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Multiplatform tools for writing Pylons wallets. pylons_wallet is a multiproject Gradle build consisting of the following:



Core library implementing Pylons blockchain functionality and high-level abstraction layers for message-handling and UI interaction. Highly portable, enabling wallet applications to be written for any platform with a JVM implementatiion. See also IpcLayer/UILayer notes.


TornadoFX-driven desktop wallet application. Currently orphaned and unmaintained; doesn't build.


Minimal, console-based, proof-of-concept wallet currently used with the Pylons Unity SDK. devdevwallet doesn't possess a standalone UI - it's strictly a target for IPC clients to be written against.


Quick and nasty IPC using a local HTTP server, used by devdevwallet. Good for a sample implementation of an IpcLayer.


Console tool for emitting signatures manually to be compared against values generated by the node, for debugging purposes. Also old/unmaintained/not building. (This is an easier fix - it just needs to support multicore.)


A major library to be used by JVM client apps. It contains the Wallet class, a generic high-level interface between JVM clients and a Pylons wallet. libpylons is heavily dependent on platform-specific IPC implementation so it provides a stable communication channel, through which clients can easily access the chain functionality without having to talk directly to the chain.


Simple automated recipe creation and management tools available on the Pylons Net, provided as a Gradle plugin. See also recipetool/README.

TODO: Can we get an Android wallet to actually build as part of the multiproject?



Set up the environment, clone the repository, open the project in IDEA. TODO: get a more detailed/useful install guide - need to actually do this on a clean VM or something first to figure out where the gotchas are