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Hardware design for test device

Table of contents:

  1. Where To Find Things
  2. Hardware
  3. Firmware
    1. Management
    2. User Interface
    3. Network
    4. Security
  4. Tools
    1. Echo Server
    2. Python Serial Monitor
  5. STM32 Toolchain
  6. ESP32 Toolchain
  7. Hactar Installation
    1. EV1 - WIP
    2. EV2 - WIP
    3. EV3 - WIP
    4. EV4 - WIP
    5. EV5 - WIP
    6. EV6 - WIP
    7. EV7 - WIP
    8. EV8 - Current

Where To Find Things

  • datasheets - all the datasheets for parts used

  • docs - documents about this project

  • firmware - the code for testing and supporting the hardware

  • hardware - the schematics and PCB designs

  • models - Contains 3D models for project

  • photos - image from the project as it progresses

  • productions - files used for manufacturing that are generated from the stuff in hardware



  • KiCAD


The Firmware is split into 4 categories. Management, User Interface, Security, and Network.

  • Management - STM32F072
  • User Interface - STM32F405
  • Network - ESP32S3


The management chip is responsible for uploading firmware to the stm32 - main chip and the esp32 network chip using a ch340 usb chip.

The management chip receives commands from the usb communication that informs it what chip we are currently uploading.


  • reset - Resets ui chip and then net chip. Accepts commands.
  • ui_upload - Puts the management chip into ui chip upload mode. (STM32f05)
  • net_upload - Puts the management chip into net chip upload mode. (ESP32S3)
  • debug - Puts the management chip into debugging mode where serial messages from both ui and network chips are transmitted back to the usb interface. This is uni-directional from the management chip to the computer. However, all commands work during this mode. In the future sending messages to the ui and net chip will be supported
  • debug_ui (future feature) - Only reads serial messages from the ui chip.
  • debug_net (future feature) - Only reads serial messages from the net chip.
  • debug_ui_only (future feature) - Puts the ui chip into normal mode, holds the net chip in reset mode, and allows for serial communication to the ui chip.
  • debug_net_only (future feature) - Puts the net chip into normal mode, holds the ui chip in reset mode, and allows for serial communication to the net chip.

User Interface

The User Interface chip is where most of the processing takes place. It utilizes a STM32F405 chip empowered by the STM HAL Library. To generate the baseline HAL Library code and Makefile, ST's CubeMX was used.

Target Overview

  • all - Builds the target bin, elf, and binary files and uploads the code to the User Interface chip. Output firmware/build/ui

  • compile - Builds the target bin, elf, and binary. Output firmware/build/ui

  • upload - Uploads the build target to the User Interface chip using the STM32_Programmer_CLI with serial usb-c uploading. See Installation for instructions on installing the STM32_Programmer_CLI.

  • upload_swd - Uploads the build target to the User Interface chip using the STM32_Programmer_CLI with swd uploading. See Installation for instructions on installing the STM32_Programmer_CLI.

  • program - Runs the compile target, then the upload target.

  • monitor - Opens a serial communication line with the management chip in debug mode using screen.

  • py_monitor - Opens a serial communication line with the management chip with a python script that allows for sending of commands.

  • openocd - Opens a openocd debugging instance. See Installation for instructions on installing openocd.

  • info - Displays the build path, include files, object files, dependencies and vpaths used by the compiler.

  • dirs - Makes all directories required for by the Makefile to compile and upload.

  • clean - Deletes the firmware/build/ui directory.

Source code

All source code for the User Interface can be found in firmware/ui and firmware/shared_inc. Adding C/C++ files in firmware/ui/src and firmware/ui/inc does not require any changes in the makefile.

Making a shared header between chips should be added into firmware/shared_inc.

At any point if you're including or using any additional STM32 HAL library files such as stm32f4xx_hal_sd.h then you must add the respective source file stm32f4xx_hal_sd.c to HAL C Sources line ~50 in firmware/ui/Makefile.

Additionally, any new Assembly source files need to be added to the ASM sources line ~77 in firmware/ui/Makefile.


The network chip is responsible for all communications between servers and the entire board. The network chip communicates with the UI chip via UART serial communication.

We are leveraging the esp-idf framework.

Target Overview

  • all - Runs the compile and upload targets.

  • compile - Compiles the net code using the command compile

  • upload - Uploads the net code by first sending a command to the mgmt chip to put the board into net upload mode. Then uses upload

  • program - Runs the compile target, then the upload target.

  • monitor - Opens a serial communication line with the management chip in debug mode using screen.

  • py_monitor - Opens a serial communication line with the management chip with a python script that allows for sending of commands.

  • clean - Deletes the firmware/net/build directory.

Source code

All source code for the network chip can be found in firmware/net and firmware/shared_inc.




Echo Server

Very basic server that echo's the message it receives.

Python Serial Monitor

Located in firmware/tools


  • py_serial - pip install py_serial

This monitor can be used by the following command: python \[port] \[baudrate]


python /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Installation - STM32 Toolchain

The following tools are used for Management and User Interface.

Make [required]

Make is used for compiling and uploading automation for each chip firmware.


sudo apt install make


  • Download make.exe from Source Forge

  • Save it to C:/bin or where-ever you want it. Then add the location to the your path.

  • Open the start search, and type env. Select "Edit the system environment variables"

  • Click "Environmental Variables..."

  • Under "System Variables" find the "Path" entry, click "Edit..." button.

  • Click the "New" button and enter DRIVE:\path\to\make_location

    • Note. Replace DRIVE with your appropriate drive letter, C, D, E... etc
  • You may need to restart your system after changing your system path.


brew install make

ARM GNU Toolchain [required]


sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi



  • TODO

STM32 Programmer CLI [required]

The STM32 Programmer CLI comes packages with the STM32 Cube Programmer. You'll need to download and install The STM32 Cube Programmer and add the STM32_Programmer_CLI binary to your path.


  • Open your .bashrc file:

    sudo nano ~/.bashrc
  • Add the following line to the .bashrc file

    export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/stm_cube_programmer/bin"
  • NOTE - If you are getting an error saying that libusb needs permission to write usb, then you'll need to do an additional step.

    • Navigate to
    • Edit 49-stlinkv2.rules
      • Add the following to the bottom of the file
        SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", SYSFS{idVendor}=="3748", \
            MODE="0666", \
    • Copy all of the rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/
      • cp /path/to/stm_cube_programmer/Drivers/rules/*.* /etc/udev/rules.d/
    • Unplug then plug in your device and STMCubeProgrammerCLI should work.


  • Open the start search, and type env. Select "Edit the system environment variables"

  • Click "Environmental Variables..."

  • Under "System Variables" find the "Path" entry, click "Edit..." button.

  • Click the "New" button and enter DRIVE:\path\to\stm_cube_programmer\bin

    • Note. Replace DRIVE with your appropriate drive letter, C, D, E... etc
  • You may need to restart your system after changing your system path.


  • TODO

OpenOCD [optional]

Open On Chip Debugger, created by Dominic Rath, is a debugging software that can be used with micro-controllers to run debugging tools and stepping through code.


Run the following command:

sudo apt install openocd gdb-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi libstdc++-arm-none-eabi-newlib

If you don't have python3.8 installed, which is used for arm-none-eabi-gdb, then you'll need to install it

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
apt update
sudo apt install python3.8


  • Download the appropriate zip for your system

  • Open the start search, and type env. Select "Edit the system environment variables"

  • Click "Environmental Variables..."

  • Under "System Variables" find the "Path" entry, click "Edit..." button.

  • Click the "New" button and enter DRIVE:\path\to\openocd\bin

    • Note. Replace DRIVE with your appropriate drive letter, C, D, E... etc
  • You may need to restart your system after changing your system path.


Run the following commands in a terminal to install openocd

brew update
brew install open-ocd --HEAD

Installation - ESP32 Toolchain

This project leverages the usage of the Arduino Library for the network chip.

The following tools are used for the Network.

Make [required]

Make is used for compiling and uploading automation for each chip firmware.


sudo apt install make


  • Download make.exe from Source Forge

  • Save it to C:/bin or where-ever you want it. Then add the location to the your path.

  • Open the start search, and type env. Select "Edit the system environment variables"

  • Click "Environmental Variables..."

  • Under "System Variables" find the "Path" entry, click "Edit..." button.

  • Click the "New" button and enter DRIVE:\path\to\make_location

    • Note. Replace DRIVE with your appropriate drive letter, C, D, E... etc
  • You may need to restart your system after changing your system path.


brew install make

esp-idf [required]




Hactar Installation















EV8 - Current

Management Chip

  • Prerequisites
    • Stlink-v2
    • STM32 Cube Programmer CLI
    • arm-none-eabi-g++
    • make
  • Hook up the stlink-v2 to the connector beside the usb-c connector.
    • Note, you will probably want to make a connector that has female dupoint headers on one end and a PH 2.0 connector on the other end.
  • Build the mgmt code by navigating to hactar/firmware/mgmt and entering make compile
  • Upload the mgmt code by entering make upload
  • After this you should see a couple of LED's light up

Userinterface Chip

  • Prerequisites
    • A programmed management chip
    • USB-C Cable
    • STM32 Cube Programmer CLI
    • arm-none-eabi-g++
    • make
  • Plug in the USB-C cable to the Hactar board.
  • Build the ui code by navigating to the hactar/firmware/ui folder and entering make compile
  • Upload the ui code by entering make upload
    • NOTE - Update your the port variable, based on your OS and usb input, in the hactar/firmware/ui/makefile
    • Once the process begins, a python script is called to send the command ui_upload to the management chip, turns off other LED's and turns on the third LED from the left, and puts the ui chip into bootloader mode.
    • Then the stm32 cube programmer cli is called to upload the firmware.
  • After finishing uploading the firmware to the ui chip, it will return to running mode after 5 seconds.

Network Chip

  • Prerequisites
    • A programmed management chip
    • USB-C Cable
    • esp-idf - must be on your path
    • make
  • Plug in the USB-C cable to the Hactar board.
  • Build the net code by navigating to the hactar/firmware/net folder and entering make compile
  • Upload the net code by entering make upload
    • NOTE - Update your the port variable, based on your OS and usb input, in the hactar/firmware/net/makefile
    • Once the process begins, a python script is called to send the command net_upload to the management chip, turns off other LED's and turns on the first LED from the left, and puts the net chip into bootloader mode.
    • Then the stm32 cube programmer cli is called to upload the firmware.
  • After finishing uploading the firmware to the net chip, the management chip will return to running mode.

Debug mode example

  • Prerequisites
    • Python3
      • pyserial - download using pip3 install pyserial
    • make
    • USB-C Cable
  • Have your hactar board programmed and plugged in using a USB-C cable
  • Navigate to either hactar/firmware/ui or hactar/firmware/net
    • NOTE - Update your ports appropriately in the makefile
  • Enter make py_monitor into your terminal
  • You should see a serial monitor open in your terminal requesting a command. Enter debug to put the hactar board into debugging mode.
  • The first and third LED from the left will turn blue indicating debug mode and your console will receive serial debug messages from the UI and Net chips.
  • Enter exit to leave the monitor