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source("functions.R") ### to be replaced with library(robinhoodQF)


With Robinhood's recent modicification to their public API, accessing data now requires authorization headers and tokens that need to be generated using existing account credentials. The access_robinhood uses account credentials to create the required authorization headers and tokens; however, account credentials are removed from the system memory immediately after all required authorization is created.

access_robinhood(username="username", password="password")

Altenatively, if you are using RStudio, you could have the username and password never be stored in plain text, by using a GUI prompt to enter them.

# access_robinhood(rstudioapi::showPrompt(title = "Username", message = "Username", default = ""),
#                  rstudioapi::askForPassword(prompt = 'Password: '))

The access_robinhood function will create a list called robinhoodUser, containing two R6 classes that underly most global methods in the robinhoodQF package. The robindhoodQF package is designed so that you will never need to directly interact with this list or its contents.

Historical Data

The robinhoodQF package allows you to download the last year of daily data, as well as the last week of 5 minute tick data, from the Robinhood API for a list of shorthand ticker symbols:

mySymbols <- c("AAPL","AMZN")
dailyData <- robinhood_daily_historicals(symbols=mySymbols)
intradayData <- robinhood_intraday_historicals(symbols=mySymbols)
open high low close volume
2018-02-22 $ 171.80 $ 173.95 $ 171.71 $ 172.50 30991940
2018-02-23 $ 173.67 $ 175.65 $ 173.54 $ 175.50 33812360
2018-02-26 $ 176.35 $ 179.39 $ 176.21 $ 178.97 38162174
2018-02-27 $ 179.10 $ 180.48 $ 178.16 $ 178.39 38928125
2018-02-28 $ 179.26 $ 180.62 $ 178.05 $ 178.12 37782138
2018-03-01 $ 178.54 $ 179.78 $ 172.66 $ 175.00 48801970
``` r dailyData$AMZN%>%head()%>>%make_stock_formattable() ```
open high low close volume
2018-02-22 $ 1,495.36 $ 1,502.54 $ 1,475.76 $ 1,485.34 4858063
2018-02-23 $ 1,495.34 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,486.50 $ 1,500.00 4418103
2018-02-26 $ 1,509.20 $ 1,522.84 $ 1,507.00 $ 1,521.95 4954988
2018-02-27 $ 1,524.50 $ 1,526.78 $ 1,507.21 $ 1,511.98 4808776
2018-02-28 $ 1,519.51 $ 1,528.70 $ 1,512.00 $ 1,512.45 4515023
2018-03-01 $ 1,513.60 $ 1,518.49 $ 1,465.00 $ 1,493.45 6835230
``` r intradayData$AAPL%>%head()%>>%make_stock_formattable() ```
open high low close volume
2019-02-15 14:30:00 $ 171.22 $ 171.70 $ 171.00 $ 171.13 2412697
2019-02-15 14:35:00 $ 171.13 $ 171.23 $ 170.49 $ 171.06 273892
2019-02-15 14:40:00 $ 171.08 $ 171.08 $ 170.34 $ 170.37 230501
2019-02-15 14:45:00 $ 170.40 $ 170.85 $ 170.13 $ 170.22 279939
2019-02-15 14:50:00 $ 170.19 $ 170.20 $ 169.76 $ 169.92 363468
2019-02-15 14:55:00 $ 169.92 $ 170.56 $ 169.91 $ 170.46 223322
``` r intradayData$AMZN%>%head()%>>%make_stock_formattable() ```
open high low close volume
2019-02-15 14:30:00 $ 1,627.09 $ 1,628.91 $ 1,621.51 $ 1,622.34 233071
2019-02-15 14:35:00 $ 1,621.62 $ 1,622.55 $ 1,615.00 $ 1,620.22 46206
2019-02-15 14:40:00 $ 1,620.20 $ 1,620.20 $ 1,613.99 $ 1,614.54 41530
2019-02-15 14:45:00 $ 1,615.33 $ 1,620.49 $ 1,614.21 $ 1,615.54 32880
2019-02-15 14:50:00 $ 1,615.59 $ 1,615.59 $ 1,612.00 $ 1,612.68 31449
2019-02-15 14:55:00 $ 1,612.49 $ 1,615.59 $ 1,611.69 $ 1,612.26 27608


The robinhoodQF package allows you to build interactive plotly charts for visualizing price series and plotting technical indicators.

myChart <- create_chart(tickerSymbol="AAPL", ohlcvData=dailyData$AAPL)

## plot just closing prices
tmpFile1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
export(p1, file = tmpFile1)

## plot closing prices with volume
tmpFile2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
export(p2, file = tmpFile2)

Account Information

##  [1] "TQQQ" "LOGC" "MGTX" "AVRO" "ORTX" "SPXS" "VIXY" "VXX"  "TSRO" "QQQ" 
## [11] "ALL"  "MXIM" "SPY"  "CELG" "MRO"  "AAL"  "DLTR" "JPM"  "BK"   "GOOG"
## [21] "MA"   "PGR"  "ATHX" "CHK"  "TWOU" "C"    "BA"   "CRM"  "FLO"  "WMT" 
## [31] "ARKR" "IZRL" "ARKQ" "ARKG" "ARKW" "ARKK" "APPN" "SGH"  "WDC"  "OLED"
## [41] "OKTA" "DBX"  "KEM"  "NVDA" "MOMO" "ICHR" "ABT"  "NFLX" "HIMX" "LRCX"
## [51] "BZUN" "FB"   "YY"   "ABBV" "AAOI" "VZ"   "SMI"  "SODA" "BAC"  "TSM" 
## [61] "SNAP" "SQ"   "TXN"  "AMD"  "ACLS" "INTC" "ASX"  "MCHP" "MU"   "ON"  
## [71] "AMAT" "CSCO" "AKAM" "MLNX" "QCOM" "AGNC" "AAPL" "F"    "OCSL" "KO"

##  [1] "XBI"  "CZZ"  "IEMG" "SQQQ" "XLF"  "AMZN" "MSFT" "BABA" "V"    "NTNX"

