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Bitcoin Wallet

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@QuangThong1 QuangThong1 released this 24 Jul 04:05

=== application info ===

Version: 8.11 (811)
APK Hash: 6ca9862f4c53723ed77d3c2c85a46028c950f665dbac30c9c4aedde719988654
Package: de.schildbach.wallet
Flavor: prod
Build Type: release
Installer: Google Play (
Timezone: Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh
Current time: 2021-03-07 05:19:37 UTC
Time of app launch: 2021-03-07 05:05:32 UTC
Time of first app install: 2021-02-21 10:46:48 UTC
Time of last app update: 2021-02-28 14:33:43 UTC
Time of last backup: 2021-03-07 05:14:37 UTC
Time of last restore: 2021-03-07 05:14:37 UTC
Time of last encrypt keys: none
Time of last blockchain reset: 2021-02-24 13:44:37 UTC
Network: org.bitcoin.production
Encrypted: false
Keychain size: 540
Transactions: 0
Inputs: 0
Outputs: 0 (spent: 0)
Last block seen: 673510 (2021-03-07T05:08:33Z)
Best chain height ever: 673510
Databases: address_book address_book-wal address_book-shm exchange_rates exchange_rates-wal exchange_rates-shm

Contents of FilesDir /data/user/0/de.schildbach.wallet/files:
2021-03-07 05:19:24 3 kB files

  • 2021-03-07 04:17:32 3 kB log
    • 2021-03-07 05:19:37 989 kB wallet.log
    • 2021-03-07 04:17:32 15 kB wallet.2021-02-24.log.gz
  • 2021-03-07 05:14:37 45 kB key-backup-protobuf
  • 2021-03-07 05:19:24 45 kB wallet-protobuf
  • 2021-03-01 20:01:38 0 kB fees.txt
    free/usable space: 2055360/2055360 kB

=== device info ===

Manufacturer: vivo
Device Model: vivo 1933
Android Version: 10 (29)
Android security patch level: 2020-12-01
ABIs: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi
Board: sdm710
Brand: vivo
Device: 1933
Product: 1933
Configuration: {1.1 452mcc2mnc [vi_VN] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h717dp 480dpi nrml long hdr widecg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 123 - 1080, 2274) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=standard mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.1 themeId=34 nightModeLevel = -1}
Screen Layout: size 2 long 32 layoutdir 64 round 256
Display Metrics: DisplayMetrics{density=3.0, width=1080, height=2151, scaledDensity=3.3000002, xdpi=409.432, ydpi=409.127}
Memory Class: 256/512
Storage Encryption Status: 5
Bluetooth MAC: null
Runtime: Dalvik 2.1.0