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2014 AMS Code Sprint

Jonathan J. Helmus edited this page Feb 4, 2014 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the 2014 AMS aoslib code sprint!

We encourage anyone who is interested to work on improving aoslib but feel free to work on other open source Python projects or any software during the sprint.

Possible aoslib related tasks for the sprint

  • Wrap additional _awips Fortran functions using F2PY and by writing the associated Python function. A full list of the subroutines can be found at Task-Assignments. This will require an understanding of F2PY and the Fortran. The general procedure can be found in commit 176bcf2b70488. Also look at the Developer-Guidelines and Documentation-Guidelines.
  • Test support for Python 3.3.
  • Organize and update the Wiki. Markdown is the markup language for the Wiki, read about it here.
  • Set up automatic building of the documentation at

Other Open Source Python projects:

Detailed instructions for building aoslib.

Note that many of the install files will be available on flash drive at the sprint. Try to use these to save the limited bandwidth at at the conference.

Contributing to aoslib, general instructions.

  1. [Sign up for a GitHub] ( account if you do not already have one.
  2. Fork the aoslib repository. GitHub provides some a nice article with instructions on how to do this for those new to GitHub and Git. Github also have more helpful information on all things git as
  3. Follow the operating system specific instructions below to check out your fork of aoslib.
  4. Create a git development branch using the command git checkout -b development. You can replace development with another name for the branch.
  5. Hack away at the code, add new functions, etc.
  6. Add commits to your branch (git add and git commit) and when you are ready push them to GitHub (git push).
  7. When you think your improvements are ready to be included in aoslib create a Pull Request. We will review the code, suggest changes if needed and hopefully eventually merge your Request into master.


  • Download and install Anaconda. The default options are fine.
  • Make the change to the file in numpy as described here..
  • Download and install Git. Choose Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt, the other defaults are fine.
  • Open a shell from the start menu (cmd.exe or Powershell). Create and navigate to a directory where you would like aoslib development to take place.
  • Execute git clone, replace USERNAME with your GitHub username to clone your fork of aoslib.
  • Execute python build_ext -i.
  • Run the unit tests using nosetests.bat -v.


  • Download and install Anaconda.
  • Download and install XCode and the command line tools
  • Download and install GFortran.
  • Open a Terminal window, create and navigate to a directory where you would like aoslib development to take place.
  • Execute git clone, replace USENAME with your GitHub username to clone your fork of aoslib.
  • Execute python build_ext -i.
  • Run the unit tests using nosetests -v.

Suggest software to install before the sprint

Of of these software packages should be available for free. If possible try to install them before coming to the sprint, it will save time and bandwidth. If you have any problems, we should be able to help you at the sprint.




Install the following using you package manager (apt-get, yum):

  • gcc
  • gfortran
  • git