorization=authorization, x_correlation_id=x_correlation_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ArraysApi->get_array_performance: %s\n" % e)

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth
configuration = fusion.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = fusion.ArraysApi(fusion.ApiClient(configuration))
region_name = 'region_name_example' # str | The Region name
availability_zone_name = 'availability_zone_name_example' # str | The Availability Zone name
array_name = 'array_name_example' # str | The Array name
x_request_id = 'x_request_id_example' # str | The Request ID supplied with the request, used to perform operations idempotently. (optional)
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Access token (in JWT format) required to use any API endpoint. (optional)
x_correlation_id = 'x_correlation_id_example' # str | The Correlation ID provided will be added to log messages and can be used for support. The same Correlation ID may be used for separate requests, to track a higher level workflow. (optional)

    # (Provider) Gets performance metrics of a specific Array.
    api_response = api_instance.get_array_space(region_name, availability_zone_name, array_name, x_request_id=x_request_id, authorization=authorization, x_correlation_id=x_correlation_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ArraysApi->get_array_space: %s\n" % e)

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth
configuration = fusion.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = fusion.ArraysApi(fusion.ApiClient(configuration))
region_name = 'region_name_example' # str | The Region name
availability_zone_name = 'availability_zone_name_example' # str | The Availability Zone name
x_request_id = 'x_request_id_example' # str | The Request ID supplied with the request, used to perform operations idempotently. (optional)
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Access token (in JWT format) required to use any API endpoint. (optional)
x_correlation_id = 'x_correlation_id_example' # str | The Correlation ID provided will be added to log messages and can be used for support. The same Correlation ID may be used for separate requests, to track a higher level workflow. (optional)

    # (Provider) Gets a list of all arrays registered to Pure Fusion.
    api_response = api_instance.list_arrays(region_name, availability_zone_name, x_request_id=x_request_id, authorization=authorization, x_correlation_id=x_correlation_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ArraysApi->list_arrays: %s\n" % e)

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth
configuration = fusion.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = fusion.ArraysApi(fusion.ApiClient(configuration))
body = fusion.ArrayPatch() # ArrayPatch | 
region_name = 'region_name_example' # str | The Region name
availability_zone_name = 'availability_zone_name_example' # str | The Availability Zone name
array_name = 'array_name_example' # str | The Array name
x_request_id = 'x_request_id_example' # str | The Request ID supplied with the request, used to perform operations idempotently. (optional)
authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Access token (in JWT format) required to use any API endpoint. (optional)
x_correlation_id = 'x_correlation_id_example' # str | The Correlation ID provided will be added to log messages and can be used for support. The same Correlation ID may be used for separate requests, to track a higher level workflow. (optional)

    # Updates a specific array.
    api_response = api_instance.update_array(body, region_name, availability_zone_name, array_name, x_request_id=x_request_id, authorization=authorization, x_correlation_id=x_correlation_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling ArraysApi->update_array: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ArraysApi create_array POST /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/arrays (Provider) Registers an array into Pure Fusion.
ArraysApi delete_array DELETE /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/arrays/{array_name} Deregister a specific array.
ArraysApi get_array GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/arrays/{array_name} (Provider) Gets a specific Array.
ArraysApi get_array_by_id GET /resources/arrays/{array_id} (Provider) Gets a specific Array.
ArraysApi get_array_performance GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/arrays/{array_name}/performance (Provider) Gets performance metrics of a specific Array.
ArraysApi get_array_space GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/arrays/{array_name}/space (Provider) Gets performance metrics of a specific Array.
ArraysApi list_arrays GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/arrays (Provider) Gets a list of all arrays registered to Pure Fusion.
ArraysApi update_array PATCH /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/arrays/{array_name} Updates a specific array.
AvailabilityZonesApi create_availability_zone POST /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones Creates an Availability Zone.
AvailabilityZonesApi delete_availability_zone DELETE /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name} Deletes a specific Availability Zone.
AvailabilityZonesApi get_availability_zone GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name} Gets a specific Availability Zone.
AvailabilityZonesApi get_availability_zone_by_id GET /resources/availability-zones/{availability_zone_id} Gets a specific Availability Zone.
AvailabilityZonesApi get_availability_zone_performance GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/performance (Provider) Gets performance metrics of a specific Availability Zone.
AvailabilityZonesApi get_availability_zone_space GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/space (Provider) Gets space metrics of a specific Availability Zone.
AvailabilityZonesApi list_availability_zones GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones Gets a list of all Availability Zones.
HardwareTypesApi get_hardware_type GET /hardware-types/{hardware_type_name} (Provider) Gets a specific Hardware Type.
HardwareTypesApi get_hardware_type_by_id GET /resources/hardware-types/{hardware_type_id} (Provider) Gets a specific Hardware Type.
HardwareTypesApi list_hardware_types GET /hardware-types (Provider) Gets a list of all hardware types.
HostAccessPoliciesApi create_host_access_policy POST /host-access-policies Creates a Host Access Policy.
HostAccessPoliciesApi delete_host_access_policy DELETE /host-access-policies/{host_access_policy_name} Deletes a specific host access policy.
HostAccessPoliciesApi get_host_access_policy GET /host-access-policies/{host_access_policy_name} Gets a specific Host Access Policy.
HostAccessPoliciesApi get_host_access_policy_by_id GET /resources/host-access-policies/{host_access_policy_id} Gets a specific Host Access Policy.
HostAccessPoliciesApi list_host_access_policies GET /host-access-policies Gets a list of all Host Access Policies.
IdentityManagerApi create_api_client POST /api-clients Creates an API Client
IdentityManagerApi delete_api_client DELETE /api-clients/{api_client_id} Deletes a specific API Client
IdentityManagerApi get_api_client GET /api-clients/{api_client_id} Gets a specific API Client
IdentityManagerApi get_api_client_by_id GET /resources/api-clients/{api_client_id} Gets a specific API Client
IdentityManagerApi list_api_clients GET /api-clients Gets a list of all API Clients
IdentityManagerApi list_users GET /users Gets a list of all users.
NetworkInterfaceGroupsApi create_network_interface_group POST /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/network-interface-groups (Provider) Creates a Network Interface Group.
NetworkInterfaceGroupsApi delete_network_interface_group DELETE /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/network-interface-groups/{network_interface_group_name} (Provider) Deletes a specific Network Interface Group.
NetworkInterfaceGroupsApi get_network_interface_group GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/network-interface-groups/{network_interface_group_name} (Provider) Gets a specific Network Interface Group.
NetworkInterfaceGroupsApi get_network_interface_group_by_id GET /resources/network-interface-groups/{network_interface_group_id} (Provider) Gets a specific Network Interface Group.
NetworkInterfaceGroupsApi list_network_interface_groups GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/network-interface-groups (Provider) Gets a list of all Network Interface Groups.
NetworkInterfaceGroupsApi update_network_interface_group PATCH /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/network-interface-groups/{network_interface_group_name} (Provider) Updates a Network Interface Group.
NetworkInterfacesApi get_network_interface GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/arrays/{array_name}/network-interfaces/{net_intf_name} (Provider) Gets a specific Network Interface.
NetworkInterfacesApi get_network_interface_by_id GET /resources/network-interfaces/{network_interface_id} (Provider) Gets a specific Network Interface.
NetworkInterfacesApi list_network_interfaces GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/arrays/{array_name}/network-interfaces (Provider) Gets a list of all Network Interfaces.
NetworkInterfacesApi update_network_interface PATCH /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/arrays/{array_name}/network-interfaces/{net_intf_name} (Provider) Updates a Network Interface.
OperationsApi get_operation GET /operations/{id} Gets a specific Operation.
OperationsApi get_operation_by_id GET /resources/operations/{id} Gets a specific Operation.
OperationsApi list_operations GET /operations Gets a list of Operations matching the criteria.
PlacementGroupsApi create_placement_group POST /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/placement-groups Creates a Placement Group.
PlacementGroupsApi delete_placement_group DELETE /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/placement-groups/{placement_group_name} Deletes a specific Placement Group.
PlacementGroupsApi get_placement_group GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/placement-groups/{placement_group_name} Gets a specific Placement Group.
PlacementGroupsApi get_placement_group_by_id GET /resources/placement-groups/{placement_group_id} Gets a specific Placement Group.
PlacementGroupsApi get_placement_group_sessions GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/placement-groups/{placement_group_name}/sessions Gets iSCSI sessions data of a specific Placement Group.
PlacementGroupsApi get_placement_groups_performance GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/placement-groups/{placement_group_name}/performance Get performance metrics of a specific Placement Group
PlacementGroupsApi get_placement_groups_space GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/placement-groups/{placement_group_name}/space Get space metrics of a specific Placement Group
PlacementGroupsApi list_placement_groups GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/placement-groups Gets a list of all Placement Groups.
PlacementGroupsApi query_placement_groups GET /resources/placement-groups Returns a list of Placement Groups from query
PlacementGroupsApi update_placement_group PATCH /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/placement-groups/{placement_group_name} Updates a specific Placement Group.
ProtectionPoliciesApi create_protection_policy POST /protection-policies Creates a Protection Policy.
ProtectionPoliciesApi delete_protection_policy DELETE /protection-policies/{protection_policy_name} Deletes a specific protection policy.
ProtectionPoliciesApi get_protection_policy GET /protection-policies/{protection_policy_name} Gets a specific Protection Policy.
ProtectionPoliciesApi get_protection_policy_by_id GET /resources/protection-policies/{protection_policy_id} Gets a specific Protection Policy.
ProtectionPoliciesApi list_protection_policies GET /protection-policies Gets a list of all Protection Policies.
RegionsApi create_region POST /regions Creates a Region.
RegionsApi delete_region DELETE /regions/{region_name} Deletes a specific Region.
RegionsApi get_region GET /regions/{region_name} Gets a specific Region.
RegionsApi get_region_by_id GET /resources/regions/{region_id} Gets a specific Region.
RegionsApi list_regions GET /regions Gets a list of all Regions.
RegionsApi query_regions GET /resources/regions Get all Regions in the org. Provide a filter to search for specific Regions.
RegionsApi update_region PATCH /regions/{region_name} Updates a Region.
RoleAssignmentsApi create_role_assignment POST /roles/{role_name}/role-assignments Creates a Role Assignment.
RoleAssignmentsApi delete_role_assignment DELETE /roles/{role_name}/role-assignments/{role_assignment_name} Delete a Role Assignment.
RoleAssignmentsApi get_role_assignment GET /roles/{role_name}/role-assignments/{role_assignment_name} Gets a specific Role Assignment.
RoleAssignmentsApi get_role_assignment_by_id GET /resources/role-assignments/{role_assignment_id} Gets a specific Role Assignment.
RoleAssignmentsApi list_role_assignments GET /roles/{role_name}/role-assignments Gets a list of all Role Assignments.
RoleAssignmentsApi list_role_assignments_canonical GET /resources/role-assignments Gets a list of all Role Assignments.
RolesApi get_role GET /roles/{role_name} Gets a specific Role.
RolesApi get_role_by_id GET /resources/roles/{role_id} Gets a specific Role.
RolesApi list_roles GET /roles Gets a list of all Roles.
SnapshotsApi create_snapshot POST /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/snapshots Creates Volume snapshots of specified Volume names.
SnapshotsApi delete_snapshot DELETE /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/snapshots/{snapshot_name} Eradicate a snapshot and its volume snapshots which were previously marked for deletion using PATCH.
SnapshotsApi get_snapshot GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/snapshots/{snapshot_name} Gets a specific Snapshot.
SnapshotsApi get_snapshot_by_id GET /resources/snapshots/{snapshot_id} Gets a specific Snapshot.
SnapshotsApi list_snapshots GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/snapshots Gets a list of Snapshots.
SnapshotsApi query_snapshots GET /resources/snapshots Get all Snapshots in the org. Provide a filter to search for specific snapshots.
SnapshotsApi update_snapshot PATCH /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/snapshots/{snapshot_name} Recovers a pending snapshot
StorageClassesApi create_storage_class POST /storage-services/{storage_service_name}/storage-classes (Provider) Creates a Storage Class.
StorageClassesApi delete_storage_class DELETE /storage-services/{storage_service_name}/storage-classes/{storage_class_name} Deletes a Storage Class.
StorageClassesApi get_storage_class GET /storage-services/{storage_service_name}/storage-classes/{storage_class_name} Gets a specific Storage Class.
StorageClassesApi get_storage_class_by_id GET /resources/storage-classes/{storage_class_id} Gets a specific Storage Class.
StorageClassesApi list_storage_classes GET /storage-services/{storage_service_name}/storage-classes Gets a list of all Storage Classes.
StorageClassesApi update_storage_class PATCH /storage-services/{storage_service_name}/storage-classes/{storage_class_name} Updates a Storage Class.
StorageEndpointsApi create_storage_endpoint POST /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/storage-endpoints (Provider) Creates a Storage Endpoint.
StorageEndpointsApi delete_storage_endpoint DELETE /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/storage-endpoints/{storage_endpoint_name} (Provider) Deletes a specific Storage Endpoint.
StorageEndpointsApi get_storage_endpoint GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/storage-endpoints/{storage_endpoint_name} (Provider) Gets a specific Storage Endpoint.
StorageEndpointsApi get_storage_endpoint_by_id GET /resources/storage-endpoints/{storage_endpoint_id} (Provider) Gets a specific Storage Endpoint.
StorageEndpointsApi list_storage_endpoints GET /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/storage-endpoints (Provider) Gets a list of all Storage Endpoints.
StorageEndpointsApi update_storage_endpoint PATCH /regions/{region_name}/availability-zones/{availability_zone_name}/storage-endpoints/{storage_endpoint_name} (Provider) Updates a Storage Endpoint.
StorageServicesApi create_storage_service POST /storage-services (Provider) Creates a Storage Service.
StorageServicesApi delete_storage_service DELETE /storage-services/{storage_service_name} (Provider) Deletes a Storage Service.
StorageServicesApi get_storage_service GET /storage-services/{storage_service_name} Gets a specific Storage Service.
StorageServicesApi get_storage_service_by_id GET /resources/storage-services/{storage_service_id} Gets a specific Storage Service.
StorageServicesApi list_storage_services GET /storage-services Gets a list of all Storage Services.
StorageServicesApi update_storage_service PATCH /storage-services/{storage_service_name} (Provider) Updates a Storage Service.
TenantSpacesApi create_tenant_space POST /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces Creates a Tenant Space.
TenantSpacesApi delete_tenant_space DELETE /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name} Deletes a specific Tenant Space.
TenantSpacesApi get_tenant_space GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name} Gets a specific Tenant Space.
TenantSpacesApi get_tenant_space_by_id GET /resources/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_id} Gets a specific Tenant Space.
TenantSpacesApi get_tenant_space_performance GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/performance Gets performance metrics of a specific Tenant Space.
TenantSpacesApi get_tenant_space_space GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/space Gets space metrics of a specific Tenant Space.
TenantSpacesApi list_tenant_spaces GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces Gets a list of all Tenant Spaces.
TenantSpacesApi query_tenant_spaces GET /resources/tenant-spaces Get all Tenant Spaces in the org. Provide a filter to search for specific Tenant Spaces
TenantSpacesApi update_tenant_space PATCH /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name} Updates a Tenant Space.
TenantsApi create_tenant POST /tenants Creates a Tenant.
TenantsApi delete_tenant DELETE /tenants/{tenant_name} Deletes a specific Tenant.
TenantsApi get_tenant GET /tenants/{tenant_name} Gets a specific Tenant.
TenantsApi get_tenant_by_id GET /resources/tenants/{tenant_id} Gets a specific Tenant.
TenantsApi get_tenant_performance GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/performance Gets performance metrics of a specific Tenant.
TenantsApi get_tenants_space GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/space Gets space metrics of a specific Tenant.
TenantsApi list_tenants GET /tenants Gets a list of all Tenants.
TenantsApi query_tenants GET /resources/tenants Get all Tenants in the org. Provide a filter to search for specific Tenants.
TenantsApi update_tenant PATCH /tenants/{tenant_name} Updates a Tenant.
VolumeSnapshotsApi query_volume_snapshots GET /resources/volume-snapshots Get all Volume Snapshots in the org. Provide a filter to search for specific volume snapshots.
VolumeSnapshotsApi get_volume_snapshot GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/snapshots/{snapshot_name}/volume-snapshots/{volume_snapshot_name} Gets a specific Volume Snapshot.
VolumeSnapshotsApi get_volume_snapshot_by_id GET /resources/volume-snapshots/{volume_snapshot_id} Gets a specific Volume Snapshot.
VolumeSnapshotsApi list_volume_snapshots GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/snapshots/{snapshot_name}/volume-snapshots Gets a list of all Volume snapshots in a Snapshot.
VolumesApi create_volume POST /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/volumes Creates a Volume.
VolumesApi delete_volume DELETE /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/volumes/{volume_name} Eradicate a specific volume. Volume has to be destroyed before it can be eradicated.
VolumesApi get_volume GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/volumes/{volume_name} Gets a specific Volume.
VolumesApi get_volume_by_id GET /resources/volumes/{volume_id} Gets a specific Volume.
VolumesApi get_volume_performance GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/volumes/{volume_name}/performance (Provider) Gets performance metrics of a specific Volume.
VolumesApi get_volume_space GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/volumes/{volume_name}/space (Provider) Gets space metrics of a specific Volume.
VolumesApi list_volumes GET /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/volumes Gets a list of all Volumes.
VolumesApi query_volumes GET /resources/volumes Get all Volumes in the org. Provide a filter to search for specific volumes.
VolumesApi update_volume PATCH /tenants/{tenant_name}/tenant-spaces/{tenant_space_name}/volumes/{volume_name} Updates a Volume -- renaming, and resizing it; changing its Storage Class; changing its Placement Group; adding or removing host connections.
WorkloadPlannerApi create_placement_recommendation POST /workload-planner/placement-recommendations (Provider) Generates a report on the candidate arrays a given placement group can be placed/migrated to
WorkloadPlannerApi get_placement_recommendation GET /workload-planner/placement-recommendations/{placement_recommendation_name} Gets a specific placement recommendation report
DefaultApi get_version GET /info/version Gets the version of the Pure Fusion control plane.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


