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🗃️ Quathar Projects

This repository contains all the projects that I would like to highlight and that show the progress I have made over time.


❗Some projects I would like to stand out: CodebayBackend, Kata, eCommerce, Notway, PokeStats and ContactBook

🗺️ Index

Metrica Lab (2023 - Current)

Projects emphasizing fundamental concepts in streams, design patterns, Spring framework, methodologies such as Test-Driven Development (TDD), SCRUM, API First and Gitflow, along with a focus on good coding practices and clean code principles:

Project Name Date Description
🏭 Criteria 2023-09-26 Criteria program with Abstract Factory design pattern
🃏 DeckOfCards 2023-10-03 Deck program with manual dependency injection
📟 CommandCalculator 2023-10-03 Calculator program with Command design pattern
⛩️ Kata 2023-10-16 Cryptography Kata
🎬 RestClient 2023-10-25 REST Client consuming the OMDB API
👥 VibelyBackend 2023-10-31 Social media spring app
🏛️ CodebayBackend 2023-12-05 Back-end web app with Hexagonal Architecture
🤖 Automaton 2023-12-11 Automaton for regexp example
🚀 CodebayFrontend 2023-12-21 Front-end web app with Clean Architecture
🏪 Codebay 2024-0X-XX E-commerce app

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DA2D1A (2022 - 2023)

This projects cover:

  • PSP: Basic concepts about Processes, Threads, Sockets, Services and Basic security.
  • WDSE: Fundamentals of Spring Framework, especially Web, Validation and Data (JPA) modules and MVC (Model-View-Controller) software architecture pattern.
  • Interfaces & WDCE: Basic concepts of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Vue.js Framework:
  • MPMD: Android development and Unity basic concepts.
CODE English Spanish
PSP Process and Service Programming Programación de Servicios y Procesos
IDes Interface Design Diseño de interfaces
IDev Interface Development Desarrollo de interfaces
WDSE Web Development Server Environment Desarrollo Web Entorno Servidor
WDCE Web Development Client Environment Desarrollo Web Entorno Cliente
MPMD Multimedia Programming and Mobile Devices Programación Multimedia y Dispositivos Móviles
Project Name Date Module Description
🖼️ ImageProcessor 2022-10-03 PSP Practice 1
💾 Processes 2022-10-06 PSP Processes Exam
⌨️ ReviewExercises 2022-10-17 PSP Practice 2
🧮 CountWords (U2) 2022-10-20 PSP Practice 3 (Threads)
🏦 Broker 2022-10-20 PSP Practice 4
📈 CoinMarket 2022-10-XX IDes Currency interface design
🧮 CountWords (U1) 2022-10-27 PSP Practice 5 (Processes)
📝 FormMVC 2023-11-04 WDSE Practice 1
💬 ChatServer 2022-11-15 PSP Chat server with sockets
🖼️ PhotoGallery (v2) 2022-11-XX IDes Photography Gallery interface design
🧵 Threads&Sockets 2022-11-22 PSP Threads & Sockets Exam
🗃️ ClientFTP 2022-11-29 PSP Practice 6: FTP Client
📝 FormWithValidations 2022-12-09 WDSE Practice 2
📧 ClientSMTP 2022-12-13 PSP Practice 7: SMTP Client
🌐 ClientREST 2022-12-14 PSP Practice 8: REST Client
✍🏾 RESTfulAPI 2023-01-09 PSP Poetry RESTful API
🔑 Encryption 2023-01-XX PSP Unit 5 (Encryption)
🔐 SecureRestAPI 2023-01-XX PSP Unit 5 (JWT)
📱 PokeStats 2023-02-14 MPMD Android app that cosumes PokemonTCG API
🍪 CookieAuth 2023-02-20 WDSE Practice 3
📲 Notway 2023-03-XX MPMD Android app to manage notes
🟧 MulticolorBoard 2023-03-XX WDCE Basic JavaScript with events
🎨 DrawingBoard 2023-03-XX WDCE Board to draw in web browser
👩‍💼 Employees 2023-03-XX WDCE Employee management app with JavaScript
🏪 eCommerce (Final Project) 2023-03-10 WDSE WDCE E-commerce (Final project)
👨‍💼 Employees (Vue) 2023-04-XX IDev Employee management app with Vue.js
🎮 2DGame (Final Project) 2023-05-22 MPMD 2D Top-Down game developed with Unity

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DA1D1A (2021 - 2022)

Programming projects, covering basic concepts about flow control structures, collections, files manipulation, database access and interfaces with java and basic HTML and CSS:

CODE English Spanish
PRO Programming Programación
ML Markup Languages & Information Management Systems Lenguajes de Marcas y Sistemas de Gestión de la Información
Project Name Date Module Description
🐌 SnailRace 2021-11-XX PRO Snail Race game
PelotaVasca 2021-11-XX PRO Pelota Vasca game
🗒️ PasswdFile 2022-02-XX PRO Reading passwd file
🖼️ PhotoGallery 2022-02-XX ML Photography Gallery with CSS
📙 ContactBook (in memory) 2022-03-XX PRO ContactBook with Arrays and Collections
📗 ContactBook (in file) 2022-03-XX PRO ContactBook with RandomAccessFile
🎮 TicTacToe 2022-04-XX PRO Tic Tac Toe game with java swing
📘 ContactBook (Final Project) 2022-05-XX PRO ContactBook in database

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