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zisui npm version CircleCI

A fast and simple CLI to screenshot your Storybook.



$ npm install zisui

How to use

zisui runs with 2 modes. One is "simple" and another is "managed".

With the simple mode, you don't need to configure your Storybook. Give an URL, such as:

$ zisui http://localhost:9001

You can launch your server via --serverCmd option.

$ zisui --serverCmd "start-storybook -p 9001" http://localhost:9001

Also, zisui can crawls built and hosted Storybook pages:

$ zisui

Managed mode

If you want to control how stories are captured (timing or size or etc...), use managed mode.

First, you need to register zisui Storybook addon.

/* .storybook/addons.js */

import "zisui/register";

Next, use withScreenshot decorator to tell how zisui captures your stories.

/* .storybook/config.js */
import { addDecorator } from "@storybook/react";
import { withScreenshot } from "zisui";


And you can overwrite the global screenshot options by decorating to specific stories.

storiesOf('SomeKind', module)
  viewport: {
    width: 600,
    height: 400,
.add('a story', () => /* your story component */);


Now, the withScreenshot decorator supports React only.

CLI options

usage: zisui [options] storybook_url

  --help                       Show help                                                                       [boolean]
  --version                    Show version number                                                             [boolean]
  --outDir, -o                 Output directory.                                   [string] [default: "__screenshots__"]
  --parallel, -p               Number of browsers to screenshot.                                   [number] [default: 4]
  --flat, -f                   Flatten output filename.                                       [boolean] [default: false]
  --include, -i                Including stories name rule.                                        [array] [default: []]
  --exclude, -e                Excluding stories name rule.                                        [array] [default: []]
  --viewport, -V               Default viewport.                                           [string] [default: "800x600"]
  --disableCssAnimation        Disable CSS animation and transition.                           [boolean] [default: true]
  --silent                                                                                    [boolean] [default: false]
  --verbose                                                                                   [boolean] [default: false]
  --serverCmd                  Command line to launch Storybook server.                           [string] [default: ""]
  --serverTimeout              Timeout [msec] for starting Storybook server.                   [number] [default: 20000]
  --captureTimeout             Timeout [msec] for capture a story.                              [number] [default: 5000]
  --captureMaxRetryCount       Number of count to retry to capture.                                [number] [default: 3]
  --metricsWatchRetryCount     Number of count to retry until browser metrics stable.           [number] [default: 1000]
  --viewportDelay              Delay time [msec] between changing viewport and capturing.        [number] [default: 300]
  --reloadAfterChangeViewport  Whether to reload after viewport changed.                      [boolean] [default: false]

  zisui http://localshot:9009
  zisui http://localshot:9009 -i "some-kind/a-story"
  zisui -e "**/default" -V iPad
  zisui --serverCmd "start-storybook -p 3000" http://localshot:3000


function withScreenshot

withScreenshot(opt?: ScreenShotOptions): Function;

A Storybook decorator to notify zisui to screenshot stories.

type ScreenShotOptions

type ScreenShotOptions = {
  waitImages?: boolean,         // default true
  delay?: number,               // default 0 msec
  waitFor?: string | Function,  // default ""
  viewport?: string | {
    width: number,              // default 800
    height: number,             // default 600
  fullPage?: boolean,           // default true
  skip?: boolean,               // default false
  • viewport: If you set a string parameter, it must be included Puppeteer's device descriptors.
  • waitFor : Sometimes you want control the timing to screenshot. If you set a function to return Promise, zisui waits the promise is resolved. Also you can set global function name to this.
<!-- .storybook/preview-head.html -->
  function myWait() {
    return new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 5000));
withScreenshot({ waitFor: "myWait" }); // wait for 5 seconds.

Storybook version compatible

zisui is tested with the followings versions:

  • Simple mode:
    • Storybook v4.x
    • Storybook v5.x
  • Managed mode:
    • Storybook v4.x
    • Storybook v5.x

See also packages in examples directory.

How it works?

zisui is a crawler using Puppeteer.

How to contribute?

PR's are welcome 😄

See CONTRIBUTING if you want more detail.
