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JMeter Distributed Load Testing Infrastructure on AWS using Terraform

This repo will help you to spin up an AWS EC2 instances with Java, JMeter, and JMeter Plugins for distributed load testing.


  • Terraform
  • AWS Console w/ IAM role


AWS Key Pair

  • Log into AWS console
  • Navigate to EC2 -> Key Pairs
  • Create a new key pair w/ RSA and Private Key format (PEM)
  • Save the private key to a file in a secure location


module "jmeter-distributed-load-test-infra" {
  source  = "QAInsights/jmeter-distributed-load-test-infra/aws"

  # insert the required variables here
  aws_ami                      = "ami-001089eb624938d9f"
  aws_key_name                 = "terraform"
  jmeter_version               = "5.4.3"
  jmeter_workers_count         = 2
  aws_controller_instance_type = "t2.small"
  aws_worker_instance_type     = "t2.small"
  jmeter_plugins               = ["jpgc-casutg"]

By default, it will spin up an t2.small [not a free tier] instance with us-east-2 availability zone. Refer to the AWS documentation for more information.

To configure other input variables, refer to the documentation.

To configure outputs, refer to the documentation.

Terraform Plan and Apply

  • Run terraform init
  • Run terraform plan
  • Run terraform apply when prompted to continue, enter yes to spin up the instance

JMeter Execution

  • Collect all the IP addresses of the JMeter controller and workers. Create to store the IP addresses.
  • SSH into the JMeter controller and run the following command to start JMeter:
jmeter -n -t apache-jmeter-5.4.3/bin/examples/CSVSample.jmx -R <worker-IP-address-1,worker-IP-address-2...> \ 
-l run1.log -Dserver.rmi.ssl.disable=true

JMeter validation

ssh into the instance using the PEM and run jmeter -v to verify JMeter is installed and working.
