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QS Pirates

📌 QvsPy

We are developing a quantum sensor simulator for virus detection. Quantum Sensors have been used to increase Covid-19 detection accuracy. Such an outcome has the potential to decrease the trajectory of the pandemic, potentially decreasing numbers of deaths and patients. Our project aims to extend the benefit of high acccuracy of virus detection through quantum sensing to all viruses through creating a library for researchers to use to detect the presence of viruses in input data. Having a simulator of the quantum sensor instead of the full quantum sensor hardware to detect the presence of viruses can save researchers time, effort, and the expense of materials. On a macroscale, the global community benefits from this as the increased accessibility for researchers to understand life-threatening viruses can lead to the increased quality of the global community's health.

📌 Files in repo:

  • Quantum-Sensing-Simulator.ipynb: quantum sensor simulator1
  • Hamiltonian.ipynb: Hamiltonian for simulating physical device2

📌 How to run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

📌 Our Presentation:

Google Slide

⭐ Our Team:

Ashith, Genie, Zayd, Phillip, China, Dania, Jakub and Sakib.

Mentors: Nouhaila Innan & Victory Omole



  1. Danilin, S., and M. Weides. "Quantum sensing with superconducting circuits." arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.11022 (2021).

  2. Li, Changhao, et al. "SARS-CoV-2 quantum sensor based on nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond." Nano letters 22.1 (2021): 43-49.