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Rails 4.0.0.beta1 and binstubs

Ian Heggie edited this page Jul 24, 2013 · 2 revisions

NOTE: This article out of date now as Rails 4.0.0 is out and the fix works!

Separating bundle binstubs from other commands for rails 4.0.0.beta1

When bundle overwrites bin/rails in a rails 4.0.0.beta1 app, the binstub no longer works correctly. A fix has been made to rails for milestone 4.0.0

If you wish to keep the bundle binstubs separate from the application bin commands, then supply a different directory when creating the binstubs, eg: bundle --binstubs .bundler/bin . This will help workaround a bug in rails 4.0.0.beta whereby bin/rails as generated by bundle only runs the "new" sub command. A patch has been supplied for rails 4.0 milestone to fix the bug.

The rails command will have to be run manually with bin/rails, or bin/ added to the front of $PATH

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