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Releases: Questie/Questie

Questie v2.66

06 Apr 03:56
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PLEASE NOTE: You have to "untrack" all your quests first before you run "/questie clearconfig". This is necessary otherwise Questie will freak out and you'll get a bunch of nil errors.


  • Quest Objectives were not being populated on the map. Some additional
    refresh logic added to catch certain types of quests that get through the
    first refresh layer after accepting a new quest.

v2.66 Release Notes:

  • I have fully converted Questie to cache all quest data for active quests.
    This means that Questie will no longer run as many function calls as it
    used to each time you track and untrack a quest. In order to properly
    cache quest data, it has to be tracked at least once I.E. appear in the
    tracker list before untracking it. Once the quest data is cached, it will
    update its data while you're doing the quest. You can toggle Questie on
    and off using the Worldmap button to hide all the icons and objectives,
    hunt for herbs with ease and still continue to track quests on your
    QuestTracker or you can untrack everything and it will still update it's
    local cache and will be correct when you add it back to your QuestTracker.
    This should also significantly reduce the memory usage when you have
    a large number of active quests on the QuestTracker.
  • Fixed a number of nil errors while trying to turn in quests.
  • Relocated the Questie Toggle button to a more noticeable location.
  • Added some more nil error checks to all quest management functions as
    well as more logic to handle new and existing user databases to help
    users in upgrade scenarios and to resolve database issues for certain
    types of quests. I've run into several quests that aren't quite right or
    contain wrong or missing entries. This can lead to stale cached quest
    data for long quest chains that use the same name.
  • I've added a "cleanup" routine each time a user turns in a quest. If a
    Pre-requisite quest exists, the function responsible for marking the
    quest as complete in the database will crawl back through all the quests
    before it and make sure they are also marked as complete.

Questie v2.65

31 Mar 05:42
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  • Fixed an issue with the quest management routines. Sometimes the QuestLog
    crawler would re-add a quest entry to the QuestTracker database based
    on name rather than hash. This could lead to entries from quest chains
    that have already been completed and miss-flagged. These improvements
    will not only clean up the database better when running '/questie
    clearconfig' but will also keep future completed quests in a chain from
    polluting the QuestTracker database which could potentially flag a quest
    improperly as complete.

  • I have thoroughly reviewed all the functions that handle obtaining,
    abandoning, and tracking quests. Many of the functions have been tweaked
    or redesigned. During this long review I found several new bugs and
    discovered many new and more efficient ways to manage quests with a lower
    memory footprint. There were several bugs specific to using Enhanced
    Questlog that have been resolved. Too many little bugs and tweaks to list.
    The overall look and feel of Questie hasn't changed nor have I added any
    new features. All the improvements in this release are "under the hood."
  • In order to do proper testing I created three new characters in each of
    the three Alliance starting areas (Dwarf, Human, Elf) and leveled them
    to level 10. I discovered a few quests that had erroneous entries which
    were corrected.
  • During the repeated process of NUKEING my quest database to test certain
    functions I realized that the Shift+CTRL+Click to manually complete was
    annoying as F***. I ran into several quests that just wouldn't disappear.
    I finally grew tired of it and rewrote the whole feature. You no longer
    have to rely on selecting a step in a quest chain. Just click it. If
    it's in your quest log, the cleanup loop will re-add it to your database.
    If you're on the quest, it won't show you on the map the later quests in
    the chain so there is no risk of you accidently clicking on a quest that
    you still need to complete. I've also dropped one of the key modifiers.
    You only need Shift+Click. Here is the best part... I figured out a way
    to handle the duplicate quest entries in the database. It will complete
    it no matter what. Just click the icon until it's gone.
  • In the process of fixing the manual complete feature, I also changed the
    tooltips. They are cleaner, easier to read and they all contain just the
    right amount of information - including the Quest Description! If for some
    reason you encounter a quest you need to file a bug about, hold down your
    ALT key while hovering over a quest or an objective and it will show you
    the Quest Hash Number that I will need to troubleshoot with.
  • I also fixed the 'NUKE' command (yes it's intentionally in all CAPS
    which you have to type in order to get the command to work). I also
    improved the 'clearconfig' command. For those that weren't paying
    attention to a hotfix I recently released, I added a 'cleartracker'
    command. The 'clearconfig' command will clear your Questie settings and
    clean up your database without clearing your completed quests. The
    'cleartracker' command just simply resets the location of your tracker
    to the center of the screen in case it gets stuck behind some UI element.
    The NUKE command is what it is... it nukes everything back to default.
  • I also improved the look of the command menu. Type '/questie' in game to
    check it out! I colored some of the text to make it a LOT easier to read
    and understand. I hope. :)
  • Just a small change to the WorldMap feature I added a few releases back.
    If you don't run Cartographer, MetaMap or some other map mod then you have
    a couple of options. First option which is the default, is the Blizzard
    Fullscreen Worldmap with no customizations done by Questie. There is a new
    special command only visible to those not running a map mod. It's called
    'resizemap' and you can find it in the '/questie' command menu. If you run
    the command it will resize the Worldmap down to 80% and make it movable.
    For those running a map mod like Cartographer or MetaMap the code doesn't
    even execute and the '/questie' command doesn't appear in the list. The
    CVAR does appear in the '/questie settings' menu and should be 'false'
    unless you're actively using it. As long as it's 'false' then the map
    code doesn't execute and won't interfere with your map mod.
  • I also rewrote some of the descriptions for some of the commands in the
    '/questie' menu. Hopefully they are easier to understand.
  • I added a few new EVENT handlers to enhance the quest updates. There is
    one minor annoyance I can't seem to resolve. If you have a quest that
    needs X number of items, it sometimes won't register the first item but
    will update properly once you pick up the second item. scratches head
    Yeah, I'm still thinking about that one...
  • Tons of code cleanup

Questie v2.64

27 Mar 02:03
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  • Fixed an issue with the /questie mapaids command. I changed it to
    mapnotes this release and forgot to update the Help Menu.
  • Fixed an issue with /questie NUKE. The nuke command was wiping the
    QuestTracker screen position data without injecting default values
    causing Questie to not find certain table keys and throwing nil
  • Added a new command to reset the QuestTracker position location
    without clearing anything else. New command is /questie cleartracker.

  • Since there are some new options in the SavedVariables - there needed to
    be better error checking for missing entries.
  • Cartographer's settings weren't being applied after a ReloadUI or a
    Re-Log - Questie was overriding the settings because it was no longer
    detecting the component. I can only assume that MetaMap users would run
    into the same issue so I made both Cartographer and MetaMap optional
  • QuestArrow was trying to hook quests that weren't being tracked in the
    QuestTracker. Added an additional check to make sure it only fires for
    quests that are being tracked. This is by design.
  • Fixed an issue with the QuestTracker. In one of the options I forgot to
    apply the new button (Quest objectives in the list) width settings. It's
    width was (1) causing some players some issues with dragging the
  • I forgot to include some header code in the QuestTracker to allow it
    to be toggled "on" while using the default color set.
  • Inserted a "block" function to prevent RuWoW and ruRU from translating
    quest objectives into Russian. This caused the "Sword" icons from
    appearing on the Minimap and Worldmaps.
  • Fixed an issue with QuestTracker re-appearing after a quest update,
    zone change, obtaining or turning in quests etc. I've reviewed all the
    areas that triggers update functions in the QuestTracker module.
    Hopefully I caught them all and added a QuestTracker toggle check.

Questie v2.63

24 Mar 16:38
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  • Added a new command line option - "/questie NUKE". This wipes out all
    your settings and the quest database. USE WITH CAUTION. There is a
    confirmation popup.
  • Fixed an issue with the MapMod for users using Cartographer or nothing.
    Cleaned up the code and added an additional check to cover all of
    Cartographers sub-modules. Zooming in and out on the Worldmap now works
    as it should. It opens for the player’s current zone. Full-screen mode
    in Cartographer no longer error's out.
  • Tweaked some QuestTracker code in the hopes to resolve some FPS issues
    that some players have reported. I added another "Table Dump" on the end
    of a function to keep the tables smaller and not allow the entries to
    build over time. I also had to remove the QuestTracker back ground. The
    auto resize feature was nice in theory but too expensive and contributed
    immensely to the lag that some players reported. I guess I never noticed
    it on my computer.
  • Added the ability to Left Mouse Click on an objective and flip on the
    QuestArrow without having to go through the QuestTracker. If a clicked
    item is able to be tracked via the QuestArrow, it will appear but it
    doesn't track distance to the actual object selected. It only tracks what
    ever the quest is tracking which is usually the closest objective for that
    quest. If it's not trackable, for example, an available quest, then it
    will silently fail and the arrow will not appear. This works for items
    on both the Worldmap or the Minimap. This only works in areas where you
    can get Map Coordinates. Outdoors only since instances / dungeons, Map
    Coordinates weren't available until Burning Crusade (WoW 2.0+).
  • Added the ability to remove the QuestArrow off your screen without having
    to open your QuestTracker or the Worldmap. Simply Right Mouse Click on
    the arrow frame and the QuestArrow will disappear.
  • I'm still working on "Quest Caching" - it's development has been a HUGE
    headache and it's taking FAR longer than I anticipated. So I've boxed up
    the current changes and bug fixes and am releasing this version now so
    you guys don't have to wait so long for the next release.
  • I've also done some exhaustive testing with the "hover over this NPC or
    object and am getting lag or an FPS drop" issue. This is not related to
    Questie in anyway. Due to the way that Questie WAS auto resizing the
    QuestTracker, it only exasperated the underlying root cause of the issue.
    The issue is in the WoW client and has popped up from time to time for
    the past 15 years. Occasionally Blizzard would implement some new feature
    that taxes the tooltip system too much and people complain about it. You
    can check out all the posts over the years. The issue also happens in
    Diablo. I personally disabled Questie and if you stand some place with
    tons of people and move your mouse pointer over different people, your FPS
    will drop. I continued to disable mods one at a time and repeated this
    process. TinyTip was an even bigger impact than Questie. I used a Dev tool
    to monitor CPU Time and Memory consumption while profiling/troubleshooting
    this issue. TitanPanel was the second biggest offender. Questie actually
    came in 3rd. :) I even went through each video setting and couldn't get the
    issue to go away entirely. Even with the default interface on a clean
    install the issue was present. My FPS at one point dropped from 120FPS
    to 20FPS... with all my mods turned on I got as low as 16FPS.
  • More code clean up. I tweaked several iteration loops and slowed them
    down to lessen the impact of the tooltip issue without compromising
    function. I believe I was fairly successful in reducing lag. I flew around
    between several flight points with 20 quests all in the tracker to test
    distance sorting and overall performance.

  • Applied Hot-Fixes and updated Zip file
  • Since there are some new options in the SavedVariables - there needed to
    be better error checking for missing entries.
  • Cartographer's settings weren't being applied after a ReloadUI or a
    Re-Log - Questie was overriding the settings because it was no longer
    detecting the component. I can only assume that MetaMap users would run
    into the same issue so I made both Cartographer and MetaMap optional
  • QuestArrow was trying to hook quests that weren't being tracked in the
    QuestTracker. Added an additional check to make sure it only fires for
    quests that are being tracked. This is by design.
  • Fixed an issue with the QuestTracker. In one of the options I forgot to
    apply the new button (Quest objectives in the list) width settings. It's
    width was (1) causing some players some issues with dragging the

Questie v2.62

21 Mar 19:33
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  • The Questie Toggle Button has been returned - added bonus: if you turn
    off Questie using the Toggle then all Questie related objects will be
    hidden accept the quest tracker. You'll have to untrack all your quests
    to make the tracker disappear or use the command line option to disable
    your tracker. However, the bonus is that Quests that are available will
    re-appear after the next OnUpdate allowing you to see them whereas
    previously they might have been covered up by an ? icon or a quest
    objective. Don't let this misslead you - Questie is still disabled so
    don't forget to hit the Toggle button again to turn it back on.
  • Added a toggle to "always show quest objectives" regardless of tracked
    status (default) - I.E. quest objectives will always show up on the
    Minimap (for the current zone only) and Worldmap no matter which zone
    you're in unless you use the toggle to turn it off. In the 'off' state,
    Questie will only display the quest objective if you're tracking it in
    the QuestTracker.
  • Added a toggle to turn on/off the QuestTracker. In the off state you'll
    be able to use whatever tracker is enabled. If you're running EQL3 then
    you'll use its tracker. If you don't have another MOD then it'll revert
    to the Blizzard default tracker.
  • Improved the QuestTracker to auto resize itself based on the number of
    quests listed as well as it's width. If no quests are being tracked, it's
    size will shrink to 1x1 pixels and should resolve some reported issues
    where players weren't able to click on objects located around or near
    where the tracker was previously placed. The old size was 200x200 pixels
    so it's understandable that players were having some issues.
  • I also added a header that will show you your QuestLog status. I.E. how
    many quests you have in your log out of the max number you can have (20).
    This option is disabled by default and can be enabled via the command
    line using /questie trackerheader.
  • Added a 'Clear Config' option to the /Questie menu - this will clear ALL
    settings for the currently logged in character. This will NOT reset your
    Quest Database but it will clean up stale entries. The purpose of this is
    to help users resolve issues upon upgrading to a newer version of Questie.
    NOTE: This will automatically reload your UI. This should also help
    resolve issues with the QuestTracker in case you somehow move it
    somewhere off screen.
  • I've fixed the Worldmap for users that aren't using Cartographer or
    Metamap. It's been scaled down from 100% to 80% and I've fixed the Esc
    button issue. The WoW client has a built in feature that if no key is
    bound to the System/Game Menu then you can still close the Worldmap with
    your Esc key. I've added this bit of code into Questie even if you're
    using Metamap or Chartographer. This should resolve issues for players
    that have reported not being able to close the Worldmap with their Esc key
    no matter what Map mod you're running or no matter what you have your Key
    binds set to.
  • Fixed a bug with the Manual Complete functions. If you manually complete
    a Quest with more than one step using either the command line or by map
    click then it will flag ALL quests in that Chain as complete even if you
    have one of the steps in your Quest log. This can cause the quest to be
    permanently tracked until it's completed and leave entries in the database
    that aren't needed. This bug has been present since before I started
    making changes and wasn't noticed until now. ducks Sorry! This might be
    contributing to some reported issues players have been having with quests
    not properly being flagged or showing up or disappearing after accepting
    a quest.
  • Discovered a memory leak that caused some in game 'stutter' when tracking
    quests in the QuestTracker. Turns out that the new code I added to resize
    the QuestTracker was the cause. Too many sensless iterations over custom
    tables due to Questies ineffecient way of building the Tracker buttons
    that go into the QuestTracker list. I've streamlined the code and added
    some cleanup routines to keep the tables MUCH smaller. I left it running
    with 20 quests tracked for over an hour with no stuttering. Previously,
    if I had half of those tracked and standing still the issue would show up
    after a few minutes. My test case was overkill but I wanted to make sure
    the issue was gone! I've also slowed down the build QuestTracker List so
    it's function runs only once per second rather than at FULL SPEED which
    has reduced some memory usage.
  • This next freature was extreamly complicated to implament. You can now
    choose which direction to have your quests listed in the QuestTracker!
    Top --> Bottom (Default) or Bottom --> Top. It doesn't change the sort
    order which is by default: closest quest at the top --> to the furthest
    quest away from your current position. By swapping the grow order it
    also changes the anchor point. By default, the anchor point is in the upper
    left hand corner thus your quests are listed Top --> Bottom. If you flip
    the order then, your anchor point changes to the lower left hand corner thus
    growing your list Bottom --> Top. I hope that is explained clearly enough.
    You can access this setting by the command menu /questie trackerlist. When
    Using this command please pay attention to the messages that popup. It will
    automatically reload your UI but depending on which direction you're going
    there is an extra step. This is critical because the anchor points are
    flipped. Otherwise your QuestTracker will crawl all over the screen.
  • I have added a new command menu option /questie settings. This will display
    the current status of all your flags and settings. In case you forget what
    is toggled or what isn't. It's also helpful for me to know which state
    you're in when reporting a bug. So please, provide the appropiate setting
    and Questie version when you're reporting an issue.
  • I've reordered the Questie command menu alphabetically as well as the
    settings output. Should make it easier to find the command and or the
    setting you're looking for.
  • TONS of code clean up!

Questie v2.61

17 Mar 06:49
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  • Found a nil error at the last minute while getting a quest. At first
    I thought I had forgotten to remove some debug code but it was a line
    I inserted to keep from flagging event type quests as Complete until
    after the event was complete such as: "Go to this cave and explore it."
    I ran into a quest that isn't an event and has no objectives and it was
    causing a nil error - fixed. Inserted one more check to make sure the
    table entry exsists before going on to check a second entry within the
    first. Haha...

Questie v2.6

17 Mar 05:22
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  • Fixed a bug with the QuestTracker - in certain situations upon getting
    a new quest, the quest would show up as complete when there was still
    objectives to accomplish. Untracking and Re-adding the quest to the
    QuestTracker foced the quest to display properly. This has been fixed
    and quests are now properly displaying upon accepting a new quest.
  • Fixed a bug with quests that were previously abandoned. If obtained
    again and if they are untracked from the QuestTracker, the NPC would
    show an available quest even though it's already been accepted and in
    your QuestLog. This was also flagging new quests improperly causing
    some really strange behavior with quest objectives.
  • I apologize for all the recent fixes and bugs. This project has code
    all over the place and some of it is necessary and some of it is
    spider webbed throughout various features. While most of it is
    redundant in nature, it's been causing some headaches tracking down
    root causes and implementing new features. Seems when I fix one issue,
    another crops up someplace else. I spent most of the day unraveling how
    quests are added to the QuestTracker database, how they are assigned
    flags and how they are handled when certain events occur. I believe I've
    reached a point where I have almost every situation accounted for and
    properly handled. This code review uncovered a small bug with the data
    base. When a quest is completed the old code left behind a disabled
    database entry in the QuestieTrackedQuests array. Over time when a player
    levels, completes quests, and if the database has never been cleared then
    eventually their SavedVariables would be unnecessarily bloated with
    useless data. I've built in a routine to clean this entry as quests are
  • More code clean up work.

Questie v2.5

16 Mar 00:58
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  • Moved all Questie settings to a "per-character" setup so each character
    will have their own settings. This was necessary since most of the new
    options are more or less a Per-Character preference rather than a global
    one. This also allows Questie to hook and save QuestTracker data between
    characters and sessions. This also reduces installation/reinstallation
    issues since you'll only have to clear character saved data rather than
    remembering to clear both character and global data.
  • Fixed a crashing issue while dragging the QuestTracker with new installs,
    reinstalls and new characters. Upon first login there is no SavedVariables
    file. I've inserted a temporary config that will be loaded into memory to
    hold all the initial settings so Questie will have someplace to store the
    screen coordinates when a user moves the QuestTracker to their preferred
    position. Once you logout or reload your UI these settings and your Saved
    Variables file is created in your characters SavedVariables folder. This
    should also resolve some issues with folks not able to move the Quest
    Tracker. Please remember that you must move your mouse pointer over the
    QuestTracker before you hold down the Ctrl+Shift keys, then push and hold
    down your left mouse button while you drag the QuestTracker to the desired
    location on your screen.
  • Fixed an issue with the Worldmap for those not running Cartographer or
    Metamap. The Worldmap was assigned a FrameStrata that was too low so
    some of the Default UI elements were appearing on top of the Worldmap.
    I've moved the FrameStrata to a higher level and it now appears above all
    elements. Please let me know if you're still seeing issues in v2.5 and
    I'll bump it another layer.
  • Fixed an issue with the QuestTracker disappearing in an instance. I
    tracked down the root cause in Astrolabe and added an additional map
    check. Basically it wasn't finding map coordinates while the map frame
    was closed. Everything appeared normal as long as the map was open.
    Well, that's not very practical when running an instance! So I forced
    the check to assume it's always in an instance unless it can get a set
    of coordinates other than 0,0. This bug was exposed while working on
    a new feature/improvement for Questie - below.
  • Quests that are untracked from the QuestTracker will also remove the
    objective notes from the Minimap and Worldmaps! I'm not entirely sure
    if this was an issue before but at one point while working on this new
    feature, every available quest your character could get appeared on the
    Minimap. Unless, you're in the zone it won't show on your Minimap
    anymore. This is also true for objectives. However, available quests
    and objectives will continue to show on your Worldmap no matter which
    zone you’re in. This should help reduce the clutter in the Minimap that
    was driving me nuts!
  • Last but not least... COLORS! Yes, there is a new set of QuestTracker
    colors you can choose from. Use /questie boldcolor to flip the color
    scheme. The idea was requested by a user on GitHub. They wanted to make
    the QuestTracker resemble MonkeyQuest's color scheme. Well now it does.
    Quest levels are based on your level - as always and quest titles are now
    White. Objectives begin Red then fade to Yellow then finally to Green. The
    QuestArrow has also been changed to match. By default, the old color scheme
    is enabled.
  • More code clean up.

Questie v2.4

14 Mar 18:28
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  • Added an "Elite" tag to the QuestTracker - Elite quests will now
    properly carry the [+] along with the quest level tag.
  • Added a minlevel/maxlevel filter along with an on/off toggle
    • /questie minlevel - toggles the filter on or off
    • /questie maxlevel - toggles the filter on or off
    • /questie setminlevel <%number%> - accepts a number argument
      this will filter/notshow quests levels BELOW your current
      level. - Default=6
    • /questie setmaxlevel <%number%> - accepts a number argument this
      will filter/notshow quests until levels ABOVE your current
      level. - Default=3
    • These toggles/filters are independent of each other. Either one
      can be enabled or disabled in any combination.
  • Modified the QuestTracker/QuestArrow dragging Key Modifiers from
    Shift+MouseButtonDown to CTRL+Shift+MouseButtonDown - there are too
    many key combos in WoW that use the Shift key so I thought it safer to
    include an additional key combo. Might resovle a crashing issue
    someone reported.
  • I fixed the abandon quest bug where the icon was not showing back up
    on the world/minimaps.
  • Due to the number of improvements that Questie has undergone these past
    several weeks, the Toggle Questie button on the Worldmap is no longer
    needed. If you need to toggle the icons use /questie mapaids.
  • Code clean up[/quote]

Questie v2.3

13 Mar 04:05
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  • Added a SHIFT key modifier to the QuestTracker and QuestArrow - unless
    the shift key is down, you can't drag it.
  • Wardz's commit fixing/preventing the QuestTracker from being dragged
    off screen was also applied to the QuestArrow.
  • Added Enable/Disable toggles for
    • Worldmap/Minimap icons (/questie mapaids)
    • QuestArrow (/questie arrow)
  • Added Bronze Feather to the Winfury Matriarch drop table for the quest
    Preparation for Ceremony reported by PierrickGT.
  • Added a small Worldmap modifier for those not running a Mapmod like
    Cartographer or MetaMap. This allows the user to see the chat output
    and allows the Popup dialog to appear so they can select a quest step
    to manually complete.
  • I discovered a typo in the code pertaining to EQL3. This fix now allows
    the user to untrack a quest from their QuestTracker with or without EQL3.