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Django style project generation made easy for FastApi


My goal to produce a cli which will be able to generate project, app, deployment configuration out of the box. Initially I am planning to create project boilarplate, using them you can be able to generate project and its component. In the future, it might be able to do some smart action.

What is/will be included


Database Supported Priority
Mongo DB On Development Highest
SQL Planning to support Low


Features Supported Priority
Versioning On Development High
Deployment Planning to support Medium
Authentication Planning to support Medium
Authorization Planning to support Medium

What is being used

I am using jinja2 templating system to generate the project and prompt_toolkit for taking users input

Needed Help

Any kind of help is appriciated, Please create an issue if -

  1. I am missing something here
  2. You want to help in creating some feature


  1. Using pipx pipx install git+ (Recomanded)
  2. Using pip pip install git+

Commands available

  1. Generate project fastgen -p or fastgen --project
  2. Get help fastgen -h or fastgen --help