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CLI Commands

  • npm install: Installs dependencies

  • npm run dev: Run a development, HMR server

  • npm run build: Production-ready build

How it works

Spacetime base utilizes earth second as the base unit for all calculations.

Spacetime unit Quantity Seconds
Second 1 1
Minute 100 100
Hour 100 10,000
Day 10 100,000
Month 10 1,000,000
Year 10 10,000,000

As a begining Spacetime uses date, when first human left the Earth and went to space - 12 April 1961.


01/01/2000 12:00AM Earth Time = 10/03/13 95:52:00 Space Time

How to use

Insert below code in a place of your website where you want Calendar to be displayed:

<script async src="" type="text/javascript"></script>


<div class="spacetime-template"></div>

to display Spacetime with time comparison widget, or

<div class="spacetime-template" data-light></div>

to display light version without time comparison widget