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Sphinx themes for projects under the Pylons Project, but in a Python package instead of git submodule.


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Pylons Sphinx Themes

This repository is a Python package that contains Sphinx themes for Pylons related projects. This project is based on Pylons Sphinx Theme (singular), but uses a package implementation instead of git submodules and manual steps.

To use a theme in your Sphinx documentation, follow this guide.

Edit your project's

  1. Add pylons-sphinx-themes to your project's requirements in its Here's an example from Pyramid.

    docs_extras = [
        'Sphinx >= 1.7.5', # Read The Docs minimum version

Edit your Sphinx's

  1. Near the top, add the following.

    import pylons_sphinx_themes
  2. Activate the theme.

    html_theme = 'pyramid'
    html_theme_path = pylons_sphinx_themes.get_html_themes_path()
  3. (Recommended) Enable Ethical Ads. Doing so supports both Read the Docs and the Python Software Foundation with ad revenue.

    # Control display of sidebars
    html_sidebars = { '**': [
    ] }
  4. If you were previously using the git submodule method to use the Pylons theme, then comment or delete the block of code under the following statement.

    # Add and use Pylons theme
    if 'sphinx-build' in ' '.join(sys.argv):  # protect against dumb importers
  5. (Optional) Set a canonical root URL. The URL points to the root of the documentation, and requires a trailing slash.

    html_theme_options = dict(

Undo git submodule method

If you were previously using the git submodule method to use the Pylons theme, then perform the following additional steps.

  1. Remove .gitmodules.

    cd <your_project_directory>
    git rm .gitmodules
  2. Deinitialize the submodule.

    cd docs/_themes
    git submodule deinit .
  3. Remove the submodule's directory.

    cd ..
    git rm _themes/
  4. Edit your Sphinx's Makefile. The following is an example diff from Pyramid.

    -html: themes
    # ...
    -htmlhelp: themes
    -    cd ..; git submodule update --init --recursive; cd docs;

Update tox.ini

If you use tox, you can specify dependencies for building your docs either in your (preferred) or in your tox.ini (duplicitous). See the example from Pyramid.

docs_extras = [
    'Sphinx >= 1.7.5',

# ...

extras_require = {

Otherwise you can repeat yourself and edit your tox.ini. The following example is from waitress.

deps =

Update Read the Docs configuration

If you specify package requirements for Read the Docs, specify dependencies in your rtd.txt. You can either name them explicitly, which might be duplicitous:


or you can rely on your configuration, specifying dependencies in only one place, by simply using this in your rtd.txt.

-e .[docs]

Available themes

  • pylons - the generic Pylons Project documentation theme
  • pyramid - the specific Pyramid documentation theme
  • pylonsfw - the specific Pylons Framework documentation theme


Sphinx themes for projects under the Pylons Project, but in a Python package instead of git submodule.



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