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retworkx 0.5.0

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@mtreinish mtreinish released this 18 Sep 13:56

This release include a number of new features and bug fixes. The main
focus of the improvements of this release was to increase the ease of
interacting with graph objects. This includes adding support for generating dot
output which can be used with graphviz (or similar tools) for visualizing
graphs adding more methods to query the state of graph, adding a generator
module for easily creating graphs of certain shape, and implementing the
mapping protocol so you can directly interact with graph objects.


  • A new method, to_dot(), was added to PyGraph and PyDiGraph. It will
    generate a dot format representation of the object which can be used
    with Graphivz (or similar tooling) to generate visualizations of the
  • Added a new function, strongly_connected_components(), to get the list
    of strongly connected components of a PyDiGraph object.
  • A new method, compose(), for combing another graph object of the same
    type was added to PyGraph and PyDiGraph.
  • The PyGraph and PyDigraph classes now implement the Python mapping
    protocol for interacting with graph nodes. You can now access and
    interact with node data directly by using standard map access patterns
    in python. For example, running graph[1] will return the data for the
    index at node 1.
  • A new module, retworkx.generators, has been added. Functions in this
    module can be used for quickly generating graphs of certain shape.
  • A new method, remove_node_retain_edges(), has been added to the
    PyDiGraph class. This method can be used to remove a node and add
    edges from its predecesors to its successors.
  • Two new methods, edge_list() and weighted_edge_list(), for getting a
    list of tuples with the edge source and target (with or without edge
    weights) have been added to PyGraph and PyDigraph.
  • A new function, cycle_basis(), for getting a list of cycles which form
    a basis for cycles of a PyGraph object.
  • Two new functions, graph_floyd_warshall_numpy() and
    digraph_floyd_warshall_numpy(), were added for running the Floyd Warshall
    algorithm and returning all the shortest path lengths as a distance
  • A new constructor method, read_edge_list(), has been added to PyGraph and
    PyDigraph. This method will take in a path to an edge list file and
    will read that file and generate a new object from the contents.
  • A new method, extend_from_edge_list(), has been added to PyGraph and
    PyDiGraph. This method takes in an edge list and will add both the edges and
    nodes (if a node index used doesn't exist yet) in the list to the graph.


  • The limitation with is_isomorphic() and is_isomorphic_node_match() functions
    that would cause segfaults when comparing graphs with node removals
    has been fixed. You can now run either function with any
    PyDiGraph/PyDAG objects, even if there are node removals. Fixes #27
  • If an invalid node index was passed as part of the first_layer
    argument to the layers() function