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This library contains three parts: logics, a logic generator and Hoare logics.



You can find basic logic settings, propositional logics and separation logics
in the following folders:
You can find formalized proof theories, semantic definitions, soundness
proofs and completeness proofs. The library is built-up in an extensible
style, using Coq's typeclasses and higher-order features. But at the same
time, we also provide several concrete examples, containing both shallow
embeddings and deep embeddings.


Logic Generator.

The folder "LogicGenerator" contains our development about this
generator. It requires users to provide a configuration file. Then a command
line can be used to generate an interface file:
The configuration file should specify involved connectives and primary proof
rules. The interface file will contain a Module Type (where these connectives
and proof rules are specified) and a Module functor which generate many many
derived rules from primary ones. See LogicGenerator/demo for more information.


Hoare Logics.

This part is not quite complete. It contains some elementary results about Hoare
logic soundness, especially those about concurrent separation logic.


Dependency: Coq 8.10


How to install.

Run "make" or "make -j7" for parallel in your command line. A CONFIGURE file
may be needed for setting up COQBIN.


Open Source.

This library is NOT open sourced for now.