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Pull REST API {#pull_rest_api}

Last update: 2017-07-11 | Edit on GitHub

Invoicing Operation Flow

Pull API Invoicing

  1. User submits an order on the merchant’s website.
  2. Merchant sends Create invoice request to Visa QIWI Wallet server with authorization parameters.
  3. Merchant is recommended to redirect to QIWI Checkout page on Visa QIWI Wallet site when the request is completed. Otherwise, invoice can be paid in any Visa QIWI Wallet interfaces, such as web (, mobile applications and self-service terminals.
  4. If merchant enables notifications, then Visa QIWI Wallet sends to the merchant's server a notification on the invoice status once invoice is paid or cancelled by the user. Authorization on the merchant's side is required for notifications.
  5. Merchant can request current status of the created invoice, or cancel invoice (provided that it has not been paid yet) at any moment.
  6. Merchant delivers ordered services/goods when the invoice gets paid.

Authorization {#auth_rest_api}

Pull REST API requests are authorized through HTTP Basic-authorization with API ID and API password.

user@server:~$ curl "server_URL"
  --header "Authorization: Basic MjMyNDQxMjM6NDUzRmRnZDQ0Mw=="
Header is Authorization string and its value is Basic Base64(API_ID:API_PASSWORD)

Issuing Invoice for the Order {#invoice}

user@server:~$ curl ""
  -X PUT 
  -d 'user=tel%3A%2B79161111111&amount=1.00&ccy=RUB&comment=uud_TEST7&lifetime=2016-09-25T15:00:00'
  --header "Accept: text/json" --header "Authorization: Basic ***"  
PUT /api/v2/prv/2042/bills/BILL-1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/json
Authorization: Basic ***
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8

//Shop identifier from Merchant details page 
$SHOP_ID = "21379721";
//API ID from Merchant details page 
$REST_ID = "62573819";
//API password from Merchant details page 
$PWD = "**********"; 
//Invoice ID
$BILL_ID = "99111-ABCD-1-2-1";
$PHONE = "79191234567";

$data = array(
    "user" => "tel:+" . $PHONE,
    "amount" => "1000.00",
    "ccy" => "RUB",
    "comment" => "Good choice",
    "lifetime" => "2015-01-30T15:35:00",
    "pay_source" => "qw",
    "prv_name" => "Special packages"

$ch = curl_init(''.$SHOP_ID.'/bills/'.$BILL_ID);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $REST_ID.":".$PWD);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array (
    "Accept: application/json"
$results = curl_exec ($ch) or die(curl_error($ch));
echo $results; 
echo curl_error($ch); 
curl_close ($ch);
//Optional user redirect
$url = ''.$SHOP_ID.'&
echo '<br><br><b><a href="'.$url.'">Redirect link to pay for invoice</a></b>';

Request creates new invoice to the specified phone number which conincides with wallet ID in QIWI Wallet. Request type - HTTP PUT.

Request → PUT

  • URL

      Parameters are in the PUT-request URL pathname:
    • prv_id - merchant’s Shop ID (numeric value, as displayed in Shop ID parameter of Protocols details section of web site)
    • bill_id - unique invoice identifier generated by the merchant (any non-empty string of up to 200 characters)

    • Accept: text/json or Accept: application/json - JSON response
    • Accept: text/xml or Accept: application/xml - XML response
    • Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
    • Authorization: Basic ***
  • Parameters

    Parameters are sent in the request body as formdata.
Parameter Description Type Required
user The Visa QIWI Wallet user’s ID, to whom the invoice is issued. It is the user’s phone number with "tel:" prefix String(20) Y
amount The invoice amount. The rounding up method depends on the invoice currency Number(6.3) Y
ccy Invoice currency identifier (Alpha-3 ISO 4217 code). Depends on currencies allowed for the merchant. The following values are supported: RUB, EUR, USD, KZT String(3) Y
comment Comment to the invoice String(255) Y
lifetime Date and time up to which the invoice is available for payment. If the invoice is not paid by this date it will become void and will be assigned a final status.
Important! Invoice will be automatically expired when 45 days is passed after the invoicing date
dateTime Y
pay_source If the value is "mobile" the user’s MNO balance will be used as a funding source. If the value is "qw", any other funding source is used available in Visa QIWI Wallet interface. If parameter isn’t present, value "qw" is assumed String N
prv_name Merchant’s name String(100) N

Response parameters

Error response

Requesting Invoice Status {#invoice-status}

Merchant can request payment status of the invoice by sending the following GET-request.

GET /api/v2/prv/2042/bills/BILL-1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/json
Authorization: Basic ***
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
user@server:~$ curl ""
  --header "Authorization: Basic ***" --header "Accept: text/json" 

Request → GET

  • URL

      Parameters are in the GET-request URL pathname:
    • prv_id - merchant’s Shop ID (numeric value, as displayed in Shop ID parameter of Protocols details section of web site)
    • bill_id - unique invoice identifier generated by the merchant (any non-empty string of up to 200 characters)

    • Accept: text/json or Accept: application/json - JSON response
    • Accept: text/xml or Accept: application/xml - XML response
    • Authorization: Basic ***

Response parameters

Error response

Cancelling Unpaid Invoice {#cancel}

Request cancels unpaid invoice.

PATCH /api/v2/prv/2042/bills/BILL-1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/json
Authorization: Basic ***
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8

user@server:~$ curl -X PATCH 
  --header "Authorization: Basic ***" 
  --header "Accept: text/json" 
  -d 'status=rejected'

Request → PATCH

  • URL

      Parameters are in the PATCH-request URL pathname:
    • prv_id - merchant’s Shop ID (numeric value, as displayed in Shop ID parameter of Protocols details section of web site)
    • bill_id - unique invoice identifier generated by the merchant (any non-empty string of up to 200 characters)

    • Accept: text/json or Accept: application/json - JSON response
    • Accept: text/xml or Accept: application/xml - XML response
    • Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
    • Authorization: Basic ***
  • Parameters

    Parameter is sent in the request body as formdata.
Parameter Value Type Required
status rejected string (cancel status) String +

Response parameters

Error response


Request processes a full or partial refund to user's Visa QIWI Wallet account, so a reversed transaction with the same currency is created for the initial one.

Merchant can create several refund operations for the same initial invoice provided that:

  • Amount of all refund operations does not exceed initial invoice amount.
  • Different refund IDs used for different refund operations of the same invoice (see below).
When the transmitted amount exceeds the initial invoice amount or the amount left after the previous refunds, server returns error code 242.

Refund Operation Flow

Refund Invoice REST API

  1. To refund a part of the invoice amount or the full amount, merchant sends a request for refund to Visa QIWI Wallet server.
  2. To make sure that the payment refund has been successfully processed, merchant can periodically request the invoice refund status until the final status is received.
  3. This scenario can be repeated multiple times until the invoice is completely refunded (whole invoice amount has been returned to the user).

Request Details

Request → PUT

  • URL

      Parameters are in the PATCH-request URL pathname:
    • prv_id - merchant’s Shop ID (numeric value, as displayed in Shop ID parameter of Protocols details section of web site)
    • bill_id - unique invoice identifier generated by the merchant (any non-empty string of up to 200 characters)
    • refund_id - refund identifier, a number specific to a series of refunds for the invoice {bill_id} (string of 1 to 9 symbols – any 0-9 digits and upper/lower Latin letters)

    • Accept: text/json or Accept: application/json - JSON response
    • Accept: text/xml or Accept: application/xml - XML response
    • Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
    • Authorization: Basic ***
  • Parameters

    Parameter is sent in the request body as formdata.
user@server:~$ curl -v -w "%{http_code}" -X PUT 
  --header "Accept: text/json" 
  --header "Authorization: Basic ***" 
  -d 'amount=10.0'
PUT /api/v2/prv/2042/bills/BILL-1/refund/122swbill HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/json
Authorization: Basic ***
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8

Parameter Description Type Required
amount The refund amount should be less or equal to the amount of the initial transaction specified in
{bill_id}. The rounding up method depends on the invoice currency
Number(6.3) Y

Response parameters

Error response

Check Refund Status

Merchant can verify current status of the refund by sending Refund Status GET-request.

Request → GET

  • URL

      Parameters are in the GET-request URL pathname:
    • prv_id - merchant’s Shop ID (numeric value, as displayed in Shop ID parameter of Protocols details section of web site)
    • bill_id - unique invoice identifier generated by the merchant (any non-empty string of up to 200 characters)
    • refund_id - refund identifier, a number specific to a series of refunds for the invoice {bill_id} (string of 1 to 9 symbols – any 0-9 digits and upper/lower Latin letters)

    • Accept: text/json or Accept: application/json - JSON response
    • Accept: text/xml or Accept: application/xml - XML response
    • Authorization: Basic ***
user@server:~$ curl ""
  -v -w "%{http_code}" 
  --header "Accept: text/json" --header "Authorization: Basic ***" 
GET /api/v2/prv/2042/bills/BILL-1/refund/122swbill HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/json
Authorization: Basic ***
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8

Response parameters

Error response