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FED React Course

Table of Content

1. Create Project Workspace

This workspace is a folder which will contain multiple projects/repositories.

You will always navigate to this folder in your terminal when you start class.

If you want to create a new project you will do that in this workspace.

DO NOT create projects outside this folder as it is good to keep all your projects organised within a dedicated workspace.

mkdir coding_bootcamp
cd coding_bootcamp
  • cd will change the directory to your home directory (Windows/MAC home directory)
  • mkdir coding_bootcamp will make a directory (folder) called coding_bootcamp in your home directory since you are currently in your home directory because of the previous command
  • cd coding_bootcamp will change the directory to the newly created directory coding_bootcamp since you created the directory in the previous command

2. Setup your SSH Keys

If you do not have your SSH keys setup for GitHub please follow the guide

3. Fork Instructor Repository Setup

Step 1:

Fork the instructor repo here by following the instructions in GitHub.

Step 2:

Navigate in to your project workspace by tying the following command in the terminal:

cd ~/coding_bootcamp

The above command will take you to your home directory and then navigate to the coding-bootcamp directory irrespective of which directory you are currently in.

Step 3:

Clone the forked instructor repository on to your local machine

code .
  • The above git command will clone the project from GitHub using the ssh link provided
  • Navigate in to the newly cloned git project
  • code . will open the project in Visual Studio Code

NOTE: If code . does not work please follow the instructions here

4. NodeJS Installation

Run the command node --version in your terminal and if a valid node version is displayed you can skip this step.

If you do not have NodeJS setup on your machine please follow the steps for MacOS or Windows:

MacOS installation using NVM

  • Open your terminal. NOTE: you can open your terminal from the Spotlight tool by searching for Terminal or you can open your terminal from the Applications folder)
  • Paste this command in your terminal and hit Enter curl -o- | bash
  • The above command will download Node Version Manager (NVM) or update NVM if you already have it installed
  • Enter the command nvm install --lts which will download the Long-Term Support (stable) version of NodeJS and set it as your default NodeJS version
  • NOTE: You might see an error command not found: nvm and this is because the terminal application does not recognise the command nvm even though you have installed it. Close your terminal and re-open it and type nvm --version and if you still get the same error then add the following lines of code to your ~/.zshrc file if it exists. If the file does not exist then touch ~/.zshrc which will create the file. Open the file and copy and paste the code snippet below which will instruct your terminal on how to run the nvm commands when you type it in the terminal:
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion
  • Enter the command node --version which will print out the current version of NodeJS (should be something like 18.x.x)
  • All done!!

Windows installation using installer

  • Go the downloads page
  • Select the LTS version and select 32-bit or 64-bit according to your laptop specifications and download the windows installer version
  • Once the download is complete follow the steps from the installer
  • After the installation is successful, open your terminal and enter the command node --version which will print out the current version of NodeJS (should be something like 18.x.x)
  • All done!!

5. Getting Started

Navigate in to your locally forked repository and install the dependencies for the react playground and run the playground. Please note that npm run init is a custom script that installs all the dependencies required by React in the playground directory.

cd ~/coding_bootcamp/fed-react-course
npm run init
npm run playground

You should see a webpage open in your default browser on http://localhost:3000/ like this


6. Running the playground

  • Replace the /src directory in the /playground folder with the /src directory from either the challenges or the concepts (depending on what you want to run in the playground)
  • Open your terminal and make sure you are in the root directory of the react-training project (entry directory of this repository)
  • Run the following command in the terminal npm run playground and you should see your React application open in http://localhost:3000/
  • If you want to stop the playground, in the terminal press (CTRL + C)

7. Course Curriculum

You can find the lesson plans here

You can find your final project specifications here


Course content for React training and assignments






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