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Post your application Cypress tests to a server you host and have it run them in parallel and store the results


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Built to work with the npm package cypress-service-client.


Consider two example applications:

  • cypress-backend-app
  • cypress-frontend-app

The Cypress tests, and configuration for those tests belong in the respective apps.

The tests are posted to cypress-service when the app is deployed to an environment.


  • keeps a copy of the correct version of tests for that deployment
  • runs the tests
  • keeps a copy of the results
  • enables the tests for all applications to be run periodically - say daily

Architecture - your application with Cypress tests

The client application, say cypress-backend-app, has a structure like this

  • cypress
    • cypress-dev.json
    • cypress-preprod.json
    • cypress-prod.json
    • integration
    • fixtures
    • and so on...

The environment configuration is kept in the cypress/ folder so the entire folder can be zipped and posted to cypress-service.

Install the npm package cypress-service-client in the application you want to post your Cypress tests from to cypress-service.

Architecture - cypress-service

When the client application posts the cypress/ folder to cypress-service, it also passes the following variables:

  • name of application
  • application version
  • target environment

cypress-service will then unzip the package to the appropriate folder.

Consider the example cypress-backend-app, version v1.1.5, dev.

Assume it has two folders of tests, canary and core-api.

The resulting structure on cypress-service will be:

  • tests
    • dev
      • cypress-backend-app
        • fixtures
        • integration
          • canary
          • core-api
        • plugins
        • support
        • cypress-dev.json

The version is informational only, any previously deployed cypress-backend-app will be overwritten.

Since the "source of truth" for the tests is the client app, neither the tests nor the config will be checked into the source control of cypress-service.

When the tests are run, the result structures is as follows:

  • results
    • dev
      • cypress-backend-app
        • 2021.02.15
          • 21.06.13-groupName
            • suite-name1
              • cypress
              • downloads
              • screenshots
              • videos
              • mochawesome.html
            • suite-name2
              • cypress
              • downloads
              • screenshots
              • videos
              • mochawesome.html
            • summary.html


                -   allSuites
                    -   cypress
                    -   downloads
                    -   screenshots
                    -   videos
                    -   mochawesome.html
                -   summary.html

Where 2021.02.15 is the date the test started and 21.06.13-groupName is the unique group name supplied when kicking off the tests - consider supplying the current time at the start of the group name so that test results will be ordered by run start time.

To run the tests, cypress-service will build the cypress-dev.json to the Cypress run config cypress-dev-RUN.json.

Check for information about and the config structure it requires - it is different to the regular cypress.json.

Suppose your posted cypress-dev.json was this:

    "env": {
        "frontendLanguages": "German,French,English",
        "frenchHost": "",
        "germanHost": "",
        "englishHost": "",
        "brandHost": ""
    "baseUrl": "",
    "ignoreTestFiles": "*.ignore-this.js",
    "blockHosts": "",
    "userAgent": "this is my useragent string",
    "viewportHeight": 770,
    "viewportWidth": 1110

The cypress-service built run config cypress-dev-RUN.json could look like this:

    "config": {
        "video": true,
        "defaultCommandTimeout": 30000,
        "requestTimeout": 30000,
        "screenshotOnRunFailure": true,
        "chromeWebSecurity": false,
        "integrationFolder": "results/dev/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.11/",
        "fixturesFolder": "results/dev/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.11/",
        "pluginsFile": "results/dev/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.11/",
        "supportFile": "results/dev/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.11/",
        "downloadsFolder": "results/dev/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.11/",
        "screenshotsFolder": "results/dev/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.11/",
        "videosFolder": "results/dev/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.11/",
        "baseUrl": "",
        "ignoreTestFiles": "*.ignore-this.js",
        "blockHosts": "",
        "userAgent": "this is my useragent string",
        "viewportHeight": 770,
        "viewportWidth": 1110
    "spec": "results/dev/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.11/**/*",
    "reporter": "mochawesome",
    "reporterOptions": {
        "reportDir": "results/dev/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.11/",
        "overwrite": false,
        "html": false,
        "json": true
    "env": {
        "frontendLanguages": "German,French,English",
        "frenchHost": "",
        "germanHost": "",
        "englishHost": "",
        "brandHost": ""

Core API

POST /test/:env/:app

Post your cypress folder containing all your tests and config to the cypress-service.

path /test/{env}/{app} example: /test/dev/cypress-frontend-app posttype multipart/form-data

field uploadFile - expect zip file of mime type application/zip field version - version of tests, e.g. v1.5.2

Response 201

    "message": "File is uploaded, version written to version.json and unzipped ok.",
    "status": 201,
    "info": {
        "name": "",
        "mimetype": "application/zip",
        "size": 11210,
        "version": "v1.5.2",
        "env": "dev",
        "app": "cypress-frontend-app"

As a failsafe, deploying tests will set the server state to indicate that tests for that env and app are not running.

Deploying a new version of tests while the old version of tests are still running is safe - tests are copied to the new results folder and run from there.

GET /test/:env/:app/parallel

Will kick off all suites for the app to run in parallel.

There is a default interval of 5000 ms or you can specify ?interval=10000 or similar to change it.

A group name based on the current time will be generated such as

It is possible to define a custom group name ?group=MyGroup, but it cannot be reused in the same calendar day.

Specify ?noVideo=1 to stop video files being produced.

Example using all options:


Note that you will not get a response until all suites have been kicked off.

GET /test/:env/:app/status

Indicates if the tests for the env and app are currently running.

GET /test/:env/:app/summary

Returns a html summary report showing the pass/fail result for each of the suites in the app.

The most recent run group results are returned.

For each suite there is a link to the mochawesome report.

Alt text

GET /results

You can navigate the results to view results for all previous runs.

GET /tests

You can navigate all deployed tests.

GET /test/:env/:app?suite=core-frontend&group=MyGroup

Run a single suite of tests and return the result in JSON.

suite: A suite for cypress-service is defined as any of the subfolders directly under cypress/integration. group: An identifier to group related suites on the summary.html report.

Example: GET /test/prod/cypress-frontend-app?suite=core-frontend&group=MyGroup

The response will be the JSON that returns - see

Additional query string options:

noVideo=1: Do not capture video. noWait=1: Do not wait for a response, return immediately. You can then start additional suites in parallel.

When the noWait=1 option is used, the example response will be like:

    "message": "Tests kicked off but not waiting for the result - returning built run config file cypress-red-RUN.json.",
    "info": {
        "version": "v4.783.21",
        "env": "prod",
        "app": "cypress-frontend-app",
        "group": "MyGroup",
        "suite": "core-frontend",
        "deployPath": "tests/prod/cypress-frontend-app"
    "runConfig": {
        "config": {
            "video": false,
            "defaultCommandTimeout": 30000,
            "requestTimeout": 30000,
            "screenshotOnRunFailure": true,
            "chromeWebSecurity": false,
            "integrationFolder": "results/prod/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.07/",
            "fixturesFolder": "results/prod/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.07/",
            "pluginsFile": "results/prod/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.07/",
            "supportFile": "results/prod/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.07/",
            "downloadsFolder": "results/prod/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.07/",
            "screenshotsFolder": "results/prod/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.07/",
            "videosFolder": "results/prod/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.07/"
        "spec": "results/prod/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.07/**/*",
        "reporter": "mochawesome",
        "reporterOptions": {
            "reportDir": "results/prod/cypress-frontend-app/2021.03.07/",
            "overwrite": false,
            "html": false,
            "json": true
        "env": { "brandHost": "" }

This API is used by the npm package cypress-service-client to kick of the tests in parallel.

GET /test/:env/:app?group=MyGroup

Runs all the tests under the cypress/integration folder one after the other (i.e. sequentially).

Other options and example responses are as per above.

Additional API

These other routes were created to make the automated self-test easier.

To run the self test:

In one terminal

npm run start

In another terminal

npm run cypress:open

Then run all tests!


Returns the latest built run config for that app - the run config is only built when you kick off a test run.


Returns the last message (response) that you got when you posted some tests.


Redirects to the last mochawesome.html report generated for those tests.


Returns the last json run result returned by for those tests.


Returns a message confirming the server is up.

Linux Server installation

Consider using the npm package pm2 - this makes it very easy to setup.

All you have to do is install this globally:

npm install pm2 -g
pm2 --version
[PM2] Spawning PM2 daemon with pm2_home=/home/test/.pm2
[PM2] PM2 Successfully daemonized

Then from within the cypress-service folder:

pm2 start index.js --name cypress-service
pm2 save
pm2 startup
[PM2] Init System found: systemd
[PM2] To setup the Startup Script, copy/paste the following command:
sudo env PATH=$PATH:/home/test/.nvm/versions/node/v12.13.0/bin /home/test/.nvm/versions/node/v12.13.0/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 startup systemd -u test --hp /home/test

Make sure to copy and paste the command it gives in output.

To upgrade, run the following then do the install again

pm2 stop cypress-service
pm2 delete cypress-service
pm2 save

To remove from startup, then run the command it gives in output

pm2 unstartup systemd

Note re Windows - It is strongly suggested to use Linux and not Windows as the server. In a test conducted on a 4 core 8 thread AWS XEON server with 16 GB memory it took 600 seconds to conduct a certain heavily parallel test. The same test on Linux running inside Virtual Box with just 8 GB of memory and 3 cores / 6 threads took just 100 seconds - and this was on a Dell laptop!

Windows Server Installation

Check the folder [windows/] for info on running under a service account in Windows using Task Scheduler.

If following this method you can see the server logs at http://localhost:4567/logs

Self test

First start the server,

npm run start

then in another terminal, open the Cypress runner and run interactively.

npm run cypress:open

It will take approx 300 seconds to run on a good Linux box.

Supported npm packages

  • mochawesome
  • cypress-real-events
  • cypress-wait-until


Post your application Cypress tests to a server you host and have it run them in parallel and store the results







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