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shizejin committed Sep 17, 2018
1 parent 64918ce commit f4be51f
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Showing 3 changed files with 240 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions quantecon/game_theory/
Expand Up @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@
from .mclennan_tourky import mclennan_tourky
from .vertex_enumeration import vertex_enumeration, vertex_enumeration_gen
from .game_generators import *
from .repeated_game import AS
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions quantecon/game_theory/
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
Algorithms for repeated game.

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from numba import jit

def AS(g, delta, tol=1e-12, max_iter=500, u=np.zeros(2)):
Using AS algorithm to compute the set of payoff pairs of all pure-strategy
subgame-perfect equilibria with public randomization for any repeated
two-player games with perfect monitoring and discounting, following
Abreu and Sannikov (2014).
g : NormalFormGame
NormalFormGame instance with 2 players.
delta : scalar(float)
The discounting factor.
tol : scalar(float), optional(default=1e-12)
Tolerance for convergence checking.
max_iter : scalar(int), optional(default=500)
Maximum number of iterations.
u : ndarray(float, ndim=1)
The initial threat points.
hull : scipy.spatial.ConvexHull
The convex hull of feasible payoff pairs.
best_dev_gains = _best_dev_gains(g, delta)
C = np.empty((4, 2))
IC = np.empty(2)
payoff = np.empty(2)
# array for checking if payoff is inside the polytope or not
payoff_pts = np.ones(3)
new_pts = np.empty((4, 2))
# the length of v is limited by |A1|*|A2|*4
v_new = np.empty((*4, 2))
v_old = np.empty((*4, 2))
n_new_pt = 0

# initialization
payoff_profile_pts = \
g.payoff_profile_array.reshape(, 2)
v_new[] = payoff_profile_pts
n_new_pt =

n_iter = 0
while True:
v_old[:n_new_pt] = v_new[:n_new_pt]
n_old_pt = n_new_pt
hull = ConvexHull(v_old[:n_old_pt])

v_new, n_new_pt = \
update_v(delta, g.nums_actions, g.payoff_arrays,
best_dev_gains, hull.points, hull.vertices,
hull.equations, u, IC, payoff, payoff_pts,
new_pts, v_new)
n_iter += 1
if n_iter >= max_iter:

# check convergence
if n_new_pt == n_old_pt:
if np.linalg.norm(v_new[:n_new_pt] - v_old[:n_new_pt]) < tol:

# update threat points
update_u(u, v_new[:n_new_pt])

hull = ConvexHull(v_new[:n_new_pt])

return hull

def _best_dev_gains(g, delta):
Calculate the payoff gains from deviating from the current action to
the best response for each player.
best_dev_gains0 = (1-delta)/delta * \
(np.max(g.payoff_arrays[0], 0) - g.payoff_arrays[0])
best_dev_gains1 = (1-delta)/delta * \
(np.max(g.payoff_arrays[1], 0) - g.payoff_arrays[1])

return best_dev_gains0, best_dev_gains1

def update_v(delta, nums_actions, payoff_arrays, best_dev_gains, points,
vertices, equations, u, IC, payoff, payoff_pts, new_pts,
v_new, tol=1e-10):
Updating the payoff convex hull by iterating all action pairs.
n_new_pt = 0
for a0 in range(nums_actions[0]):
for a1 in range(nums_actions[1]):
payoff[0] = payoff_arrays[0][a0, a1]
payoff[1] = payoff_arrays[1][a1, a0]
IC[0] = u[0] + best_dev_gains[0][a0, a1]
IC[1] = u[1] + best_dev_gains[1][a1, a0]

# check if payoff is larger than IC
if (payoff >= IC).all():
# check if payoff is inside the convex hull
payoff_pts[:2] = payoff
if (, payoff_pts) <= tol).all():
v_new[n_new_pt] = payoff
n_new_pt += 1

new_pts, n = find_C(new_pts, points, vertices, IC, tol)

for i in range(n):
v_new[n_new_pt] = delta * new_pts[i] + (1-delta) * payoff
n_new_pt += 1

return v_new, n_new_pt

def find_C(C, points, vertices, IC, tol):
Find all the intersection points between the current polytope
and the two IC constraints.
n_IC = [0, 0]
weights = np.empty(2)
# vertices is ordered counterclockwise
for i in range(len(vertices)-1):
intersect(C, n_IC, weights, IC,
points[vertices[i]], points[vertices[i+1]], tol)

intersect(C, n_IC, weights, IC,
points[vertices[-1]], points[vertices[0]], tol)

# check the case that IC is a interior point of the polytope
n = n_IC[0] + n_IC[1]
if (n_IC[0] == 1 & n_IC[1] == 1):
C[2, 0] = IC[0]
C[2, 1] = IC[1]
n += 1

return C, n

def intersect(C, n_IC, weights, IC, pt0, pt1, tol):
Find the intersection points of a simplex and ICs.
for i in range(2):
if (abs(pt0[i] - pt1[i]) < tol):
weights[i] = (pt0[i] - IC[i]) / (pt0[i] - pt1[i])

# intersection of IC[j]
if (0 < weights[i] <= 1):
x = (1 - weights[i]) * pt0[1-i] + weights[i] * pt1[1-i]
# x has to be strictly higher than IC[1-j]
# if it is equal, then it means IC is one of the vertex
# it will be added to C in below
if x - IC[1-i] > tol:
C[n_IC[0]+n_IC[1], i] = IC[i]
C[n_IC[0]+n_IC[1], 1-i] = x
n_IC[i] += 1
elif x - IC[1-i] > -tol:
C[n_IC[0]+n_IC[1], i] = IC[i]
C[n_IC[0]+n_IC[1], 1-i] = x
n_IC[i] += 1
# to avoid duplication when IC is a vertex
return C, n_IC

def update_u(u, v):
Update the threat points.
for i in range(2):
v_min = v[:, i].min()
if u[i] < v_min:
u[i] = v_min

return u
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions quantecon/game_theory/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Tests for
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal
from quantecon.game_theory import Player, NormalFormGame, AS

class TestAS():
def setUp(self):
self.game_dicts = []

# Example from Abreu and Sannikov (2014)
bimatrix = [[(16, 9), (3, 13), (0, 3)],
[(21, 1), (10, 4), (-1, 0)],
[(9, 0), (5, -4), (-5, -15)]]
vertice_inds = np.array([4, 8, 12, 11, 6, 1])
d = {'g': NormalFormGame(bimatrix),
'delta': 0.3,
'vertices': vertice_inds,
'u': np.array([0, 0])}

# Prisoner's dilemma
bimatrix = [[(9, 9), (1, 10)],
[(10, 1), (3, 3)]]
vertice_inds = np.array([6, 3, 0, 2])
d = {'g': NormalFormGame(bimatrix),
'delta': 0.9,
'vertices': vertice_inds,
'u': np.array([3, 3])}

def test_AS(self):
for d in self.game_dicts:
hull = AS(d['g'], d['delta'], u=d['u'])
assert_array_equal(d['vertices'], hull.vertices)

if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import nose

argv = sys.argv[:]
nose.main(argv=argv, defaultTest=__file__)

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