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Michel Pawlak edited this page Mar 14, 2017 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the qualinsight-mojo-cobertura wiki!

This project provides a Maven plugin that allows the generation of Cobertura reports without having to run tests twice, and which produces coverage reports directly readable by SonarQube with no need to install an additional plugin. The comparison page compares the qualinsight-mojo-cobertura plugin with the cobertura-maven-plugin in more details.

I recommend read the project's rationale to have more information about this plugin and having a look at the companion example project to see what the plugin is capable of and see example configurations.

The Features page lists all main features the plugin provides while the Usage page describes how to use these features. The Default directory structure page lists the files that are created by the plugin and explains where they are created. Maven goals and options of the plugin are explained in the Instrumentation and Reporting pages. Advanced documentation explains how to convert generated coverage reports to SonarQube generic coverage format and how to use the plugin along with Jetty.

There are unfortunately some known limitations. Make sure to read them before using the plugin. This may help you not waste your time.

Last but not least feel free to contribute to the project and thank you to all past contributors!