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Python doorbell application, for use with Raspberry Pi & Display-o-tron 3000.


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Python doorbell application, for use with Raspberry Pi & Display-o-tron 3000.

DoorPy exists of two separated applications:

  • - For the webapplication;
  • - The actual DoorPy application, reading the GPIO input/output and controlls the LCD.

It uses the following applications by design:

  • Apache2 (with mod_wsgi enabled);
  • Upstart for automated (re)booting of the application.

Want to know more, including pictured and what is looks like?
Check my Github page!


Below a guideline for the installation of DoorPy, it might be incorrect.. Don't blame me for that!

  • Fulfil all dependecies:
    apt-get install python python-pip apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi upstart python-dev libffi-dev virtualenv and
    sudo pip install virtualenv
  • Clone the repository into /var/www/DoorPy.
  • Install dependecies by using pip:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Setup Apache:
    • Edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/doorpy.conf, to contain the following:
       <VirtualHost *:80>
                  ServerName [name]
                  ServerAdmin [email]
          WSGIDaemonProcess NAME  user=www-data group=www-data threads=5
          WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/DoorPy/app.wsgi
          <Directory /var/www/DoorPy/app>
                          Order allow,deny
                          Allow from all
                          WSGIScriptReloading On
          Alias /static /var/www/DoorPy/static
                  <Directory /var/www/DoorPy/static/>
                          Order allow,deny
                          Allow from all
                          WSGIScriptReloading On
                  ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
                  LogLevel warn
                  CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
``` * Configure Upstart by creating `/etc/init/doorPy.conf`, which allows you to `sudo start|stop doorPy`. Therefore add the following content: ``` # DoorPy upstart script

description "DoorPy - Doorbell application for Raspberry Pi" author "Pysint"

start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [016]

exec python /var/www/DoorPy/ respawn

  * Edit your `/var/www/` file, to reflect your settings. Especially make sure to write down the correct secret key in both this file and `/var/www/app.wsgi`.
  * Now restart Apache `sudo service apache2 restart` and check if you can access [ip]:80 and see the admin interface.
* If you are all good, power down your Raspberry Pi and take it apart.
* Now connect the LED wires from the doorbell-receiver to the GPIO pin that you have defined in and another one to ground.
* [ This will be extended in due time ]


Python doorbell application, for use with Raspberry Pi & Display-o-tron 3000.







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