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giadarol edited this page Dec 23, 2018 · 24 revisions

The Python Parallel Ring Simulator (PyPARIS) is a python tool which allows to perform intensive computing tasks using a set of CPUs logically arranged in a ring structure. It can be used in combination with the PyECLOUD and PyHEADTAIL codes for the simulation of e-cloud effects on accelerator beam dynamics.

A description of the tool and of its usage is available for single-bunch and multi-bunch modes. The simulation to be performed is completely arbitrary and can be defined by writing a Simulation Class according to the template provided in the section:

Two different implementations are available, which use different libraries for the parallelisation (MPI and python multiprocessing). They can be exchanged at the moment of running the simulation, without needing any change on the Simulation Class, as described in the section:

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