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Grammar reference

This page is here to serve as a reference for the grammar implementation. Baron started as a python2.7 grammar implementation following the official specification for that and supporting both :file:`print statement` and :file:`print function`.

The evolution path regarding python3* is the adopt the same strategy that lib2to3 and try to support a combination of both grammar as much as possible.

This page describe the decisions taken regarding this dual support and it's progress. Hopefully there will be very few conflicting situations.

Current goal is python 3.6 specification.

Python 2 and python 3.6 grammar differences

As a reference and an overview, here is screenshot of vimdiff showing the difference between python 2.7 and python 3.6 grammar differences.




List of differences

Some of the diff have been edited to isolate the focused difference of the section

Python 3.3 is the based grammar I've started diffing with, some of the grammar differences marked as 3.3 are actually from older python version.

Current status

Grammar diff has been done up to python 3.6.2.

Still, some stuff for the lexer are probably missing in this list like:

  • fstrings
  • adding _ in numbers

I need to got through all release notes to see that.


Print function

Python 3.3 or earlier


Already done since the start.

This is handle at the parser initialisation level, is activate or not the print_function rule.

Ellipsis as atom (to replace 'pass')

Python 3.3 or earlier RedBaron: probably nothing to do (to be confirmed)

Baron: #121

ADD '...' in atom rule

Matrix operator

Python 3.5

Baron: #117 RedBaron: probably nothing to do (to be confirmed)

ADD '@' and '@=' to the lexer
ADD '@=' in augassign
ADD '@' in term
augassign: ('+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '@=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' |
            '<<=' | '>>=' | '**=' | '//=')

term: factor (('*'|'@'|'/'|'%'|'//') factor)*


Python 3.6

Baron: #110 RedBaron: TODO

add f'' rf'' fr'' to the lexer

Underscore in numeric literals

Python 3.6

Baron: #111 RedBaron: probably nothing to do (to be confirmed)

modify lexer to handle this

Nonlocal statement

Python 3.3 or earlier

Baron: #112 RedBaron: TODO



ADD 'nonlocal' to lexer
ADD 'nonlocal_stmt' to 'small_stmt'

ADD new rule:
nonlocal_stmt: 'nonlocal' NAME (',' NAME)*

Kwargs only arguments

Python 3.0

PEP: Baron: #108 RedBaron: TODO


ADD new rule:
parameter : STAR

Yield From

Python 3.3 or earlier

PEP 380 Baron: #113 and some after work (spliting in 2 nodes, fixing testlist → test, ...) RedBaron: TODO



ADD new node yield_from
Implement grammar from the screenshot

Await atom

Python 3.5

PEP 492 Baron: #114 RedBaron: TODO


power: atom trailer* ['**' factor]


power: atom_expr ['**' factor]
atom_expr: [AWAIT] atom trailer*

await is a NAME here, not a keyword (because you can do await = 42.)

Async Funcdef

Python 3.5 PEP 492 Baron: #114 RedBaron: TODO


decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef)


decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef | async_funcdef)
async_funcdef: ASYNC funcdef

async is a NAME here, not a keyword (because you can do async = 42.)

async for loop

Python 3.6


Baron: #114 RedBaron: TODO

comp_for: 'for' exprlist 'in' or_test [comp_iter]


async: NAME [SPACE]  # where NAME == "async"
async_stmt: async for_stmt

async is a NAME here, not a keyword (because you can do async = 42.)

async with

Python 3.6


Baron: #114 RedBaron: TODO

with_stmt: 'with' with_item (',' with_item)*  ':' suite


async: NAME [SPACE]  # where NAME == "async"
async_stmt: async with_stmt

async is a NAME here, not a keyword (because you can do async = 42.)

Ellipsis in from import

Python 3.3 or earlier


Function return type

Python 3.3 or earlier



ADD '->' to the lexer
ADD ['->' test] to funcdef rule
funcdef: 'def' NAME parameters ['->' test] ':' suite

Exec function

Python 3.3 or earlier


Like print_function but for 'exec'.

No one seems to be using that.

Typed arguments

Python 3.3 or earlier

Baron: #140 RedBaron: Done



# parameters
# this is mixed with the removal of def a((b, c)): style
# which will probably need to continue supporting

CHANGE parameters: '(' [varargslist] ')'
TO parameters: '(' [typedargslist] ')'
      (fpdef ['=' test] ',')*
         '*' NAME [',' '**' NAME]
         '**' NAME
      fpdef ['=' test]
      (',' fpdef ['=' test])*

fpdef: NAME | '(' fplist ')'
fplist: fpdef (',' fpdef)* [',']

# TO
      tfpdef ['=' test]
      (',' tfpdef ['=' test])*
            '*' [tfpdef]
            (',' tfpdef ['=' test])*
            [',' ['**' tfpdef [',']]]
            '**' tfpdef [',']
      '*' [tfpdef]
      (',' tfpdef ['=' test])*
      [',' ['**' tfpdef [',']]]
      '**' tfpdef [',']

# after some analysis, this is just a refactoring of the previous form with
# fpdef being changed to vfpdef
      vfpdef ['=' test]
      (',' vfpdef ['=' test])*
            '*' [vfpdef]
            (',' vfpdef ['=' test])*
            [',' ['**' vfpdef [',']]]
            '**' vfpdef [',']
      '*' [vfpdef]
      (',' vfpdef ['=' test])*
      [',' ['**' vfpdef [',']]]
      '**' vfpdef [',']

tfpdef: NAME [':' test]

vfpdef: NAME

*var generalisation

Python 3.3 or earlier








No more '.' '.' '.' in the grammar

Python 3.3 or earlier


Inheritance in class definition uses arglist now

Python 3.3 or earlier

I have no idea on why this is here but that's easy to change.


Raise from

Python 3.3 or earlier



# 2.7
raise_stmt: 'raise' [test [',' test [',' test]]]

# 3.3
raise_stmt: 'raise' [test ['from' test]]

# merge
raise_stmt: 'raise' [test [(',' test [',' test]] | 'from' test)]

Variables annotations

Python 3.6


expr_stmt: testlist_star_expr (augassign (yield_expr|testlist) |
                     ('=' (yield_expr|testlist_star_expr))*)


expr_stmt: testlist_star_expr (annassign | augassign (yield_expr|testlist) |
                     ('=' (yield_expr|testlist_star_expr))*)
annassign: ':' test ['=' test]


New lambda grammar

Python 3.3 or earlier

I have no idea on what to do with this one yet.



Remove old list comprehension syntax

Python 3.3 or earlier

I'm not sure on how to handle both situations (and it is needed? Old list comprehension syntax is like super edgy, I really wonder if anyonne has actually used that one that?)



False|True|None|... are now atoms in the grammar

Python 3.3 or earlier

Do I need to do anything about that?


Kwargs expressions

Python 3.5

Partially done with kwargs only arguments.


dictorsetmaker: ( (test ':' test (comp_for | (',' test ':' test)* [','])) |
                  (test (comp_for | (',' test)* [','])) )

arglist: (argument ',')* (argument [',']
                         |'*' test (',' argument)* [',' '**' test]
                         |'**' test)

# The reason that keywords are test nodes instead of NAME is that using NAME
# results in an ambiguity. ast.c makes sure it's a NAME.
argument: test [comp_for] | test '=' test


dictorsetmaker: ( ((test ':' test | '**' expr)
                   (comp_for | (',' (test ':' test | '**' expr))* [','])) |
                  ((test | star_expr)
                   (comp_for | (',' (test | star_expr))* [','])) )

# can be simplified apparently
arglist: argument (',' argument)*  [',']

# The reason that keywords are test nodes instead of NAME is that using NAME
# results in an ambiguity. ast.c makes sure it's a NAME.
# "test '=' test" is really "keyword '=' test", but we have no such token.
# These need to be in a single rule to avoid grammar that is ambiguous
# to our LL(1) parser. Even though 'test' includes '*expr' in star_expr,
# we explicitly match '*' here, too, to give it proper precedence.
# Illegal combinations and orderings are blocked in ast.c:
# multiple (test comp_for) arguments are blocked; keyword unpackings
# that precede iterable unpackings are blocked; etc.
argument: ( test [comp_for] |
            test '=' test |
            '**' test |
            '*' test )

Nothing to do

Those are things that have been removed from python3 grammar but we still need to support (and we already do) so we don't have to do anything.

No more commat syntax in except close

Python 3.3 or earlier


No more backquote syntax

Python 3.3 or earlier
